

时间:2023-07-19 03:17:01





1.(10分)Cars are very popular in America.When the kids are fourteen years old. They dream of having their own(1) . Many students work after school to(2) a car. In most places (3) people learn to drive in high school. They have to take a(4) test to get a licence.Learning to drive and getting a driver"s(5) may be one of the most exciting things in their lives. For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol that they are now grown﹣ups.

Americans seem not love their cars almost more than anything else.People almost never go to see a doctor when they are(6) . But they will take(7) cars to a "hospital"at the smallest sign of a problem.

At weekends, people(8) most of the time in washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars for some families it is not enough to have(9) car. They often have two or even three. Husbands need a car to go to work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or(10) activities.


2.(10分)Most of us think the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.(1) In fact, an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised(认定)as the inventor a few years ago. Who is Meucci and why wasn"t he known for his invention at the time?

Antonio Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. He studied engineering and drawing. During his studies, Meucci started to experiment with electricity. (2) When two places were connected with wire, people in those places could hear each other talk.

In 1850, Meucci and his wife, Ester, because she had become very ill. (3) To solve this problem, he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop. This way, they could talk to each other conveniently.

Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention. They listened in amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires.

(4) Even worse, Meucci never applied for a patent (专利) on his invention.Meanwhile

In 2002, more than a century after Meucci"s death, his work was finally recognised by the government. (5)


3.(10分)CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food which can feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? Of course not.According to the UN World Food Programme, there were over 980 million hungry people all over the world in 2019. About six million children die of hunger every year.

So think about it. We should say no to people who waste food every day. An old saying goes, "Every grain on the plate comes from hard work." It tells us everybody must save food.

Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Jiangsu(剩余的)food home for her son. But many people were by her side and criticized the waste of food.

What should we do in our daily life to stop wasting food? We can do many things to prevent it from happening. Here are some tips:

Don"t order too much food in a restaurant. Only order as much as you can eat. If you can"t eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.

Don"t be too picky(挑剔的)about food. Some food may not be tasty, but your body needs it.

Don"t keep too much food at home, especially for fruit and vegetables.

(1)How many hungry people were there over the world in 2019?

(2)Why did Li Hong lose her job?

(3)What should you do if you can"t eat all the food you ask for?

(4)Can you keep too much food at home?

(5)What"s the main idea of the passage?


4.(10分)Bob was only seven years old. One night Bob was at home alone while his parents were out for a party. He had often stayed alone before, so he wasn"t afraid. As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched a film on TV. His eyes became heavier and heavier as time passed by.

Suddenly Bob"s eyes opened wide一what was the sound in the next room? Bob heard the window being opened slowly.For a minute, Bob was so frightened that he could not move, and his body felt like ice. He knew that he couldn"t lose his head and began to think of the things he could do.

Again he heard the sound of someone trying to climb into his home through the window.

Bob"s drums were standing in the corner near the TV."Wait, maybe there is something I can do," thought Bob. He beat his drums as hard as he could. The sound was so terrible that Bob surprised even himself. He also surprised the man in the window

(1)What did Bob do when he waited for his parents?

A.He played the drums.

B He watched TV.

C. He fell asleep.

(2)The person who wanted to come into the room might be .

A. a friend

B.a stranger

C. a thief

(3)What does the underlined phrase"lose his head"mean in Chinese?




(4)What did Bob do to make the man run away?

A. He turned up the TV.

B. He called the police.

C. He beat his drums.

(5)What do you think of Bob?

A. Clever.

B. Lovely.

C. Funny.


5.(10分)People all have problems. If we don"t deal with these problems, we can easily become unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them.

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn"t like, or you felt they were unfair, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

(1)What is the writer?

A. A shopkeeper.

B. A doctor.

C. A student.

(2)What is the main idea of the passage?

A.How to deal with problems.

B. How to do at school.

C. How to behave with families.

(3)What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text?

