

时间:2023-05-07 04:35:01




一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.(1分)We should give_________________ hand to_________________ old when they cross the busy road.

A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; an

2.(1分)I have two pencils. One is red and _________________is blue.

A.the other B.others C.another D.the others

3.(1分)Hongkong is known _________________its shopping centers.

A.with B.of C.as D.for

4.(1分)You are not allowed to go into the supermarket_________________ you wear face masks(口罩)

A.unless B.if C.since D.because

5.(1分)﹣Some Chinese government officers have turn into livestreamers(网络主播).

﹣Yes. They"re trying their best to help local farmers to_________________ product sales.

A.compare B.improve C.manage D.provide

6.(1分)﹣I failed in doing the experiment just now, Mr. Brown.

﹣Don"t_________________! Try once more, _________________you will find which step was wrong.

A.take up; but B.make up; or

C.give up; and D.put up; yet

7.(1分)The Two Sessions(两会)________in March every year. But because of the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒), they _________last year.

A.hold; is put off

B.is held; had been put off

C.will be held; put off

D.are held; were put off

8.(1分)﹣Oh, someone is knocking on the door. Would you please go to see_________________?

﹣No problem.

A.who it is B.who is it

C.where does he go D.where he goes

9.(1分)﹣Celia,join us in the Super Summer Camp if it ____this weekend.

﹣I"d love to.But nobody knows if it ______.()

A.is fine; rains

B.is fine; will rain

C.will be fine; will rain

D.will be fine; rains

10.(1分)﹣Hi, Trent! How is it going?


A.Not bad B.Good idea C.Of course D.I think so

二. 完形填空(每小题10分,共10分)


Once upon a time, Dionysius, who was a king(1) things. Because the king had so much power, there were many people in Syracuse(2) envied(嫉妒)his good luck. Damocles was one of them. He was one of Dionysius" best friends, and he was always saying to him(3) you are! You have everything anyone could wish for. "Once after Damocles praised him for his power and abundance(富足), Dionysius turned to him and said, "Perhaps you"d like to(4) the place of me?" "Oh, I would never(5) that," said Damocles. "But if I could have your wealth and your pleasures for only one day, I should(6) want any more happiness."

So the next day Damocles was treated as a(7) and experienced what Dionysius" life was like.

Then Damocles enjoyed himself until he noticed a sharp sword(剑)hung over his head and it was held to the ceiling(天花板)by only a single horsehair(马尾毛), but he was so(8) that he couldn"t move. Dionysius laughed when he saw this. "I see it every day. It always hangs over my head, and there is always the chance someone or something may(9) the slim(细的)horsehair. However, if you want to be a leader(10) you see."

"Yes, now I do see," said Damocles. From then on, even for a moment.

三. 阅读理解(每小题10分,共40分)阅读A、B、C和D四篇材料,按要求答题。

12.(10分)Flowers are so beautiful that people use them to express their feelings. Flowers are usually sold at high prices. Here is a list of the most beautiful flowers which are needed in markets.

(1)What kind of rose is a symbol of peace?

A. The white one.

B. The red one.

C. The yellow one.

D. The blue one.

(2)The Bleeding Heart is named after .

A. its color

B. its taste

C. its shape

D. its origin

(3)Sunflowers originally came from .

A. North Korea

B. Japan

C. Russia

D. America

(4)Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Bleeding Hearts are considered as the king of flowers.

B. Yellow roses stand for cheerfulness.

C. Both roses and Bleeding Hearts are used to show love.

D. Sunflowers" seeds are harmful to people.

(5)The material is probably in the part of in a newspaper.

A. health

B. science

C. nature

D. sports


Word Banker English﹣Chinese is a kind of software(软件)which allows users to practice their Chinese vocabulary in several different ways. Although the program isn"t the most convenient one you"ve ever used, it can help improve your Chinese vocabulary.

The program"s interface(界面)isn′t very attractive so many people don"t like it when they first see it. Also, it can sometimes be hard to operate(操作). Each function(功能), but if you close the window, it will take you back to the main menu or close the program. But if you continue using the program(词组)in English and then click(点击)on the matching word in Chinese, or see the English word written and then type(打字)the Chinese word. The program allows users to practice not only their vocabulary, listening and spelling skills. Once users know a word, they can save it so that it stops appearing in the exercises. The program also allows users to practice vocabulary by seeing the English and Chinese words and hearing the Chinese spoken. The "Help" provides good instructions for users to use.

Nothing is perfect. Word Banker English﹣Chinese has many advantages and certain disadvantages as well. We can use it according to our needs.

(1)Who will be interested in Word Banker English﹣Chinese?

A. Native English speakers who want to learn Chinese.

B. Native English speakers who want to improve their English.

C. Native Chinese speakers who want to improve their Chinese.

D. Native Chinese speakers who want to learn English.

(2)Which is a disadvantage of the program?

