第一句子大全 > 标签 > Pavilion
Siam Piwat携手Pavilion Group引入泰国最佳零售与文化品牌

Siam Piwat携手Pavilion Group引入泰国最佳零售与文化品牌

...布与马来西亚领先的购物中心开发商、投资商兼运营商 Pavilion Group 合作,让泰国进一步闪耀于国际舞台。通过此次合作,Siam Piwat将在马来西亚吉隆坡南部走廊最大的本地综合型时尚购物中心 Pavilion Bukit Jalil 首次推出其自有泰国...

2014-02-19 #经典句子

翻译中 定语从句与其它后置定语的顺序你用对了吗?

翻译中 定语从句与其它后置定语的顺序你用对了吗?

...子里面的的时候,不禁感慨万端。While he was sitting in the pavilion in the sanitarium which was designed by himself,all sorts of feelings couldn"t help welling up in his mind.如果孤立地看,很难判别句中定语从句究竟是修饰 sani-tarium还是pavilion。但是如果...

2023-08-15 #经典句子

六月毕业季 适合毕业季发的唯美深情句子 青春散场 不诉离殇

六月毕业季 适合毕业季发的唯美深情句子 青春散场 不诉离殇

...,而是在长亭里,在我们的记忆里,言笑晏晏。Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green This summer we have to say goodbye, the wanton publicity of youth, the quiet departure of time, you and I are the most special existence in the long Pavilion. I hope we ca...

2022-11-15 #经典句子



On Qiantang Lake in SpringWest of Jia Pavilion and north of Lonely Hill,Lake water levels with the bank and the clouds hanging low.Disputing for sunny branches, early orioles trill;Pecking vernal mud in, newly-returned swallows come and go.A riot of blooms begins to dazzle the eye;Amid short grass t...

2023-12-06 #经典句子



...e are three famous towers to the south of the Yangtze River—the Tengwang Pavilion the Yellow Crane Tower and the Yueyang Tower.The Tengwang Pavilion is in Nanchang City,Jiangxi Province.A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion (《滕王阁序》) written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made ...

2019-02-22 #经典句子

王永利:以文报国 隽永清新——赏张岱的小品散文

王永利:以文报国 隽永清新——赏张岱的小品散文

...ss", and “Yanziji”. Volume three includes "Seeing Snow in the Mid-lake Pavilion" and "Baiyang Lake". Volume four includes "The Qinhuai River House" and, "Reviewing the Troops in Yanzhou". Volume five includes "The Yu Garden", "Huqiu’s Mid-Autumn Night”, and “Yangzhou Jade”. Volume six in...

2012-12-06 #经典句子

唯美古风伤感句子 现实虐心 看完泪奔!

唯美古风伤感句子 现实虐心 看完泪奔!

...aiting to be scattered!短亭短,红尘辗,我把萧再叹!The short Pavilion is short, the world of mortals rolled, I sigh again!愿用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离!I would like to use my three fireworks, for your life blurred!乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,却说不出如斯寂寞!...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

美到哭的古风句子 来选一条发发朋友圈吧

美到哭的古风句子 来选一条发发朋友圈吧

...,我把萧再叹。Long strip, numerous fireworks, you look back, short pavilion is short, the world of mortals is rolling, I sigh Xiao again。2.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。Life is jus...

2023-01-12 #经典句子

温柔而唯美的情感短句 懂你的心 触及心灵

温柔而唯美的情感短句 懂你的心 触及心灵

...水悠悠。On the flower of wine, falling mei into sorrow, ten miles long pavilion water leisurely.你跑吧,我追你,你跑到哪里我就追到哪里You run. I"ll chase you. I"ll chase you wherever you go, okay人家不要了啦!嘛!——”“人家不依了啦!——I don"t want it ...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

适合发说说的伤感句子 字字扎心 值得深思!

适合发说说的伤感句子 字字扎心 值得深思!