A. They feel unfair.

B. They may get sick.

C. Good friendship may be lost.

(4)Children decide not to talk to each other probably because .

A. they become unhappy

B. they have different ideas

C. they worry about a small problem

(5)From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is .

A. playing together

B. learning to forget

C. staying angry


6.(10分)"Humans can develop certain abilities that we aren"t born with by practicing animals" movements," the traditional Chinese Wushu lovers believed in the past ﹣﹣ and still do today.

Chinese Five﹣Animal Exercises, also known as Wuqinxi, are the first complete set of qigong exercises following the movements of animals: monkeys(鹿), birds, bears and tigers. They were created by one of the greatest doctors in Chinese history, more than 1,800 years ago.

The Five﹣Animal Exercises are well﹣designed to help blood circulation, and let the energy go smoothly in the body so as to improve the health.

"The bear movements are good for the stomach. The tiger movements can reduce the pain in the back.The deer movements help reduce the fat around the waist. The bird movements can help keep our knees healthy and the monkey movements can be good for the heart,"said Hua Yi, the 59th inheritor (继承人)

For those new learners, the first few exercises might not go well. You may find it hard to focus. Wear comfortable clothes, keep peaceful in your mind, you"ll feel more and more harmonious with nature. You may even feel you become a tiger or a deer, walking in the forest freely.

These exercises need no tools and they are easy to learn.You can search online for the videos and practice them at any time when you feel like relaxing your body and mind. Because it"s fun to practice and good for health, Five﹣Animal Exercises are becoming more and more popular in recent years, not only in China

(1)People practice Five﹣Animal Exercises in order to .

A. fight against enemies

B.protect wild animals

C. improve the health

(2)If your grandfather has a pain in the back, may help him a lot.

A. the bear movements

B. the monkey movements

C. the tiger movements

(3)Hua Yi is the inheritor of Wuqinxi.




(4)The underlined word"harmonious"in Paragraph 5 probably means .




(5)The structure of the passage may be .

(①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph2 ③=Paragraph 3

④=Paragraph 4 ⑤=Paragraph 5 ⑥=Paragraph 6)





7.(5分)Kangkang wanted to know something about recent spaceship developments. Mr. Brown told him that spaceships used to be controlled by (1)a and now mainly use electronic controls. Then he(2) (解释) to Kangkang that the speed and direction of spaceships as well as the temperature are controlled by computers. Kangkang then realized he knew (3)l about computer technology. Mr.Brown advised him to learn to use computers well and make computer (4) (服务)us better in the future. Kangkang made up his mind to work hard to (5)m computer technology.


8.(10分)Before paper was invented,people wrote or drew on materials such (1) bamboo,silk,animal hide(2) (real)expensive and few people learned to read.Therefore,few people wrote.This all changed,thanks to an man (3) (name)Cai Lun.

Paper had already existed(存在)in China,but the process for (4) (produce)it was difficult and the paper was of low quality.Cai Lun began experimenting with many different materials and different methods to turn those materials (5) paper.In the year 105,he made it (6) tree bark,bamboo,cloth rags(7) (strong)and cheaper than any paper that had been made before.

With Cai Lun"s papermaking method,Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several(8) (century).That "s because ideas were much easier to share(9) more people learned to read.The use of paper spread abroad,helping other cultures record and spread their ideas.Today,CaiLun (10) considered a national hero in China.But the whole world should remember the clever Chinese papermaker forever.


9.(10分)A:Tomorrow is Sunday. (1) ?

B:I"m going to visit my uncle"s farm with my father.

A:Where"s his farm? (2) ?

B:No, not very far. It"s about half an hour"s walk.

A:May I go with you?


A: (3) ?

B:We"ll go there by bike.

A: (4) ?

B:Let"s meet at 8:00 at the park gate.

A:All right. (5) .

B:See you.


