

时间:2019-06-18 08:50:40



完工百分比法(CompletionPercentage)是管理项目种方法通常用于跟踪和估计项目进度。方法需要将项目实际进展与计划进展进行比较以确定项目完成百分比。这种方法使项目管理者能够轻松识别项目延误并对至今未完成工作做出相应调整。 在项目管理中完成百分比是很重要关键术语。通过使用这种方法项目管理者能够及了解项目状态预测进度并进行适当调整确保项目按完成。本文将提供些CompletionPercentage相关英语短句和例句帮助读者更好地理解这种方法并在实际应用中使用。无论您是从事项目管理专业人士还是对方法感兴趣读者这些例句都将有帮助。

完工百分比法,completion percentage

1)completion percentage完工百分比法

1.Considerations on thecompletion percentage in construction contract criterion;执行建造合同准则中完工百分比法的思考

2)percentage of completion method完工百分比计算法

3)percentage of completion method完工百分率法

4)Percentage Completion完成百分比


1."Continue. The % Complete value for this task will be set.""继续,设定此任务的完成百分比值。"

2.Percent of work complete: Resources report the percent of work complete, between 0 and 100%.工时完成百分比:承担任务的资源可以在0和100%之间报告完成工时的百分比。

3.None;Start Date;End Date;Duration;Resource;Percent Complete无;开始日期;结束日期;持续时间;资源;完成百分比

4.Define the height for the percent complete bar indicator for summary tasks定义摘要任务的完成百分比栏指示器的高度。

5.Define the height for the percent complete bar indicator for normal tasks定义标准任务的完成百分比栏指示器的高度。

6.Edits to total task % complete will be spread to the status date将新输入的总任务完成百分比一直分布到状态日期

7.% Work Complete, Actual Work, Comments, Finish, Name, Remaining Work, Start, Work工时完成百分比, 实际工时, 批注, 完成时间, 名称, 剩余工时, 开始时间, 工时

8.Gantt Chart report: Name, Start Date, End Date, Duration, User-defined Number, Percent Complete -grouped by Resource甘特图报告:名称、开始日期、结束日期、工期、用户定义的数字、完成百分比-按资源分组

9."Turn on the Split In-Progress Tasks option and then continue. The % Complete value for this task will be set.""打开“拆分正在进行的任务”选项后继续,此任务的完成百分比数即会被设定。"

10.What percentage of projects come in on-budget?多少百分比的专案是在预算之内完成的?

11.percentage of actual wagon loadings to total planned装车计划完成百分率

12.In the first half year, China achieved an industrial added value of RMB 970.3 billion nationwide, increased by 9.4%, with the growth amplitude increased by 1.5 percentage points comparing to the corresponding period.上半年,全国完成工业增加值9703亿元,增长9.4%,增幅同比提高1.5百分点。

13.Industrial added value increased by 7.9 percent on last year"s same month and recorded a rise of 0.3 percentage point on July.工业完成增加值增长7.9%,比7月份提高0.3个百分点;

14.The annual completed industry added value for the whole province was 28.71 billion yuan, which increased 10.3% over the previous year.全年全省完成工业增加值二百八十七点一亿元,比上年增长百分之十点三。

15.This year, it is estimated that totally achieved sales output in the industries at and above the township level in the whole province will be 23 billion yuan, increasing by 16% over last year.今年预计全省乡及乡以上工业累计完成销售产值二百三十亿元,比去年增长百分之十六。

16."The mentality of this team is to play 100 per cent in every game."这支球队每次比赛都是百分百完全的投入的。

17.In the first half of this year, the complete value-added of heavy industry is 558.2 billion yuan, up 9.9% over the same period of last year, or 0.8 percentage points higher than that of light industry.上半年重工业完成增加值5582亿元,比上年同期增长9.9%,快于轻工业0.8个百分点。

18.The state-owned and the state-owned holding industries have achieved an added value of RMB 553.8 billion, increased by 7.6%, 4 percentage points higher than the same period.国有及国有控股工业完成增加值5538亿元,增长7.6%,同比提高4个百分点。


percentage of completion method完工百分比计算法

3)percentage of completion method完工百分率法

4)Percentage Completion完成百分比

5)percentage of completion method完工百分率

6)percentile method百分比法

1.Extracting the sonogram envelop using the improvedpercentile method;利用改进的百分比法提取多普勒血流声谱图包络



底涂层 primer英语短句 例句大全

底涂层 primer英语短句 例句大全



晶胶比 (Fed-Feo)/Fe英语短句 例句大全

晶胶比 (Fed-Feo)/Fe英语短句 例句大全









