
人教版|九年级英语(上册)Unit 6 词汇专练含答案

时间:2023-05-18 04:00:01


人教版|九年级英语(上册)Unit 6 词汇专练含答案

人教新目标九年级 Unit 6—词汇专练

Name_________ Grade_________


1.The teacher ________(分开;分散) the whole class into five groups and started the game.

2.Tom fell and ________(几乎) broke his leg.

3.The thirty-first ________(奥林匹克运动会) were held in Brazil in 2016.

4.Put these things into the ________(筐), please.

5.Yao Ming was a ________(职业的) basketball player a few years ago.

6.The secretary isn’t able to ________(翻译) this business letter into French.

7.What were you doing when the ________(地震) happened?

8.Last week our hospital bought some medical ________(器械).

9.The game has gained ________(流行), both in the US and abroad (popular)

10.The restaurant offers good service to all its ________(顾客).


1.What a terrible s________!The meat must have gone bad.

2.We"d better make a shopping l________ first so that we can buy everything we need.

3.There is no d________ that the book is worth reading.

4.October 1st is China"s N________ Day.

5.The man r________ silent no matter what happened outside.

6.Sometimes it"s strange that friendship ends all of a s______.

7.It surprises us that Anna can play at least five m________ instruments, such as the piano, the violin and the accordion.

8.The door was l________ and we didn"t have the key, so we couldn"t get into the room.

9.Oranges taste sweet and a bit s________ and they are full of vitamin C.

10.Laura has added too much salt to the soup.Now it tastes too s.


1.It is a __________ vacation.(please)

2.In the end of my vacation, they could use some_________ language.(day)

3.Whenever I mentioned _________ dinner together, he said he was too busy.(have)

4.I _________ found he stolen my wallet.(accident)

5.Can you stop kids ________ Glory of Kings ? (play)

6.The game has gained ________, both in the US and abroad (popular)

7.What do you think your greatest weakness is as a________? (trade)

8.How did you start working as a _________? (translate)

9.If you have a ________ ability, you should use it.(music)

10.I wonder if you can give me a ________ of the celebration.(describe)



1.The bridge over the river ________(build) three years ago.

2.A gift ________(give) to me by my best friend yesterday.

3.He ________(see) to swim in the lake yesterday.

4.Jill ________ (invite) to the party.She had so much fun there.

5.The book ________(translate) into many other languages last year.

6.Sorry.All the tickets ________(sell) out ten minutes ago.

7.The window ________(clean) just now.It looks quite bright now.

8.________ the trees ________ (plant) by Uncle Wang last month?

9.She ________(hear) to sing a song at the party last night.

10.________ your work ________ (finish) on time yesterday?



I have had ________ ________ falls that I"m black and blue all over.


Last week, after Jack ________ ________ as a monitor, he ________ ________ to tell the news to his mother.


You are________ ________ ________ things.


Rome ________ ________ in a day.


There is ________ ________ time that we can"t finish the work on time.


Great changes have ________ ________ in China in the past forty years.


Sorry, I took your umbrella ________ ________.


He thinks the soup ________ ________ ________.


We agreed on a date ________ ________ ________


I think the news will ________ ________ ________.



There are many useful inventions in our 1________ life, such as different 2________ of shoes with special heels, scoops, zippers, locks, bells or fridges powered by electricity and so on.They are used not only in trade but also at the Olympics.We can 3________ them into different parts.You can make a list of them.

When somebody mentions 4________ instruments, he or she may think of the pioneer of invention, Mr.Bell, all of a sudden.When you throw the ball into a basket, you may remember the 5________ hero, James Naismith, a professional teacher.

If a customer wants to buy some sour biscuits or crispy and salty cookies on 6________ , he or she may want to know who invented computers.

And when you smell tea, without doubt, it may remind you of a national ruler, Shen Nong.He invented tea by accident when he was 7________ water.

If an accidental 8________ happened, nearly every project was destroyed, but a low library 9________ , the library would have great popularity.And you may look up to the builders who built it.

Well, every invention has a point.Thanks to the inventions, we can live a life full of 10________.


There are many useful inventions in our d________ life, such as different s________ of shoes with special heels, scoops, zippers, locks, bells or fridges powered by e________ and so on.They are used not only in trade but also at the Olympics.We can d________ them into different parts.You can make a list of them.

When somebody mentions musical i________, he or she may think of the pioneer of invention, Mr.Bell, all of a sudden.When you throw the ball into a basket, you may remember the Canadian hero, James Naismith, a professional teacher.

If a c________ wants to buy some sour biscuits or crispy and salty cookies on w________, he or she may want to know who invented computers.

And when you smell tea, without d________, it may remind you of a national ruler, Shen Nong.He invented tea by accident when he was boiling water.

If an accidental e________ happened, nearly every project was destroyed, but a low library remained, the library would have great popularity.And you may look up to the builders who built it.

Well, every invention has a p________.Thanks to the inventions, we can live a life full of pleasure.


Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition.Tea has a very close link with Chinese culture.

It is said that Chinese tea was invented 1________ an ancient Chinese ruler called Shen Nong.People say that he lived 5,000 years ago.One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very 2________.The servants began 3________ make water hot enough for him to drink.Dried leaves from a near plant 4________ into the water.The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired.Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was 5________ in the new drink.And tea 6________ created in 2737 B.C.

Drinking tea has many advantages.It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight.As you add a cup of tea to 7________ daily life, please check the following helpful advice.

Drink it hot.Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.

Do not drink too much strong tea.8________ will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.

The best time to drink tea is between meals.It may not make you have a strong wish to eat 9________ your stomach is empty, or cause stomachache when your stomach is full.

Do not drink with medicine.It may change the medical result.You can drink tea two hours after you 10________ medicine.

Green tea is the best choice for office workers.Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.


***Wish you good luck!***



  1. 天府遗梦2024-01-22 05:39天府遗梦[香港网友]
  2. 人纳、真虚伪2023-10-31 05:06人纳、真虚伪[吉林省网友]
  3. 没课2023-08-09 04:33没课[黑龙江省网友]




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