10.(15分)2020年初,新型冠状病毒引起的肺炎在武汉爆发,全国各地的医护人员在党中央、国务院的号召下,又有73岁高龄的李兰娟院士,还有许许多多普通的医生和护士。最终,战胜了疾病,取得了胜利。请以"How to Prevent COVID﹣19"为题


How to Prevent COVID﹣19?


1.解答:(1)A 考查名词:A汽车,B电脑,但是根据上文中提供的信息"Cars are very popular in America"汽车在美国很流行,此处应填cars,故选A。

(2)B 考查动词:A借进,B买,而根据文中的"they dream of having their own cars"可以断定,所以,故选B。

(3)C 考查形容词:A老的,B高的,根据后面 in high school,故选C。

(4)C 考查名词:A语言,B听,根据后面test to get a licence应该是他们要参加驾驶测试才能得到驾照。

(5)C 考查名词:A地址,B书,根据Learning to drive and getting a driver"s ,故选C。

(6)A 考查形容词:A生病的,B健康的,从前面的go to a doctor可知是生病。

(7)B 考查代词:A他的,B他们的,根据前面主语是they 形容词性物主代词是their。

(8)C 考查动词辨析:A主语是人,B花费时间,C花费,根据题干,故选C。

(9)B 考查代词:A没有,B一,根据后面They often have two or even three他们经常有两或三辆,故选B。

(10)A 考查代词:A其他,B另一个,相当other+名词复数,家庭主妇需要一辆车去购物或带孩子或是其他活动。


2.A.阅读选句题, people in those places could hear each other talk,那些地方的人就可以听到对方的谈话,上一句应该是"他发现声音可以通过金属电缆传播.".

5.E.阅读选句题, because she had become very ill,因为她病得很重, he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop为了解决这个问题.可知.".选E.

4.C.阅读选句题. They listened in amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires梅西邀请一群人去看他的新发明. 及下一句Even worse,Meucci从未申请过他的发明专利,中间应该是"不幸的是.".选C.

5.D.阅读选句题, more than a century after Meucci"s death,Meucci死后一个多世纪.可知.选D.

3.解答:(1)Over 980 million.细节理解题。根据According to the UN World Food Programme,2019年全世界有超过9.8亿饥饿人口。

(2)Because she took some leftover food home for her son.细节理解题。根据Li Hong, once lost her job because she took some leftover food home for her son. 可知江苏一家餐馆的服务员李红曾经因为给儿子带了一些剩菜回家而丢了工作。

(3)We can take the rest of it home.细节理解题。根据If you can"t eat all the food you order,就把剩下的带回家。

(4)No,We can"t.推理判断题, especially for fruit and vegetables.可知你能在家里不能留太多的食物,We can"t。

(5)The reasons we can"t waste food and the ways to stop wasting food.主旨大意题。根据 What should we do in our daily life to stop wasting food,我们应该做些什么来阻止浪费食物。所以这篇文章的主旨是我们不能浪费食物的原因和停止浪费食物的方法。

4.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据As waited his to home, watched a on ,他在电视上看了一部电影

(2)C.细节理解题。根据Again heard sound someone to into home the 。可知想进房间的这个人有可能是小偷

(3)C.短语猜测题。根据For a , Bob so that could move, his felt ice. knew he lose his and began think the he do.可知有一分钟,身体像冰一样,于是开始想他能做的事情,此处lose his head意为"惊慌失措"

(4)C.细节理解题。根据He his as as could. 。可知他用击鼓制造噪音的形式。故选C.

