

时间:2023-09-05 04:07:01





1.(1分)—How do you like _______ film last night?

—Fantastic! And I want to see it ________ second time.

A.the;an B.a;a C.the;the D.the;a

2.(1分)We have____ milk for the baby. You"d better go and buy some.()

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

3.(1分)The singer was often heard _________songs in the woods three years ago.()

A.sing B.to sing C.have sung D.sang

4.(1分)—What a mess!The sharing bikes are thrown everywhere.

—Let"s collect and put them in the right place _______ they can be used conveniently.

A.unless B.so that C.as long as D.because

5.(1分)—Could you give me some advice on saving money?

—While you learn to spend less, do what you can your income.

A.increase B.to increase

C.increasing D.increased

6.(1分)______ bad news! There is a confirmed (确诊的)case in our neighborhood.()

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

7.(1分)﹣﹣You have a nice car.

﹣﹣Thank you.I __________ it for less than one month.()

A.bought B.have bought

C.had D.have had

8.(1分)﹣Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world?

﹣Yes, it"s bigger than _______ city in China.()

A.the biggest city; any

B.the biggest cities; any

C.the biggest cities; any other

D.the biggest cities; the other

9.(1分)﹣ Could you please tell me _____?

﹣ For two weeks.()

A.how soon will he be back

B.how soon he will be back

C.how long he will be away

D.how long will he be away

10.(1分)﹣I"m awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble.

﹣ __________()

A.Never mind. B.It"s a pleasure.

C.Of course not. D.You are welcome


11.(10分)There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)(1) came and said, "Oh, give me a blank(空白的)(2) a picture on it. It will be more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before." The king happened to have a big new hall. So he(3) the artist to work on one of the walls.

At the same time, another artist came and said, "Oh(4) wall. I shall make exactly what that man makes on the wall(5) looking at his work," The king decides to give this young man a chance.

The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in some common things, like paint, oil(6) and a bucket(桶).

A month later, they both finished the works. The king went to(7) the first artist"s wall. It was great. He was(8) with it and gave the artist a lot of money. He went to the second man ﹣ the same painting was on the opposite wall. The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he(9) how the second man had made it.

"I just polished the wall with the cloth," the man said. The wall was made of white marble(大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection(倒影)

It is said the(10) is a reflection of you, too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy


12.(10分)Woodland School Picnic Notice

Dear Parents,

The school is planning a picnic for Grade 2 students. They will have an exciting experience on a nearby farm.6 experienced teachers will be there to take care of the children. Parents need to pay $20 for the picnic. Let us know if you want your children to go for the picnic by 21st October,2016.

After Monday,21st October,2016confirmation will not be accepted.

Important information:

(1)Where will the picnic take place?

A. In a park.

B. In a zoo.

C. On a farm.

D. On a mountain.

(2)What does the underlined word " confirmation " mean in Chinese?


B. 住宿

C. 陪同

D. 确认

(3)How long will the picnic take?

A. 4 hours.

B. 6 hours.

C. 8 hours.

D.10 hours.

(4)What should children take with them for the picnic?

A. A lunch box.

B. A water bottle.

C. Sports clothes.

D. Hot water.

(5)What can we learn from the material?

A. No teacher will go for the picnic.

B. Parents don"t need to pay for the picnic.

C. Children will have a class after the picnic.

D. Children will go for the picnic on weekends.

13.(10分)In the state of Qin (秦国 ) , there was a man called Shang Yang (商鞅)He was a statesman (政治家) and worked out many reforms(改革) for the state(报酬) to soldiers who were successful when at war.

But these reforms were not easily carried out (执行) at first. Most people didn"t trust Shang Yang. In order to solve this problem, Shang Yang came up wiIh an idea. He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital. Many people came to see him and the pole.

Then, in front of the crowd, Shang Yang said loudly

It was a sample job and the reward was so large. However, some time passed and no one stepped forward. They all thought Shang Yang was making a joke.

Hearing no answer, Shang Yang stepped forward and said, "The reward now goes to 50 gold pieces."

This reward was unbelievably large. Finally, a man from the crowd came forward. He put the pole on his shoulders and walked to the north gate. True to his word, Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces.

After that, the people of Qin were all talking about what Shang Yang did about the pole. They believed he was a man of his word. So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms, the people followed him.

Under these great reforms, Qin grew stronger and slmnger. Al last, Qin made all the seven

states into one empire (帝国).

