
居家办公 实用超赞习语Awesome IDIOMS for Daily Conversation

时间:2023-10-17 07:34:02


居家办公 实用超赞习语Awesome IDIOMS for Daily Conversation

Well hey there I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! Today I"ve got some very common English expressions and idioms to help you talk about working from home, something that many of us have been getting used to lately, right?

大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到 Emma 的美味英语频道!今天我要分享一些非常常用的英语表达和习语,可以帮助谈论关于在家工作的事情,我们很多人最近都习惯了在家工作,对吧?

Are you working from home? What do you think about it so far?


Do you love it? Do you hate it?


Do you feel like you"re being very productive? Let me know about it in the comments. I"m curious.


In the meantime, I"ve got fifteen English expressions for you to learn to help you talk about working from home and doing things professionally at home. Now some of them are informal but you can definitely still use them in a professional context, especially if you"ve got a good relationship with your clients, and your team and your customers.


So if you all like to have a laugh together and make each other smile, then these are some really great idioms to use. So let"s get started!


Lockdown and working from home has shown millions of us around the world that we don"t necessarily need to be in the same room to feel like we"re together and to connect with each other. And even though video chat is nothing new, it"s funny how we"ve all been getting used to having conversations by a video in ways that we didn"t really do before.


So being able to see each other is so easy now and it makes such a difference. You probably know that I"m a huge fan of Lingoda, the online language school that offers everything you"ll find in a traditional language school but with the flexibility of everything being online.

现在非常容易就能够见到彼此,这产生了很大的影响。大家可能知道我是 Lingoda 的忠实粉丝,这是一个在线语言学校,提供你在传统语言学校中能找到的一切,但一切都可以灵活在线进行。

And what"s so great about it is that when you study with Lingoda, you"re studying with real people who are just like you via video. You can see them, you can hear them, you can read their facial expressions, their tone of voice, their mood, all of these things that are so important to great conversations.

最重要的是,当你在 Lingoda 学习时,你是在和像你一样的真实的人通过视频进行一起学习。你可以看到他们,你可以听到他们,你可以看到他们的面部表情,他们的语气,他们的心情,那些对于精彩的对话而言非常重要的事情。

Yeah there are language apps that you can use and they"re good for some things like learning vocabulary but interacting with a robot on your screen, it really isn"t the same. Hello Emma shall we enjoy a walk in the apartment?


What? Joining live online classes with Lingoda, with native teachers and real classmates is so much better and being online means that you can easily study from home at a time that suits you.

什么?与母语老师和真正的同学们一起参加 Lingoda 的在线课程是更好的,而且在线意味着你可以在适合你的时间轻松学习。

Each Lingoda class is a small group class so you"ll always have the chance to participate and get personal feedback at every step along the way. If you haven"t tried Lingoda before well now is a really great time to see what it"s like studying from home and there are a couple of ways that you can try it out.

每个 Lingoda 班级都是小班课程,所以你一直会有机会参与,并在每一步中都获得个人的反馈。如果你以前没有尝试过 Lingoda ,那么现在是个很好的机会,可以看看在家学习是什么感觉,有几种方式大家可以尝试一下。

The first is to sign up for their free offer which includes three group classes that you have to take within seven days or alternatively use this code to get a thirty euro discount off your first payment. I"ll put the details and the link to join in the description below.


If you go and check them out let me know what you think. So we"ve all been through quite a bit of change lately, haven"t we?


Adjusting our social lives obviously but we"ve also had to learn new skills and get organised so that we can actually work effectively from home and when our teams are apart.

Now perhaps you"ve had to be a little creative getting your workspace set up so that you can actually do your work effectively.


So let"s start with some really common idioms that talk about learning new things. Anyone feel like they"ve been thrown in the deep end lately?


You might also hear this expression as "thrown in at the deep end" as well. Either"s fine.

你也可以听到“thrown in at the deep”的说法。两个都可以。

But this is a really common idiom especially in a professional context because it describes that moment when you"re forced to do something unfamiliar or perhaps something that"s quite complex and without much help from anyone else.