A. It"s hard to use sometimes.

B. Users can only practice vocabulary and reading.

C. There are few useful exercises for users to practice.

D. There are no instructions in the program.

(3)The underlined word "attractive" means " " in Chinese.

A. 吸引人的

B. 流行的

C. 干净的

D. 便宜的

(4)What"s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. How to learn English.

B. What Word Banker English﹣Chinese is

C. How to lean Chinese.

D. What we can get from the program

(5)The purpose of the article is to .

A. introduce a software

B. stop people from using a software

C. ask users for help

D. announce the close of a program


Do you often drink fruit juice and think it is good for your health? However, a recent study published in a Us medical journal(期刊)shows that drinking too much juice﹣even 100﹣percent natural fruit juice﹣will increase your risk of early death(1)

According to scientists, drinking too much fruit juice is just like drinking too much soda(汽水)﹣they both have a lot of sugar Taking in too much sugar can cause many health problems, heart disease(病)and so on. Some people might say there are also vitamins(维生素)(2)

In the study. "sugary drinks" were defined(定义)to include both sugar﹣sweetened(添加糖的)drinks like soda and 100﹣percent natural fruit juice. Scientists found that if people get 10﹣percent or more of their energy from sugary drinks every day(3)

As Jean Welsh, one of the researchers in the study, told CNN, whether soft drinks or fruit juice, should be limited(限制)(4) In this way, fewer people will buy sugary drinks because of their higher prices.

But how much is acceptable? Here are the suggestions from scientists.(5) Adults and children older than 6 should not drink more than 230 ml every day.


A local musician in Smithfield, North Carolina, is raising money to help people in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

Nathan took his talents to Facebook Live, playing his guitar and asking for donations(捐赠)to help out someone in need.

In one day, Nathan raised US$235, which he used to tip(给……小费), that person ended up being Jessica, a single mother of three who was seriously ill.

"I cried." Jessica told ABC 11. "I waited tables for quite a long time and nothing like that had ever happened, so I was very thankful."

But Nathan didn"t stay around to see those tears(眼泪). "I wrote a note on the back of the check and left it in the book and walked out. I just wanted her to enjoy that moment."

"It wasn"t about me. All the other people that donated are the real heroes." he said. "I"m happy to know that maybe that was a little weight taken off her shoulders."

"It helps me a lot," Jessica said. "Worrying about everyone being taken care of and my kids, it"s just a relief."

Nathan said he hoped to continue doing acts of kindness like this one each week for as long as possible to help the community get through this together.

"I was the rock that was thrown in the pool," he said. "I want to create a ripple effect(涟漪效应). I would love to see other people doing this."

(1)What does Nathan do?

(2)What was Jessica"s problem?

(3)What did Nathan do in the restaurant?

(4)What did Jessica think of the help Nathan gave her?

(5)What does the underlined sentence mean?

四. 短文填空(每小题10分,共10分)


Disneyland is known as the first and most famous theme park. But what if you want to try some other themes? Here are some other(1) of theme parks around the world.

Universal Studios(环球影城)﹣the movie theme park

If you are(2) in movies, Universal Studios should be on your travel list. At Universal Studios,(3) are in the world of Hollywood movies. The history of movies, the live shows and film tricks(特技)can all be (4) there. Universal Studios has parks in the U.S, Japan and Singapore.

Legoland﹣a world made of Lego bricks(乐高积木)

Most of us may have created a world with Lego bricks in our childhood, But have you ever stepped(5) a world made of Lego bricks? Legoland is such a place to send you(6) to your childhood time. In Legoland, most buildings are made of Lego bricks﹣you may wonder(7) you are still in the real world. There are seven Legoland parks around the world.

Ferrari(法拉利)World﹣car lovers" paradise(天堂)

Maybe you are not able to(8) a Ferrari but you are able to buy the ticket to Ferrari World. There, you can experience the feeling of(9) a Ferrari car and see how Ferrari"s racing cars are produced. There is even a training class(10) you how to drive racing cars.

五. 情景反应(每小题5分,共5分)


A: Hello, Li Lei!

B: Hi, John. Can you come and play football with us on Sunday morning?

A: Sorry, I can"t(1)

B: A piano lesson? Well, how about afternoon?

A: (2) You know, my uncle has a farm in the village. He asked me to help him.

B: Go to the farm? That sounds great.(3)

A: Certainly. That"s very good. My uncle must be very happy to see you.

B: (4)

A: Nothing, but you have to put on your old clothes.

B: OK.(5)

A: Let"s meet at my house at 2:30 p. m.

B: OK. See you.



a pity he lost his bicycle.


Mary interested in playing football.


a balanced diet can healthy.


he studies, his parents will feel.


Anna by train by plane.