(1)What did Shang Yang do?

A. A statesman.

B. A king.

C. An emperor.

D.A soldier.

(2)In order to carry out his reforms, what idea did Shang Yang have?

A. Having a wooden pole carrying competition.

B. Having a wooden pole cutting competition

C. The man stepping forward first would be praised.

D. The man carrying the pole from south gate to the north one would get some gold pieces.

(3)Why did Shang Yang"s reward inerease at last?

A. Because a man stepped forward.

B. Because there wasn"t enough time.

C. Because Shang Yang heard no answer.

D. Because Shang Yang was happy.

(4)"They believed he was a man of his word." What does the underlined part mean?

A. A man who can speak loudly.

B. A man who likes to speak a lot.

C. A man who keeps his word.

D. A man of few words.

(5)After these great reforms, what happened in the history of China?

A. Shang Yang became the first emperor.

B. The first empire of China appeared.

C. The south gate fell down.

D. The state of Qin became weaker and weaker.

14.(10分)Do you know which social app Chinese young people use a lot now?(1) Some users use Tik Tok (抖音) and Kuaishou. They think it is fun to share short videos about their lives, while others have other purposes as well.

A l2﹣year﹣ old user named Elsa has about 2.7 million fans on Tik Tok. The girl has shared videos about her dancing studies since last July.(2) "I feel really glad to share happiness with people by short videos," said Elsa.

As some videos are about the latest news, a group of users depend on them to get information. To some other users, they have a different purpose. "Because I can"t spend many hours watching a whole video and I"m not a very patient person,(3) I prefer to watch short videos of wonderful parts in programs," said Wang Zhihao.

(4) "Killing time is the main reason for me to watch the short videos, but many are almost the same, so I think it is a waste of time. What"s more," said Wen Nan, another college student.

Recently, something else has happened. Some videos are telling people what products are worth buying. (5) So they should think twice. Some short videos even sell bad products, but these sellers won"t let you get your money back.

15.(10分)"May we all be blessed with longevity.Though miles apart,we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together(但愿人长久,千里共婵娟)."wrote Su Shi,in his well﹣known poem to his younger brothers Su Zhe.

The moon is at its brightest on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar(阴历).On this day,people celebrate Mid﹣Autumn Festival.It has been enjoying great popularity all over the country.

In ancient China,that day was a harvest(收获)festival because crops(庄稼)

Just like Thanksgiving in Western countries,families also try to get together for the Mid﹣Autumn Festival in China.Usually,no matter how far away or how busy they are

The Mid﹣Autumn has its own special food just as other traditional Chinese holidays.People eat moon cakes with fillings such as sugar and eggs.The round shape of the cake makes it look like the full moon.The full moon and moon cakes stand for family reunion(团聚).

With the beautiful moon up in the sky,people sit together,enjoy the full moon,share the stories,and express the best wishes for the family members and friends who live afar.

(1)Who did Su Shi write the poem for in Paragraph One?

(2)Why was the Mid﹣Autumn Festival a harvest festival in ancient China?

(3)Do Thanksgiving and the Mid﹣Autumn Festival have anything in common?

(4)What do the full moon and moon cakes stand for?

(5)How do people spend the night of the Mid﹣Autumn Festival?(List at least three activities)

四、 选词填空(每小题10分,共10分)


Last week I went to an art show.A painting caught my eye.To my amazement,it was painted by Steven,one of my(1) .Then many thing about him came into my mind.

Steven was from a poor family.His parents (2) not afford to buy him some basic things that he needed,once our school provided gloves for poor children.I put Steven"s name on the list.He was so (3) when he received a pair.He loved to wear them and they were always (4) than anybody else"s.

Steven had a gift(天赋) for painting and he could (5) understand what I described in class.But he didn"t have money to buy the paper for painting.So sometimes,I (6) him some.He practiced hard.And I often showed his paintings to the class.He was greatly (7) .

One day just before the summer vacation,he came to (8) some art books.When the new term began,he showed some of (9) paintings to me.I felt shocked(震惊).They were very good.Then we talked a lot.He said he would keep on.

Later he was admitted (录取) to a famous art university.After graduation,he had many difficulties(10) his best to improve himself.His hard work and strong mind led to his success.

五、 补全对话(每小题5分,共5分)

17.(5分)A: Mark, what are you doing there?

B: Della, I"m reading a book written by Mo yan.

A:(1) .