You"ve just got to sort of try and work it out on your own which is why this idiom is so relevant now because so many of us have been thrown in the deep end recently because working from home is a very new and different experience.


Often at a new job, this happens right? When you"re put in an unfamiliar situation and you"re just expected to work it out or to get good results.


Your manager might throw you in the deep end to see how you respond under pressure. Something to note about this idiom is that you"ll often hear it used in the passive voice.


It"s good to be thrown in the deep end. It"s the fastest way to learn.


But by using the passive voice here, we make the experience the most important part in the sentence. It doesn"t really matter who threw you in the deep end right?


Doesn"t matter. But that"s why using the passive is a really good option with this idiom.


This is a really great, really common expression "to get the hang of something" and it really just means to learn how to do something, especially when it"s not obvious or it"s not simple. Don"t worry, I"ll teach you how to use the software.


You"ll get the hang of it soon. So that just means you"ll learn how to do it soon and then it"s not going to be a problem for you.


Now if you"ve only just recently started working from home, you might still be getting the hang of it but a lot of us have been working from home for a few weeks now or a few months. Perhaps you"re getting comfortable with it. So I want you to think about the tense that you should be using with this expression right?


Is it happening now or did it happen in the past? It wasn"t easy to sell products to customers on Zoom.

是现在发生还是过去发生的事情?在 Zoom 上向客户销售产品并不容易。

It took a while for me to get the hang of it. Or eventually, I got the hang of it.


So I want to know, have you been getting the hang of something lately? Definitely share it in the comments. I"m curious.


Use it in a sentence! So another idiom with a very similar meaning to that one is "to get your head around something", which means to understand something that is challenging or confusing.


So have any of you had to teach your parents or your grandparents how to use Zoom or Skype in the last few weeks? I think they"ve been some painful moments for all of us right?

你们这几周有没有人要去教父母或祖父母如何使用 Zoom 还有 Skype?我猜这对我们而言都是有点点痛苦的瞬间对吧?

It took my grannie a few attempts to get her head around it but now she loves it. And you can definitely use this expression in all sorts of contexts, anytime that you"re learning something new.


Bryan ran me through the process yesterday and I think I"ve got my head around it now. I think I"ve finally got my head around how this works.


And there"s a couple of variations on this idiom as well. To wrap your head around something or to get your mind around something which is a bit less common but you"ll hear those different variations from time to time.

这个习语上会有一些变化。“To wrap your head around something”或者是“to get your mind around something”,这没那么常见,但是你时不时会听到这些变体。

To take a hit. Now this is an informal expression that"s used to talk about when something suffers damage or loss.


So for example, the hospitality industry right now has taken a huge hit due to the corona virus. Same with the tourism industry.


Some companies may have noticed that employee productivity took a hit over the past few months as everyone adjusted to their new home working environments. So can you think of a way to use this expression in a sentence?


You know, can you think of something else that has taken a hit over the last few months? So it has been negatively affected or negatively impacted.


And maybe you"re thinking: you know what, Emma? Surprisingly this transition, you know, of working at home now.


It"s not been as difficult as I was expecting. Then this expression is the one to use.


It"s been smooth sailing. Now it"s used as an adjective to say that something is easy or it"s manageable, that everything is going according to plan.


There"s nothing you need to worry about. If you"re a school teacher or a university teacher, I"m sure when you first found out that you needed to take online classes, you"re a bit worried.


Maybe you were worried about the technology or maybe you were worried if your students would even participate in online classes but hopefully, to your surprise, there haven"t been too many problems at all. So when someone asks you "Hey how"s it going?"


You could answer "Surprisingly, it"s all been smooth sailing." When the schools closed, it was a difficult transition for the kids.


But once we got a routine in place, it"s been smooth sailing! And you can definitely use this same expression in the negative form to express the opposite idea right?


You can say "It hasn"t been smooth sailing. The team"s found it really hard to collaborate remotely."


