第一句子大全 > 标签 > sack
get the sack可不是“得到一个麻袋” 听到这句话得当心啦!

get the sack可不是“得到一个麻袋” 听到这句话得当心啦!

...时我们会碰到各种各样的情况,最讨厌的莫过于“get the sack”,今天小编为大家盘点关于“工作”的习语表达,收藏以备不时之需哦~1. get the sack≠得到一个麻袋这个短语的意思是“卷铺盖回家,被辞退”。北美印第安人外出打...

2012-04-02 #经典句子



...节选短文内容:……We played games and we ran races. Jow won the sack race.We all ……题目:Joe won the ().A. sand race B.sack race有些同学是不知道sack race是什么意思的,但是,题目这句话直接在短文中就能找到,进而选择正确的答案。这...

2023-08-03 #经典句子

简单干净的温暖句子 句句经典 值得收藏

简单干净的温暖句子 句句经典 值得收藏

...个麻袋换到一个麻袋,最后只换回一个麻袋钱。Money from a sack to a sack, and finally only one sack.海中有人爱你,就是最远的距离。Someone in the sea loves you, which is the farthest distance.细致入微的细节打动你,让你崩溃。The details move you and break you...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

日常幽默句子 沙雕搞笑 句句个性可爱

日常幽默句子 沙雕搞笑 句句个性可爱

...书;毕业了,用这些书换钱,却买不起一个麻袋!I used a sack of money to go to college and changed it for a sack of books; Graduation, with these books for money, but can"t afford a sack!这个世界坏人太多,还好我也不是什么好人。There are too many bad people in t...

2022-11-04 #经典句子

即使天天睡这里 卧室里的英语单词 我还是只会个 bed

即使天天睡这里 卧室里的英语单词 我还是只会个 bed

...睡袍pajamas:睡衣睡裤4. 跟睡觉相关的短语和句子:hit the sack:上床睡觉,sack 本是袋子,你钻被窝是不是就像尊金了一个袋子?hit the hay:也是上床睡觉,hay 是干草的意思,可以想象:早期的维京人、盎格鲁撒克逊人没有棉被,...

2023-09-26 #经典句子



...回忆他的父亲经常一边挎着一个走向他的床……3、Hit the sack/hay.上床睡觉去(俚语)。Ok guys! It"s time to hit the sack! We have to get up early!好吧!大家快去睡觉啦!我们明天很早要起床啊!4、Take a nap.小憩一会儿。If you want to remember the...

2018-09-24 #经典句子

发朋友圈暗示自己想谈恋爱的句子 恋爱的季节 脱单吧!

发朋友圈暗示自己想谈恋爱的句子 恋爱的季节 脱单吧!

...fused.我要怎么得到你,麻袋还是甜言蜜语?How do I get you, sack or sweet talk?嗨,谈恋爱吗?隔空飞孩子的那种Hey, are you in love? The kind of flying child in the air我有预感我今年会谈一场甜甜的恋爱I have a hunch that I"m in a sweet relationship this yea...

2022-12-09 #经典句子



...把所有礼物都装进袜子里的How do you get all the presents in the sack?你的袜子是不是得一年比一年大Does your sack have to get bigger every year因为地球人口越来越多了because of exponential population growth?你是怎么从烟囱爬下来的And how do you get down the...

2017-10-05 #经典句子

适合活跃气氛的幽默句子 新颖有趣 开心一整天!

适合活跃气氛的幽默句子 新颖有趣 开心一整天!

...要怎么才能得到你,麻袋还是甜言蜜语?How can I get you, sack or sweet talk?5、一只猪感到被孤立,于是变成了朱古力。A pig feels isolated and becomes a “chocolate”.6、今天偷亲一个小哥哥被打了,这大概就是亲人两行泪。Today, I was beaten for...