七. 书面表达(共10分)

23.(10分)实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于表达,写一篇题为"Be a Good Listener"的英文演讲稿。





Be a Good Listener

Good afternoon, everyone!_______

Thank you for your listening!






3.解答:with和,具有,表示所属关系,for为了,be known for因……而闻名。




5.解答:compare 比较;improve 改善;manage 管理;provide 提供,官员们变成网络主播,improve 符合句意。


6.解答:take up开始从事,占;make up编造;take off起飞;put up张贴;but但是;or或者,表示选择,而且;yet仍然,还。根据前句句意"我刚才没能做这个实验,后句为"不要放弃,你会发现哪一步做错了",而且"。


7.解答:根据题干可知两会每年三月份举行,其中every year是一般现在时常见的时间状语,表示被召开,其结构是主语+is/am/are done,则第一空填写are held,两会去年被推迟了,主语they指代两会,表示被推迟,其结构是主语+was/were done。


8.解答:根据题干 "Would please to _________,此题考查宾语从句,选项BC为疑问句语序。根据句意"有人敲门"可知宾语从句的意思是"它是谁"。



根据join us the Summer if ____this ,可知这里if引导一个条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时;再根据But knows it,主句是一般现在时,这里说的是this ,应该是还没有发生,构成:will+动词原形.

10.解答:A.Not bad还好;B.Good idea好主意;D.I think so我想是吧 is going。


11.解答:(1)B 形容词辨析。A有用的;C多彩的;根据上文中的"the richest country"可知,由此可判断此处表达的是昂贵的意思。故选B。

(2)A 连词辨析。who关系代词,在从句中作主语或宾语,指物; whose关系代词,也可指物;whom,指人;分析句子可知,先行词是people,且在从句中作主语。句意:因为国王有如此大的权力。故选A。

(3)B 形容词辨析。A善良的;C聪明的;根据下文"You have everything anyone could wish for."可知。由此推断他是幸运的。句意:你真幸运。

(4)D 动词辨析。A尝试,交换;D拿,取,但如果我能拥有你的财富和快乐的一天...,他们应该是代替我的位置,取代.....的位置"。句意:也许你想代替我的位置。

(5)C 短语辨析。A寻找; C梦见;根据句中的"would never"可知,所以做梦也就不敢想那个了。句意:达摩克利斯说:"我做梦也不敢想那个。

(6)A 副词辨析。A从不;C有时,根据上文但如果我能拥有你的财富和快乐一天,符合语境,我就永远不会想要其他任何幸福。

(7)A 名词辨析。A国王;C客人;根据句中的"experienced what Dionysius" life was like"可知,由此说明他当上了国王,第二天达摩克利斯当上了国王。故选A。

(8)C 形容词辨析。A伤心的;C害怕的;根据句中的"he couldn"t move"及结合选项可知。由此推断他是因为心里害怕,符合语境。故选C。

(9)C 动词辨析。A移动;C剪掉;根据句中的"there is always the chance someone or something总是有人有事有机会"及"the slim horse hair纤细的马毛"可推断此处表达的是剪掉纤细的马毛。句意:它总是挂在我的头上。故选C。

(10)B 名词辨析。A希望;C幸福;句中的"They"指代上文的"these risks这些风险",有一次达摩克利斯赞扬了他的权力和富足、财富共存。故选B。

12.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。根据A rose love, a rose a symbol peace good , and stands friendship so ,白玫瑰是和平和好运的象征,可知白玫瑰象征和平。

(2)C.细节理解题。根据This has its from shape.可知荷包牡丹这种话从它的外形而得名。

(3)D.细节理解题。根据America the of the , and it brought Russia other of world.美国是向日葵的起源国家,可知向日葵最初来自美国。

(4)C.细节判断题。根据A rose love, a rose a symbol peace good , and stands friendship so ,白玫瑰是和平和好运的象征,根据These flowers often to love.可知荷包牡丹这些美丽的花也经常被用于表达爱,故选C。

(5)C.文章来源题。根据Here a list the beautiful which needed markets.如下是市场上需要的最漂亮的花,因此判断本文可能在报纸的自然栏中。

13.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。 根据 Banker is a of allows to their vocabulary several ways."Word Banker English﹣Chinese ,这个软件主要是针对母语是英语。故选A.

(2)A.细节理解题。根据Also, can be to ,它有时很难操作,缺点是它有时很难使用

(3)A.词义猜测题。根据so people like when first it.因此很多人第一次看到它时都不喜欢,这个程序界面不是很吸引人

(4)D.细节理解题。根据 program"s very attractive so many don"t it they see Also, can be to 这个程序界面不是很吸引人 。程序界面不是很吸引人。而且。可知。故选D.

(5)A.推理判断题。根据Word English﹣Chinese a kind software(软件)which users practice Chinese in different 是一款允许用户通过多种方式练习汉语词汇的软件"以及后文的介绍。故选A.