I love this one. A madhouse. Now this is a place where there is no order and no control whatsoever.


I"m wondering if this expression could be useful to help you talk about your home office. It"s a really humorous expression, you know, when you"re trying to make a joke about how crazy and frustrating a situation is.


So if you"ve got your kids and your partner and a dog and you"re all at home, you"re all stuck inside working, studying, eating, cooking, working out in the same space, you could joke with your colleagues about how wild it is, you know, when they"re asking you "How"s it going over there? How are you coping?"

You can just laugh and say "It"s a madhouse! I will be glad when all of this is over!"


Or when you"re on a video call when you"re talking to a colleague and you know, your kids burst in. "I"m so sorry about the disruption.


It"s a madhouse around here!" But always use the expression with humour you know, when you"re smiling and you"re making a joke okay.


Hopefully, they understand. So if you"re cooped up somewhere, you"re in a small closed space, a space that you can"t escape from.


I hate being cooped up inside working when it"s a sunny day outside. Or maybe a little more relevant to you right now.


There are five of us cooped up inside this one tiny apartment! This is a really great idiom to learn and start using regularly.


You can use it to say that you are really annoyed or you"re really frustrated about something and you want it to end or stop.

Like the neighbour that I have on the other side of this wall, he"s learning to play the trumpet and it wasn"t so bad before but now he"s home all the time and he practises so much like I don"t know when he"s getting his work done, he"s just playing the trumpet all the time.


And I"m sick of it. Are you sick of being cooped up inside all day?


If your kids are disrupting you while you"re trying to work tell them you"re sick of it! If you"re frustrated because your internet speed has halved since everyone is now working at home, call the phone company and tell them that you"re sick of it.


So it"s a really good one to use when you are frustrated and you"re annoyed and since we"re talking about being so frustrated and annoyed, let"s talk about work meetings by video. There are so many annoying things about online meetings.


Mute yourself if your kids are yelling in the background or there"s a dog barking. Everyone else in the meeting can hear it.


Or if you"re working a little later in the evening when everyone else is watching Netflix, how annoying are all of the connection problems?

It"s like overload right so you get video and audio problems which are pretty frustrating when you have an online meeting.

或者是,如果你晚上工作得比较晚,而大家都在观看Netflix 时,网络连接问题会很令人生气吧?就像过载一样,因此你在视频和听音频的时候会遇到问题,当你要开会时,这会非常令人恼怒。

So I"ve got some expressions to help you talk about that. The first one is to freeze or to be frozen, right?


This is, you know, when your connection is bad. Hang on, you"re frozen!


Or you keep freezing! We can"t hear you! Another useful one is to say that there"s a lag or there is a delay which is really annoying.


So you know when someone"s mouth is moving but the voice is behind it so it"s really frustrating to try and understand what"s going on. And the last one is to say that the connection cut out.


It cut out. I didn"t hear you there, I missed something that you said.


So all of these are really useful expressions when there are connection problems in online meetings. And this idiom is another one that"s really useful in this situation.


Hit and miss. So something is hit and miss, you can"t rely on it right?


You can"t confidently say that it"s gonna be good quality and accurate and perfect. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn"t.


So you could say "I"m really sorry, my internet connection has been a bit hit and miss today." Sometimes it"s good, sometimes it"s bad.


But you can also use this same expression to talk about something else, the quality of something, you know. The coffee at my local cafe is a bit hit and miss.


Sometimes it"s good, sometimes it"s bad, depends on who makes it. Now I want to share a few expressions that will help you during meetings, online meetings or in-person meetings down the tracks.


But "hold that thought" is a good one because the chances of getting disrupted while you"re working from home are quite high, right? Your kids might wander into the room.

“等一下”是一个很好表达, 因为在家里工作被打断的几率是很高的,对吧?你的孩子可能在房间里漫步。

Your dog might stop barking. The postman might ring the doorbell.


The phone might ring. So it"s really hard to avoid these distractions when you"re working from home, right?


