第一句子大全 > 标签 > civilization


...一个文明共生而不是文明冲突的明天。任新 摄Harmony among CivilizationsRemarks by Amb. Jiang JiangVice President of CPAFFC, at China-Cyprus Youth ForumDear young friends,I truly appreciate this opportunity to connect virtually with all the scholars and young students and exchange vi...


文明交往 civilization intercourse英语短句 例句大全

文明交往 civilization intercourse英语短句 例句大全

文明交往,civilization intercourse1)civilization intercourse文明交往1.The propagation of Indian Buddhism in China covers more than two thousand years, which exerts a great influence on the world history ofcivilization intercourse.印度佛教向中国的传播是人类历史上延续上千年...


文明语言 civilized language英语短句 例句大全

文明语言 civilized language英语短句 例句大全

文明语言,civilized language1)civilized language文明语言2)language civilization语言文明1.Discussion of harmonious society and the return oflanguage civilization;和谐社会与语言文明的回归2.Therefore,the importance of thelanguage civilization construction is self-evident.因此,...




...人进行相应的赔偿。在英语中,民事侵权赔偿可以翻译为civil tort compensation。民事侵权赔偿是民事法律体系中的重要内容,其目的是恢复受害人的损失,维护社会公平正义。在司法实践中,侵权赔偿案件屡见不鲜,如其它民事案...




...老师进行最终的评选打分。优秀标语赏析:1.Politeness and civilization are the golden keys to our coexistence.2.Face life with a smile, let civilization fill the campus.3.Where there is no smoking, there is fresh air.4.Sow civilization and harvest warmth.5.Manners in your heart, secu...


实力来自于勤奋 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十二)

实力来自于勤奋 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十二)

...de such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.相关题目When is the talk on James Brindley?A. February 6th.B. March 6th.C. November 7th.D. December 5th.词汇突破canal运河,沟渠; 管道Pioneers先驱者; 拓荒者( pioneer的名词复数 ); ...


好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

...交流史·中国-印度卷》的英文版《China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations》在印度出版发行。该书由深圳大学印度研究中心郁龙余教授、广东省社科院刘朝华研究员撰著,印度尼赫鲁大学狄伯杰教授翻译,印度Pentagon出版社出版。In Dece...




...litical information communication miniatures the construction of political civilization in a nation.政治信息沟通是一个国家政治文明建设的缩影。4.Theories and Practices of Political Education and Political Socialization in Western Countries;西方国家政治教育与政治社会...




Lost Civilizations:失落的文明。Egypt Culture is a lost civilization。埃及文化是失落的文明。We finally got to our hometown where you can think of the loss of ancient civilization!我们终于到了家乡小镇了,这里也可以使你想到远古失落的文明!I met a lost al...


武舞:Martial Arts Dance 英语短句例句大全

武舞:Martial Arts Dance 英语短句例句大全

...侠电影及其文化精神英文短句/例句1.The first four dances were civil, while "Dahuo"and "Dawu"were martial.前四舞属文舞,《大武》等属武舞。2.The martial dancers held Gan (shield) and Qi (axe), so the two dances were also called the "Gan-Qi Dance".武舞持干(盾牌)戚(...


[2024年]物质交往 material intercourse英语短句 例句大全

[2024年]物质交往 material intercourse英语短句 例句大全

...学分析6)Contact[英]["k?nt?kt][美]["kɑnt?kt]交往1.From ignorance of civilizations and clashes of civilizations to contacts of civilizations and harmony of civilizations——A basic review of the three conceptions of civilizations in the academic circles;从文明无知、文明冲突到文...


国际不法行为 International unlawful act英语短句 例句大全

国际不法行为 International unlawful act英语短句 例句大全

...的争端7.Convention on Acts of Unlawful Interference with International Civil Aviation关于对国际民用航空进行不法干涉行为的公8.Studies On International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law论国际法不加禁止行为造成...


7月日均航班量环比增10.36% “环比”用英语怎么说?

7月日均航班量环比增10.36% “环比”用英语怎么说?

...东烟台国际机场。(图片来源:中国日报)In June, China"s civil aviation industry handled an average of 10,820 flights daily, up 14.1 percent from that in May, statistics from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) showed. In July, the industry handled a total of 370,000 f...




...商业银行客户经理胜任力模型研究5.Research on Evaluation of Civil Servant s Performance Based on Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的我国公务员绩效考评研究6.International business refers to any business activity that crosses national boundaries.国际商务指任何类...


公民参与 citizen participation英语短句 例句大全

公民参与 citizen participation英语短句 例句大全

... s Participation;论中国公民参与公共管理的制度完善13.On the civil participation in the public policies in China;我国公共政策中的公民参与问题研究14.On Probe into Citizen s Participation from the Angle of Public Service Supply;公共服务供给视角下的公民参与...


安吉章村 Anji Zhangcun towns英语短句 例句大全

安吉章村 Anji Zhangcun towns英语短句 例句大全

...eously;曹丕文章观管见——兼论建安时期文章观念的转变5.Civil Aid Service Long Service Silver Medal民众安全服务队长期服务银章6.Civil Aid Service Long Service Bronze Medal民众安全服务队长期服务铜章7.Civil Aid Service Long Service Platinum Medal民众安全...


英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

...国,英联邦的高级政治家等。V.Government Department and the Civil Service 政府各部和公务员部1. The principal Government department main includes: the Treasury, the House of office, the Foreign and Commonwealth office, the Ministry of Defense…主要的政府部门包括:财...


受众知情权 General publics right to know英语短句 例句大全

受众知情权 General publics right to know英语短句 例句大全

...知情权 再造责任政府4.The Conflict and Essence with the Right of Civil Servant Privacy and the Right of Public Knowing;公务员隐私权与公众知情权的冲突及本质5.Media,How to Balance Mass s Right to Know and Individual Right of Privacy;媒体如何把握公众知情权与个人...


公民记者 citizen journalist英语短句 例句大全

公民记者 citizen journalist英语短句 例句大全

...人民日报记者胡健)3.Matters registered concerning the rights of civil aircraft may be made available to the public for inquiry, reproduction or extraction.民用航空器权利登记事项,可以供公众查询、制或者摘录。4.From the Puppet Emperor to the Puppet Citizen--Also on t...


每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

...Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but are bad for high achievers.-2012年text4(英语二)1结构解析本句的句子主干为John Donahue…points out that…。that引导的宾语从句作points out的宾...