B:Yes, reading books can help me greatly(2) .

A: Really?(3) But how will you make your dream come true?

B: I will keep reading and writing stories

A: That"s a good ide

B: What are you going to be. Della?

A:(4) .

B: Good!(5) .



We take a by the lake time .


As the experts said, "Whether you can study well your learning habits."


It 10 years since they .


It is that tea by .


Tom is of a speech .











Dear editor,

I"d like to say something about this topic.







3.解答:根据题干,可知考查be heard to do sth被听到做某事.




5.解答:根据句子结构和语境"——你能给我一些关于节约钱的建议吗?——你学会少花钱的同时。"可知考查"do what ,意思是尽某人最大可能做某事。

6.解答:在感叹句中,what修饰名词,根据bad ,句型结构为:What +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语动词!


7.解答:答案:D.考查现在完成时.﹣﹣谢谢.buy指买的动作,have是延续性动词,根据题干You have a nice car.I __________ it for less than one month.句子是现在完成时,即I have had it for less than one month.

8.解答:根据in the ,可知第一空是最高级,表示最…之一,是同一范围作比较,故用any other+名词单数.


9.解答:句意:你能告诉我他要离开多久吗? 两个星期,排除AD,而不是多快,排除B.



11.解答:(1)B 名词辨析。musician音乐家;server伺候者。根据下文"So he ____ the artist to work on one of the walls."可知此处提到一位艺术家。句意:一天一位艺术家过来说:……故选B。

(2)C 动词辨析。put放;paint绘画。根据题干中"a picture on it"及下文"The first artist brought in some common things, oil、油画质料,要在墙上画画。句意:哦,让我在上面画一幅画。

(3)A 动词辨析。allowed允许;warned警告。根据上文"Oh,此处是说国王允许了。句意:于是他让艺术家在其中一面墙上作画。

(4)C 形容词辨析。same相同的;opposite对面的。根据下文"the same painting was on the opposite wall"可知此处用opposite符合题意。故选C。

(5)D 介词辨析。with有;upon在……之上,没。根据下文"The reflection of the first painting showed up on it,由此可知第二位艺术家不需要看第一位艺术家的作品就能做到。句意:我将在不看那个人的作品的情况下在墙上做出和他做的完全一样的东西。

(6)B 名词辨析。mirror镜子;stick棍。根据下文"I just polished the wall with the cloth"可知第二位艺术家用到了布。故选B。

(7)A 动词辨析。see看见;research研究。根据下文"It was great. He was ____ with it and gave the artist a lot of money."可知国王是去看了第一位艺术家的画。句意:国王去看第一位艺术家的那面墙。

(8)D 形容词辨析。busy忙碌的;popular受欢迎的。根据题干中"gave the artist a lot of money"可知国王对第一个艺术家的画很满意。句意:他对它很满意并给了这位艺术家很多钱。

(9)C 动词辨析。knew知道;wondered想知道。根据一段中第二个人解释自己如何做到的。句意:然而。故选C。

(10)B 名词辨析。story故事;king国王。根据下文"If you are sad, the world will be happy."可知此处是说世界是人的一个映象。故选B。


12.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据"The school is planning a picnic for Grade 2 students. They will have an exciting experience on a nearby farm.学校正在为二年级的学生计划一次野餐。"可知野餐将在农场举行。

(2)D.词义猜测题。根据前句"Let us know if you want your children to go for the picnic by 21st October,请告知我们,应说2016年10月21日星期一之后。所以" "意为确认。

(3)C.细节推理题。根据"Time:9:00 p.m.时间:上午5:00—下午5:00。故选C。

(4)B.细节理解题。根据"Things be bottle & ;携带物品:水瓶。"可知孩子们应该带一个水瓶去野餐。

(5)D.细节理解题。根据"The school is planning a picnic for Grade 2 students. They will have an exciting experience on a nearby farm.学校正在为二年级的学生计划一次野餐。Date:Saturday October;日期:2016年10月26日。故选D。

13.解答:(1)A.细节理解题 was a called Yang was a 有一个叫商鞅的人,可知他是一位政治家.

(2)D.细节理解题, in of crowd, Yang loudly, man takes pole the gate get gold ,在人群面前,可知商鞅让人把杆子从南门扛到北门便会得到一些金币.

(3)C.细节理解题 no , Shang stepped and , "The now to gold ,商鞅上前说道:"现在奖励是50金币,故选C.