So this expression is a really good one to let someone know that you want them to remember what you were talking about and you want to keep talking about it when you come back in a couple of moments okay so you"re asking them to hold that thought. Keep it in your mind while I duck off and take the kids out of the room.


I"m so sorry my son is calling me from the bathroom. Hold that thought, I"ll be right back.


This is a really great set of expressions to learn, given all of the distractions that we"ve been talking about. When you"re in an online meeting, you want to make sure that you all stay focused, right?


You need to keep focused on what you"re doing, you need to stay on track and try not to get off track. So on track is when things are happening as they should be, there"s no problems at all.


And if something is not happening as you want it to and you want to change it, that"s when we use the expression "to get back on track". So logically if something is not on track, it"s off track.


It"s not happening as it should be, right? So I want you to imagine this.


You"re meeting some of your colleagues to discuss a project that you"ve been working on but halfway through, someone"s cat walks across the screen, across the keyboard and everyone starts laughing and talking about how hard it is to work from home.

They"re talking about their kids and what they had for dinner last night and anything else except what you should be talking about in the meeting.


So you might want to just interrupt the conversation and say "Guys we"re getting off track. We"ve only got ten minutes left until the end of the meeting and we haven"t even started talking about the marketing budget yet."


We should have completed the project last week but we got off track with a few technical issues. Hey have you heard this expression before about brownie points?


It"s quite a funny expression, a humorous expression as well just like madhouse. It"s relevant now but you can use it at any time because you earn brownie points by getting praise or approval for something that you"ve done.


So if you do something good, you earn or you get brownie points, right? So I"ve got a good example to share from just yesterday.


I had a funny conversation with one of my team members, Kat. She overslept and missed a meeting which I wasn"t too worried about because she works so hard and I said to her "Don"t worry Kat, you"ve got enough brownie points to sleep in once."


But she was like "I know, but I don"t want to lose my brownie points." But the funny thing is that these points are not real, you know, they don"t get you anything except someone else"s good opinion of you.


But having brownie points is definitely a good thing. It"s really important to have someone"s good opinion of you, right?


So you would probably earn brownie points with your neighbours if you left a cake on their doorstep for them. Or if your partner cooked a meal and cleaned the whole house for you, you might be a little suspicious and think why are you trying to earn brownie points with me?


So can you think of something that would earn you brownie points with someone in your household at the moment? What could you do to earn some brownie points?


Hang in there! Everything is gonna be okay. It will become easier, you will get used to it.


So this expression is really useful when you want to tell someone not to give up even though it"s hard, even though it"s difficult.

So if you"ve got friends or you"ve got family members or colleagues who are having a difficult time adjusting to this new situation that we"re in and you know, they"re sharing their troubles with you about how their kids keep interrupting their online meetings, tell them to hang in there.


Or if you know health care workers and they"re exhausted and they"re anxious, tell them "Hang in there. You know this won"t go on forever." So this is the new norm my friends or the new normal.


You know and we use this expression, it"s quite informal to talk about when our circumstances have changed you know, and we have to get used to a new situation and get comfortable with it.

Obviously, it"s a really relevant expression to use right now but you can also use it in other contexts as well when your life circumstances change.


So for me, I had a friend who has just had a baby and I was saying "I just don"t know how you function with only three hours sleep" and she said "Emma, it"s the new norm in our house. We"re just having to get used to it."


It"s the new norm. So I hope you"re hanging in there my friends and that you"re getting used to the new norm.


I would love for you to think of any other English idioms that are relevant to working from home. It"s really important right now to find ways to express ourselves to talk about working from home and some of these challenges.


Like I said, if you can think of some others definitely add them in but what I want you to do is to choose a few of the ones I talked about today, practise them, pause the video right now.

Write your sentences, add them into the comments below because I"m gonna be down there checking, giving some feedback and making some corrections if you need it.


But this really is the best way to try and remember these idioms and these new expressions, right? Put them into practice.


So that"s it my friends! Stay safe, take care of yourselves and I will see you in the next lesson here at mmmEnglish.


Bye for now!


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