2022-11-04 #经典句子

终身受益的现实句子 充满智慧 简单不俗

终身受益的现实句子 充满智慧 简单不俗

...呢?是用麻袋装,还是甜言蜜语哄。How can I get you? It"s in sacks or sweet talk.在下一个十字路口,记得向左拐弯,才会遇到你喜欢的我。At the next intersection, remember to turn left, will meet you like me.我是很单纯的,只想摸着你的良心睡觉。I ...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

英语词汇篇 - 抛出优美的弧线

英语词汇篇 - 抛出优美的弧线

...,用力扔,这里强调用力。】The scrawny man hurled the bulging sack onto the cart.这个瘦巴巴的男人吃力地把鼓鼓囊囊的袋子扔到马车上。He hurled the big stone over the hill.他用力把大石头丢下山。flingthrow or hurl forcefully【跟 hurl 的意思接近,...

2011-07-19 #经典句子

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 渴望美好

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 渴望美好

...盖,身披麻袋,我就是东方不败。With a lid on my head and a sack on my back, I"m the Oriental invincible.这是西瓜,那是哈密瓜,而你是我的小傻瓜。This is watermelon, that"s cantaloupe, and you"re my little fool.所谓爱,就是当感觉热情浪漫统统拿掉之后...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

难以逃开的情绪文案 简简单单 喜欢可以取走

难以逃开的情绪文案 简简单单 喜欢可以取走

...,可以扛桶装水,但就是扛不住想你。Good health, can carry sacks, can carry buckets of water, but just can"t carry miss you.所有人都不敢触碰黑玫瑰,可是没有人知道黑玫瑰的寓意是什么。Everyone dared not touch the black rose, but no one knew what the meaning ...

2013-07-08 #经典句子



... for Max.9、ackj-ack,p-ack,bl-ack,s-ackJack likes to pack the black sack.10、antant,p-antsAnts are on my pants.11、angs-ang,b-angWe sang in a big bang.12、ankt-ank,s-ank,b-ankA tank sank in a bank.13、ampl-amp,c-ampTake a lamp when you camp.14、ands-and,l-and,h-andThe sand ...

2018-02-15 #经典句子



...ove also to you.如何找到你,袋子还是甜言蜜语。How to get you, sacks are sweet words.本人为月老,想要得到物品,请给我50元,并备注对方姓名。I am a month old, want to have the object, please transfer 50 to me, and note the name of the person you like.作为一个三好...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

能把你对象逗笑的超甜句子 可可爱爱 招人喜欢!

能把你对象逗笑的超甜句子 可可爱爱 招人喜欢!

...到你啊?是用麻袋,还是甜言蜜语。How can I get you? Is it sack or sweet talk.11、别追公交车了,追我吧,我跑得慢,还有点可爱。Don"t run after the bus. Run after me. I"m slow and a little cute.12、不砸了你家的灯,我怎么趁黑偷亲你。If I don"t smas...

2023-06-03 #经典句子



...ter, under the lamp, I rummaged through the old letters. Memories turned a sack of potatoes into stars.暮色像一头小熊,笨拙漂亮地攀爬,天空的梯子。Dusk like a bear, clumsily beautiful climb, the ladder of the sky.如果可以 当然让你永远围着果酱罐 尝着蜂蜜糖 ...

2023-07-19 #经典句子

双语——塞缪尔如何找到领袖(HOW SAMUEL FOUND A LEADER-E54)

双语——塞缪尔如何找到领袖(HOW SAMUEL FOUND A LEADER-E54)

...ppose we go, what shall we take to the man, for the bread is gone from our sacks, and there is no present to take to the man of God?【译】扫罗对他的仆人说:“但是,如果我们去那人那里,应该带些什么呢,因为我们袋子里的面包都吃完了,也没有礼物送给...

2014-08-10 #经典句子

迎接圣诞节的可爱小句子 俏皮有趣 越看越喜欢

迎接圣诞节的可爱小句子 俏皮有趣 越看越喜欢

...装进麻袋里,请不用怀疑你被绑架了。If you are put into a sack on Christmas day, please do not suspect that you have been kidnapped.10、今年的愿望是希望圣诞爷爷将期末考试的答案都塞在我的枕头下。This year"s wish is that Santa will tuck all the final exam a...

2023-01-27 #经典句子



...ok the books也可写做“cook the accounts”例如:The accountant was sacked for cooking the books/accounts.会计师因做假账而被解雇了。4.have nose in a book鼻子紧贴书本,用来形容“一个人专心致志读书”的样子,和我们 “埋头看书”这个常用搭配的...

2019-08-27 #经典句子