(4)C.句子理解题 reward unbelievably . Finally, a from crowd forward. put pole his and to north . True his , Shang gave man gold .这个报酬高得令人难以置信,一个人从人群中走了出来,向北门走去,给了那个人50枚金币,故选C.

(5)B.内容理解题 Under great , Qin stronger slmnger. last, made the into empire ,秦变得越来越强大,秦统一七个州合并成一个帝国,商鞅变法之后,成立第一个大一统的王朝﹣﹣秦朝.


(1)B.根据后句"Some users Tik (抖音) Kuaishou. 。"可知说的是短视频,应说"短视频"当然是最受欢迎的。

(2)D.根据前句" A l2﹣year﹣ user Elsa about million on Tok. girl shared about dancing since July.一个名叫艾尔莎(Elsa)的12岁用户在抖音上拥有约270万粉丝。"可知说的是分享的视频和粉丝等,应说其中一段视频为她赢得了大约100万粉丝。

(3)A.根据前句"Because I can"t many watching a video I"m a very person,而且我不是一个很有耐心的人,结合选项。故选A。

(4)E.根据后句"Killing time the reason me watch short , but are the , so I it a waste time. ,但很多都差不多。"可知说的是浪费时间,应说然而。故选E。

(5)C.根据后句"So they think Some videos sell products, these won"t you your back.


15.解答:1、答案:His brothers Zhe,根据…wrote Shi,a during Song ,in well﹣known to younger Su .这广为人知的诗出自宋代的苏轼.可知答案.

2、答案:Because harvested that .细节理解题 ancient ,that was a because harvested that .在古代中国.可知答案.

8、答案:Yes.细节理解题 like in countries also to together the Festival China,在中国.可知答案.

4、答案:Family .细节理解题 full and cakes for reunion(团聚).可知答案.

5、答案:Enjoy full ,eat cakes fruit the ,and the wishes the members friends live .细节理解题 sit ,enjoy full ,eat cakes fruit the ,and the wishes the members friends live .人们坐在一起,品尝月饼和水果,对家人和远方的朋友表达美好祝愿.

四、 选词填空

16.解答:(1)答案:students.考查名词及语境的理解,结合下文once school gloves poor .I put name the .可以推断出:Steven是我的一个学生.





(6)答案:gave.考查动词及语境的理解 some,结合上文可知:他没有钱买绘画的纸张.表示过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填:gave.




(10)答案:trying考查动词及语境的理解,词组try one"s best to do sth,be always doing sth,故填:trying.

五、 补全对话

17.解答:1.C 根据下一句:Yes.(读书可以大大帮助到我)可知?(你非常喜欢看书吗?)

2.D 根据下文中: I will keep reading and writing stories,此空应为:My dream job is to be a writer

5.F 根据上文已选的D选项:My dream job is to be a writer,回答应为: That"s great

4.A 根据上一句:What are you going to be?(黛拉?)可知.(我想要成为一名医生)

5.G 根据上一句:Good(很好)可知.(让我们尽最大努力实现我们的梦想吧.)


18.解答:take a walk散步 time to time有时。"可知答案。


19.解答:根据题干,可知考查:whether...or not是否。由句意可知时态是一般现在时 can well。

故答案为or not;depends on.

20.解答:根据题干,可知考查:It has ,since从句用一般过去时。

故答案为has been;got married.

21.解答:根据题干,可知考查:It ,be invented by被……发明。

故答案为said;was invented.

22.解答:根据题干,可知考查:be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事;in public在大家面前。



23.解答:Dear editor,

I"d to something this

With the development of the Internet, some students are used to looking up the information about their lessons and using the Internet to do their homework. There are many resources on the Internet and they"re useful and helpful to students" study.(互联网在线学习的优势)

However, surfing the Internet causes a lot of problems. Some students are mad about playing computer games and spend too much time on games. Also, some students are always on the Internet and have little time to spend with their parents and friends. They have trouble getting on well with others.(可能导致的问题)

In my opinion, students should use the Internet properly. It"s better to regard the Internet as a good helper in our study.【高分句型二】

Don"t let the Internet control your life.(建议)

  1. 周俊豪2023-11-20 01:13周俊豪[上海市网友]




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深度探访:广州市西关外国语学校 融合老西关魅力与世界教育精髓



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本课内容 12 Where are you from? 你是什么地方人?13 I am from Wenchang 我是文昌人
