
关于脚跟 拇指 脖子 腿 肩膀的25个语境习语 你能活用多少呢


Learn more Body Parts Idiomsin English 学习更多的英语肢体习语

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25 Idioms About Heel, Thumb, Neck, Leg, Shoulder 关于脚跟、拇指、脖子、腿、肩膀的25个习语

Learn useful Body Parts Idiomsabout Heel, Thumb, Neck, Leg, Shoulder in English with meaning and examples. 学习英语中有关脚跟、拇指、脖子、腿、肩膀等身体部位的习语,并举例说明。

Learn more Body Parts Idiomsin English. 学习更多的英语肢体习语。

Idioms About Heel, Thumb, Neck, Leg, Shoulder 关于脚跟,拇指,脖子,腿,肩膀的习语

Heel Idioms 脚跟成语

Achilles’ heel

Meaning: The weak point of an otherwise powerful person or organization 指的是致命弱点或缺点Example: Manchester United are very strong this year, but their striker may be their Achilles’ heel. 曼联今年很强大,但他们的前锋可能是他们的致命弱点。(Fall) Head Over Heels 爱到死心塌地 ;完全迷

Meaning: (To become) infatuated, to fall suddenly in love (变得)迷恋,突然坠入爱河Example: After just a few dates, Jennifer fell head over heels for Bill. Now she won’t talk about anything else. 仅仅约会了几次,詹妮弗就迷上了比尔。现在她什么人也不谈了。Cool Your Heels 累你久等、害你久等

Meaning: Wait 等等Example: We agreed we’d meet at the mall at 3. But you left me cooling my heels for two whole hours. 我们约定3点在商场见面。但是你让我足足等了两个小时。Drag One’s feet (or Heels) 拖着脚步慢吞吞地走,在语境中可引申为故意拖拉,勉强行事。

Meaning: To do something reluctantly and slowly 勉强而缓慢地做某事Example: My boyfriend has been dragging his feet on wedding preparations. I wonder if he really wants to marry me. 我男朋友在筹备婚礼上拖拖拉拉的。我不知道他是否真的想娶我。Hot on the Heels (of) 紧跟着,接踵而至

Meaning: In close pursuit 紧追不舍Example: Toyota far outsells any other other automotive brand in Indonesia, with Honda hot on the heels of Daihatsu for second place. 丰田在印尼的销量远远超过其他任何一个汽车品牌,本田紧随大发(汽车品牌)之后,位居第二。Thumb Idioms 拇指成语

All Thumbs是“your fingers are all thumbs”的简写。字面上的翻译是“你的十个手指全是大拇指。”因为人的大拇指比较短小又粗,所以和其他手指相比会略显不灵活,甚至是笨拙。所以当描述一个人“笨手笨脚,很不灵活”的时候就会出现:"you are all thumbs!"这种说法。

Meaning: Clumsy 笨手笨脚Example: Don’t trust Jack around your expensive glassware – he’s allthumbs. 别相信杰克摆弄你那昂贵的玻璃器皿,他笨手笨脚的。Rule of Thumb “大拇指规则 ”,又叫”经验法则“,是一种可用于许多情况的简单的,经验性的,探索性的但不是很准确的原则。

Meaning: A general principle or guideline, not a specific formula 一般原则或准则,而不是具体的公式Example: As a rule of thumb, you can estimate three weeks of work for each unit of the project. 根据经验,您可以为项目的每个单元估算三周的工作量Thumbs-Up 是翘大拇指,表示满意和赞赏

Meaning: Approval 批准Example: It really pleased me that the boss gave me a thumbs-up on my presentation. 老板对我的报告表示赞许,这让我很高兴。Neck Idioms 脖子成语

Neck and Neck 并驾齐驱

Meaning: Very close in a competition, with neither of two entities clearly in the lead 在竞争中非常接近,两个实体都没有明显领先Example: For several years, General Motors and Toyota were neck and neck in worldwide sales, but Toyota pulled ahead. 几年来,通用汽车和丰田汽车在全球销售中处于领先地位,但丰田领先。Neck of the Woods (非正式)地带,地段

Meaning: A region, especially one’s home region 地区,尤指某人的家乡Example: I’ll come and see you the next time I’m in your neck of the woods. 下次我在你的地带的时候,我会来看你的。Pain in the neck Neck 是指脖子。但是,pain in the neck 并不是脖子痛的意思,pain in the neck 是说某人很讨厌。

Meaning: Someone or something making your life difficult 某人或某事让你的生活变得困难Example: This calculus homework is a real pain in the neck. 这个微积分作业真是讨厌透了。Stiff-Necked 固执的;倔强的

