
文明交往 civilization intercourse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-10 14:09:59


文明交往 civilization intercourse英语短句 例句大全

文明交往,civilization intercourse

1)civilization intercourse文明交往

1.The propagation of Indian Buddhism in China covers more than two thousand years, which exerts a great influence on the world history ofcivilization intercourse.印度佛教向中国的传播是人类历史上延续上千年并产生深远影响的一次文明交往进程。


1.Analyzing Civilized Intercourse and Communication from Civilian Buddhism in Tang Dynasty;从唐代民间佛教看文明交往和文明对话

2.On the stndy of the Ancient Empires in the Middle East;从文明交往看中东的帝国文明——《奥斯曼帝国》读后

3.Third, the Egyptian Foreign Relations reflects the civilized communications.3、埃及对外关系体现了文明交往。

4.New Exploration,New Angle,and New Views--Read The Theory of Civilized Communication;新探索、新视角、新观点——读《文明交往论》

5.Civilization Clash,Dialogue and Intercourse--the Diplomatic Ideology,Practice and Trend of Three Civilization Views;文明冲突 文明对话文明交往——三种“文明观”的外交理念和实践及发展趋势

6.From ignorance of civilizations and clashes of civilizations to contacts of civilizations and harmony of civilizations--A basic review of the three conceptions of civilizations in the academic circles;从文明无知、文明冲突到文明交往、文明和谐——对学术界三种文明观的基本述评

7.A Reflection for Conflict and Peace in the Mideast from the Angle of View of the Civilization s Intercourse;文明交往视野下中东战争与和平的思考

8.Confucianism Scholar Calling for Civilization of International Exchange;兰若有花开晚红 积善终期四海同——读《文明交往论》

9.The Civilization Intercourse in the North Africa and the Historical Change in Libyan Cities;论北非文明交往与利比亚城市的历史变迁

10.On empire′s history,civilization and contact among civilizations;论帝国的历史、文明和文明交往——《世界帝国丛书》总序

11.Fourth, the level and trend of the Egyptian Foreign Relations depend on how many factors included in the civilized communications interact.4、文明交往诸多因素的综合作用,影响、制约着埃及对外关系的发展及态势。

munication of Islamic and Chinese Civilizations in times of Globalization;全球化背景下伊斯兰文明与中华文明的交往

munication and Dialogue--The way to resolve the conflicts between cultures and religions;交往与对话——文明、宗教冲突的解决途径

14.A Study of He Hang Hui Minority Society Exchange Characteristic under the Cohesion of Cultures;多元文明聚落中的河湟回民社会交往特点研究

15.The ever-growing exchange in the cultural field has promoted the mutual learning between Asian and European cultures.文化领域的交往不断发展,促进了亚欧文明的相互学习;

16.China and India both have extremely brilliant ancient civilization and long relationship history.中印两国有着极为灿烂的古代文明和悠久的交往历史。

17.On the Cultural Exchange between Chinese and Japanese Monks During the Early Years of the Hongwu Period in the Ming Dynasty--A Case Study of the Japanese Monk-Zekkaitysin;明洪武初中日僧人间的文化交往——以日僧绝海中津为例

18.The Intercourse and Difference among the Members of Two Southern Literary Groups In the Joint Period of Yuan and Ming;元末明初南方两个文学群体成员的交往及其差异


civilization exchange文明交往论

3)the exchange of Hui and Zang minority and the Han nationality回汉藏文明交往

4)The Muti-dimension Communication of Civilizations文明的多维交往

5)Cultural communication文化交往

1.As an empire that covers the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe and also being the close neighbor of the European countries, the empire had had various ways of cultural communication with the European countries during it"s about six hundred years of history.论文通过对十八世纪以后欧洲国家与奥斯曼帝国内部各种因素及各自文化特点的分析等来探究奥斯曼帝国文化与欧洲文化交往的特点。

2.In this sense,the essence of cultural communication lies in sharing the accomplishment of human life experience.文化交往是文化的实践本性的体现。

6)Cultural Intercourse文化交往

1.Cultural Hybridization:A New Tendency ofCultural Intercourse in the Age of Globalization;文化混合化:全球化时代文化交往的新趋向

2.As the expression of the practice in globalization the cultural intercourse reflects the different value anticipations of the different subjects in the practice of globalization.当今全球化实践的主要语境是文化交往实践。



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