(1)C.根据前句"However, a recent published a Us journal(期刊)shows drinking much 100﹣percent fruit increase risk early ,然而,喝太多果汁——即使是100%的天然果汁——会增加早逝的风险,结合选项。故选C。

(2)E.根据前句"Some people say are vitamins(维生素)in juice.有些人可能会说还有维生素在果汁中,结合选项,不足以弥补这些饮料造成的伤害。

(3)A.根据前句"Scientists found if get or of energy sugary every ,they be more to from disease,如果人们每天从含糖饮料中获得10%或更多的能量,"可知说的是增加死亡率,应说此外。故选A。

(4)B.根据后句"In this , fewer will sugary because their prices.这样一来,购买含糖饮料的人就会减少,结合选项。故选B。

(5)D.根据前句"But how is ? 但是多少是可以接受的呢,结合选项。故选D。

15.解答:(1)Nathan is a local musician .细节理解题, North Carolina, playing his guitar and asking for donations to help out someone in need.可知北卡罗来纳州史密斯菲尔德的一位当地音乐家正在筹款。内森把他的才华带到Facebook现场,请求捐款帮助有需要的人。故答案为Nathan is 。

(2)She was seriously ill.细节理解题。根据By chance, a single mother of three who was seriously ill.可知一个偶然的机会,一个三个孩子的单亲母亲。所以杰西卡得了重病。

(3)He wrote a note on the back of the check and left it in the book and walked out.细节理解题。根据But Nathan didn"t stay around to see those tears. "I wrote a note on the back of the check and left it in the book and walked out. I just wanted her to enjoy that moment."可知但内森没有留下来看那些眼泪,放在书上就走了。"内所以森在餐厅在支票背面写了一张便条。故答案为He wrote a note on the back of the check and left it in the book and walked out。

(4)It helps me a lot and it"s just a relief.细节理解题," Jessica said. "Worrying about everyone being taken care of and my kids,"杰西卡说担心每个人和我的孩子都被照顾。" 所以杰西卡觉得内森给她的帮助对她帮助很大。故答案为It helps me a lot and 。

(5)He wanted to create a ripple effect.词义猜测题。根据 "I was the rock that was thrown in the pool,"他说我想创造一个连锁反应。"所以下划线的句子是他想创造一个连锁反应。

16.解答:(1)kinds.考查名词。根据语境可知句意是。other kinds of……其他各种各样的


(3)visitors.考查名词。根据上文"If are(2)in , Universal should on travel ,如果你对电影感兴趣。在环球影城。visitors游客



(6)back.考查动词。根据语境可知句意是。 back to回到




(10)to teach.考查不定式。根据语境可知句意是,教你怎样驾驶跑车,作为class的后置定语






(5)G.根据下文" 我们下午2:30在我家见面。"。"作答。

18.解答:What a pity that句型"多么遗憾";lost bicycle丢了自行车,他丢了自行车!。

故答案为:What a pity that he lost his bike!


故答案为:Neither Mary nor I am interested in palying football.

20.解答:Eating a balanced diet均衡饮食;make sb do sth是某人做某事;keep healthy保持健康。"可知晓答案。

故答案为:Eating a balanced diet can you keep healthy.

21.解答:the more...the more...越...就越...根据句意"他学习越努力,他父母就感到越开心。

故答案为:The harder he studies, the happier his parents feel.

22.解答:乘火车by train plane。"可知晓答案。

故答案为:Anna would rather travel by train than by plane.


Be a Good

Good afternoon, !It"s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech. The topic of my speech is "Be a Listener

Listening is a kind of polite behavior. So we have to listen patiently.(为何倾听)

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, then they can meet their needs better;(老师)students should listen more to their classmates, and a friendship is likely to be formed.(学生)(好处)What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.【高分句型二】 Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk;be open﹣minded to different opinions even though you don"t like them. In a word

Thank you for your listening.

  1. 2382382024-01-22 23:07238238[新疆网友]
  2. 闯峰2023-10-28 00:56闯峰[澳门网友]
  3. 已矣2023-08-02 02:45已矣[北京市网友]
17个情感经典句子!我要你知道 在这世界上 —我们再也回不去了

17个情感经典句子!我要你知道 在这世界上 —我们再也回不去了



朋友圈温暖走心的句子 正能量励志 别辜负最好的自己

朋友圈温暖走心的句子 正能量励志 别辜负最好的自己

二 * 有些事,想多了头疼,想通了心疼


朋友圈唯美句子 经典有人情味 用微笑去面对困难

朋友圈唯美句子 经典有人情味 用微笑去面对困难



最伤感的句子 句句经典

最伤感的句子 句句经典



积极向上的句子 句句直击心底 引人深思

积极向上的句子 句句直击心底 引人深思