(5)A.推理判断题。根据He his as as could. sound so that surprised himself. also the in window, ran as as How he !他使出浑身解数击鼓,鲍勃连自己都感到惊讶,他以最快的速度跑掉了!可知Bob是一个很聪明的人

5.解答:(1)C.推理判断题。根据Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.可知。所以可判断作者可能是一个学生。

(2)A.主旨大意题。根据So how do we deal with our problems,那么我们该如何处理我们的问题呢,这里是其中之一。故选A。

(3)C.细节理解题。根据 Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by,有时人们会因为一个小问题生气好几年,美好的友谊可能会失去,如果人们长时间保持愤怒可能会使好的友谊失去。

(4)B.细节理解题。根据Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements decide not to talk to each other. 可知。有时他们意见不一致。所以孩子们决定不和对方说话可能是因为他们有不同的想法。

(5)B.最佳标题。根据 However usually does not last for long. This is an ,然而。这是我们要学习的重要一课,我们知道一个重要的一课是学会遗忘。


(2)C.细节理解题,Thetigermovementscanreducethepaininthe back.老虎的动作可以减轻背部疼痛,如果你的祖父背部疼痛的话,故选C.

(3)A.细节理解题。根据said Yi, 59th (继承人)of 。故选A.

(4)B.词义猜测题,keeppeacefulinyourmind,you"llfeelmoreandmore harmonious withnature.穿上舒适的衣服,保持内心的平和,你会感觉到与自然越来越…可知,故选B.

(5)A.推理判断题,根据第一段"Humans can develop certain abilities we aren"t born with by practicing animals" movements,"中国传统武术爱好者过去相信。以及第二段They were created by one of the greatest doctors in Chinese history, more than 1。因此可知第一和第二段对其产生背景做出了交代, and let the energy go smoothly in the body so as to improve the health.以及第四段中 。老虎的动作可以减轻背部的疼痛。因此可知第三和第四段讲述了其优点, keep peaceful in your mind,you"ll feel more and more harmoniouswith nature. 你可能会发现很难集中注意力,保持内心的平静,你会感觉到与大自然越来越和谐,你可以在网上搜索视频并随时练习,对健康也有好处,结合选项。

7.解答:(1)astronauts.考查名词。根据"Mr. told that used be by ,可知此处是指布朗先生告诉他宇宙飞船过去常常是由宇航员控制的。故填astronauts.

(2)explained.考查动词。根据" he(2)______(解释) Kangkang the and of as as temperature controlled computers. ,可知此处是指然后他向康康解释道,是由电脑来控制的,所以要用explained来填空

(3)little.考查代词。根据"Kangkang realized knew computer "结合给出的首字母提示,所以要用来填空

(4)serve.考查动词。根据"Mr.Brown him learn use well make (4)______(服务)us in future. ,可知此处是指布朗先生建议他学习使用好电脑,所以要用动词原形来填空,让...做某事

(5)master.考查动词。根据"Kangkang up mind work to technology."结合给出的首字母提示,所以要用来填空

8.解答:(1)as.考查介词,根据句意,比如竹子,动物皮和木块,可知需要用一个固定搭配such as,填入as.故答案为as.




(5)into.考查介词,根据句意,来把那些材料变成纸张,可知需要用短语turn...into... into.







(1)What are you going to do (tomorrow).根据上文"Tomorrow is ,明天是星期天 going visit uncle"s with father"所说。故知此处说的是:你打算干什么

(2)Is it far from here.根据上文"Where"s his ,农场在哪里, not far"所说,不。故知此处说的是:它离这里远吗

(3)How shall we go there.根据下文"We"ll go by ,我们将要骑自行车去那里?故选How shall we go there

(4)When and where shall we meet.根据下文"Let"s meet 8:00 the gate"所说。故知此处说的是:我们在何时?故选When and where shall we meet..

(5)See you.根据下文"See you"所说。故知此处说的是:再见


How to Prevent COVID﹣19?

Because of COVID﹣19, but how should we prevent it and protect ourselves

First, whenever we go out, we should develop a habit of washing our hands often. Last but not least, have more rest and do some sports at home

I strongly believe we can keep healthy if we follow these suggestions.【高分句型二】

  1. 苦逼初卅党@2023-12-13 21:01苦逼初卅党@[广西网友]
  2. 其实我很平【凡】2023-10-01 00:09其实我很平【凡】[内蒙古网友]




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