...g to their own, why bother to care.亭子短,红尘滚滚,又叹萧。 Pavilion short, the world of mortals billow, and sigh xiao. 在没有你的日子里,一切都是那么的失落。分手,还有什么好说的。 In the days without you, everything is so lost. Break up? There"s nothing ...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

简短大气的文案句子 精辟入心 不容错过

简短大气的文案句子 精辟入心 不容错过

...distracted, all are self perfunctory.我已有亭子,无忧无惧。I have Pavilion, no worries and no fear.一路送你到北方。Take you all the way north.还是跟我讲理?Or do you want to talk to me?希望下一次见面时,I hope that the next time I meet,幸运的是,遇见了你,遇见了...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

光遇文案|我撑伞来到雨最大的森林 你点灯去了那个没有光的大漠

光遇文案|我撑伞来到雨最大的森林 你点灯去了那个没有光的大漠

... trained dragons in the twilight soil, watched satellites in the forbidden Pavilion, and slept in Eden. Long time, thank you for meeting.后来我在星图绘制你的模样。Then I drew you on the star map.我撑伞来到雨最大的森林,你点灯去了那个没有光的大漠。I took an umbr...

2018-11-23 #经典句子

散落人间的古风美句 哪一句你最喜欢?

散落人间的古风美句 哪一句你最喜欢?

...我把萧再叹。Long street long, fireworks fan, you back to see, short Pavilion short, the world of mortals, I put xiao sigh.图片来源网络,侵权联删。

2022-11-12 #经典句子

令人着迷的温柔句子 唯美干净 句句走心

令人着迷的温柔句子 唯美干净 句句走心

... it.飞檐亭角的钟声。犹记初The bell at the corner of the cornice Pavilion. A brief account爱你的人是你,爱得深沉。The one who loves you is you, and loves deeply.爱的小罐子,谁撞了谁休克Love pot, who hit who shock不利于眼睛Bad for eyes风吹草低见牛羊,再无归...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

高冷又霸气的文案句子 随性独特 适合女生收藏

高冷又霸气的文案句子 随性独特 适合女生收藏

...k before I go to bed is me.小亭子短,红尘辗,我又要萧萧了。The pavilion is short, red dust is rolling, and I will be Xiao again.可以缓解所有的燥热和郁结。Can alleviate all the heat and depression.爱的都很小心。Love is very careful.快乐是好事。Happiness is a good...

2022-12-04 #经典句子



...。There are only two exceptions.只有两处例外。The library at the Pavilion of Literary Profundity had black tiles because black was associated with water, and thus fire-prevention.一处是作为藏书馆的文渊阁,屋顶为黑色,因为黑色有水的寓意,象征防火。Similarly, ...

2023-11-16 #经典句子

那些惊艳了时光的温柔文案 唯美浪漫 值得收藏

那些惊艳了时光的温柔文案 唯美浪漫 值得收藏

...庭树,亭亭一如你风。The great victory has the courtyard tree, the pavilion is like your wind.姑娘们要有主意,Girls have to have an idea,但是这只是在节日的最后一天But it"s just the last day of the festival我会和你在一起,不只是这个冬天。I"ll be with you, not j...

2022-12-20 #经典句子

内涵深刻的感悟句子 句句有道理 希望你能喜欢

内涵深刻的感悟句子 句句有道理 希望你能喜欢

...了在一个和往常一样晴朗的早晨,没有长亭古道,There is no Pavilion Road except on a sunny morning as usual,生命是短暂的,不要蜷缩在小小的阴影里Life is short, don"t curl up in a small shadow永远敌不过冷落的曲终人散。The cold song will never be defeated.运...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

句句箴言的爱情文案 简短走心 深刻精辟

句句箴言的爱情文案 简短走心 深刻精辟

...中说的:情不自知,一往而深。As Tang Xianzu said in the Peony Pavilion: love does not know itself, go deep.那份感情,既然已千疮百孔,心又能怎样呢?That feeling, since it has been riddled with holes, what can the heart do?追求卓越,成为一个值得信赖的爱...

2023-01-31 #经典句子

充满爱意的温柔文案 句句高甜 让人倍感幸福

充满爱意的温柔文案 句句高甜 让人倍感幸福

...Only the United States delegation.亭台楼阁,无忧无虑,无畏无惧。Pavilion, carefree, fearless.向你道别Say goodbye to you年轻的时候,漫长的生命里有一点点的风浪。When I was young, there was a little wind and waves in my long life.看到你和阳光See you and the sun晴...

2023-07-13 #经典句子