Meaning: Stubborn; excessively formal 顽固;过于正式Example: The boss seems stiff-necked and hard to approach, but I’ve seen her help employees who are in trouble without ever taking credit or drawing attention to herself. 这位老板似乎很固执,很难接近,但我见过她帮助那些陷入困境的员工,却从不邀功,他总喜欢让自己与众不同。Up to One’s Neck 某人手头要做的事实在太多,多得没法应付

Meaning: Nearly overwhelmed 几乎不知所措Example: I’m up to my neck in work this week. Let’s get together next Wednesday. 这个星期我的工作忙得不可开交。下星期三我们聚一聚吧。Arm Idioms 手臂成语

Arm Candy 社交场合大款们搂着的漂亮女子

Meaning: An attractive woman accompanying a powerful or famous man at a social event 有魅力的女人在社交活动中陪伴有权势或有名气的男人Example: The famous actor recently got divorced, but he showed up at the Academy Awards with arm candy. 这位著名演员最近离婚了,但他却搂着的漂亮女子出现在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上。Keep Someone at Arm’s Length 指保持一点距离,避免太亲近或太熟悉

Meaning: Avoid close interaction or cooperation 避免亲密的互动或合作Example: I don’t have anything against Matthew, but we went on a date last year and it didn’t work out. So I keep him at arm’s length. 我没有任何反对马修的事情,但我们去年约会并没有成功。 所以我让他保持一定的距离。Belly Idioms 肚子成语

Fire in the Belly 抱负,推动力,积极性

Meaning: Strong ambition 雄心壮志Example: I worry about my son. He’s smart enough to succeed, but he doesn’t have the fire in the belly. 我担心我的儿子。 他足够聪明,可以成功,但他没有雄心壮志。Belly Laugh 捧腹大笑

Meaning: Loud, hearty laughter 开怀大笑Example: Dumb and Dumber” isn’t a sophisticated movie, but it delivers plenty of belly laughs. 《阿呆与阿瓜》并不是一部精致的电影,但它带来了很多捧腹大笑瞬间。Shoulder Idioms 肩膀成语

A weight off your shoulders 减轻负担

Meaning: You no longer worry about something or deal with something difficultExample: Talking over my problem with myclose friend was a weight off my shoulders.Have a Chip on One’s Shoulder “针锋相对”“互不相让”或“好斗”

Meaning: To harbor resentment; to have an angry attitude 怀有怨恨; 生气的态度Example: Jared still has a chip on his shoulder because he didn’t get the promotion last year. 因为去年没有得到提升,杰瑞德现在还很生气。To Give Someone the Cold Shoulder 冷落某人,冷淡地对待某人,对某人表示不欢迎,不理睬某人

Meaning: To act hostile toward someone; to ignore, snub 对某人有敌意;忽视、冷落Example: Why did you give me the cold shoulder at the party? I thought we were friends. 你为什么在聚会上对我冷淡?我以为我们是朋友。Leg Idioms 腿部习语

The Story Has Legs 这个故事是有根据的

Meaning: People are continuing to pay attention to the story 人们继续关注这个故事Example: Many are wondering whether the story of the Trump campaign’s alleged connections with Russia will have legs, or fade away. 许多人想知道特朗普竞选活动与俄罗斯有关联的故事是否有支持或消失。To Pay an Arm and a Leg 付出惨重的代价

Meaning: A very high cost 成本非常高Example: I had to pay an arm and a leg, but the car’s running again. 我不得不付出很大的代价,但车又开动了。To Pull Someone’s Leg 愚弄,耍弄,取笑

Meaning: Lie playfully 耍弄Example: Really? Justin Bieber is having a sex change operation?? – No. I’m pulling your leg. 真的吗?贾斯汀·比伯正在做变性手术??——没有。我跟你开玩笑。Break a Leg 祝好运

Meaning: Good luck! This is used for a stage performer-”or for anyone else who is about to give some kind of a performance, such as an important speech. 好运!这句话是用来形容舞台表演人员的,也可以用来形容任何准备表演的人,例如要做重要演讲的人。Example: The play opens tomorrow. Break a leg! 这出戏明天开演,祝好运A Leg Up 助某人一臂之力

Meaning: An advantage, a boost 优势,提升Example: I’m going to take a summer school class. I think it’ll give me a leg up when I take calculus at the university next year. 我打算参加一个暑期班。我想明年上大学学微积分时,它会对我有帮助的。Idioms About Heel, Thumb, Neck, Leg, Shoulder | Image 关于脚跟,拇指,颈部,腿部,肩部的成语| 图片

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