第一句子大全 > 标签 > Angry
陈小春重启开唱计划 专辑名用儿子话语命名“Stop Angry”

陈小春重启开唱计划 专辑名用儿子话语命名“Stop Angry”

...了演唱会启动的发布会,巡演主题是以Jasper的话语“Stop Angry”命名,而这句话看过《爸爸去哪儿》的小伙伴们都不陌生,是陈小春在对儿子生气之后,Jasper拿着大喇叭对爸爸喊出的那一句话,看过这个片段的网友们都觉得Jasper...

2023-12-17 #经典句子

跟对象道歉的可爱句子 调皮逗趣 情商超高

跟对象道歉的可爱句子 调皮逗趣 情商超高

...样子很好看,但笑起来的样子更好看哦。I know you must be angry, it"s all my fault, but you look very angry, but you smile more beautiful.2、不敢看你的眼睛,超级凶,原谅我好不好,如果不原谅我,我就一直面壁思过。Dare not look at your eyes, super fier...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...一些东西。 Dogs may indeed be able to distinguish between happy and angry human faces, according to a new study根据一项新的研究,狗也许确实能够分辨人类高兴和生气的脸Researchers trained a group of 11 dogs to distinguish between images(图像)of the same person making e...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

吵架后道歉的可爱句子 调皮逗趣 越看越爱!

吵架后道歉的可爱句子 调皮逗趣 越看越爱!

...生气,你不要生气了好不好?I am a little fool, always make you angry, you don"t get angry, OK?5、好了好了,你不要生气了,你是小仙女,怎么能跟我一个凡人一般见识呢?Well, don"t be angry. You are a fairy. How can you have the same opinion as a mortal?6、...

2022-12-21 #经典句子



....洪亮地(褒义词)e.g.: Speaker loudly because I can"t hear you.7. angry adj.生气的结构:be angry withe.g.: I was angry with the careless nurse.我对这个粗心的护士很生气。派生:angrily adv.生气地 anger n.怒气,怒火8. attention n.注意e.g.: Attention please, clas...

2023-06-21 #经典句子

充满思念的情话文案 简单美好 治愈自己内心!

充满思念的情话文案 简单美好 治愈自己内心!

...德高望重的人肯定会原谅你还在生我的气的!I am no longer angry with you, and a man of my stature and generosity will surely forgive you for still being angry with me!我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的!I"m a fool, but believ...

2023-08-15 #经典句子

可以跟对象撒娇的小句子 可爱甜蜜 招人喜欢

可以跟对象撒娇的小句子 可爱甜蜜 招人喜欢

...ry me home.2、你不要生气啦,我喂你吃颗糖好不好。Don"t be angry. I"ll feed you a sugar.3、我就是生气,你快过来哄哄我,不然我一直生气。I"m just angry. Please come and coax me, or I"ll be angry all the time.4、我想听你说一句话,没有我不行,你快...

2022-12-14 #经典句子

欢乐多多的皮句子 沙雕可爱 太喜欢了!

欢乐多多的皮句子 沙雕可爱 太喜欢了!

...人赌气是不吃饭,你一赌气就是吃两碗饭。When others are angry, they don"t eat. If you are angry, you will eat two bowls of rice.3、人家脑子起码还会短路,可你连电源都没有。Other people"s brains will at least be short circuited, but you don"t even have power.4、...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

情侣间必备的道歉文案 幽默风趣 建议收藏

情侣间必备的道歉文案 幽默风趣 建议收藏

...was a very short very short duckling, we all don"t like it, so it was very angry to run away from home, but it was walking accidentally fell into the mud, because there was too much mud in the mud, it was also stained with a lot of mud, so later everyone called it: "short mud duck" (love you)今晚...

2013-03-06 #经典句子

go bananas用英语怎么说?

go bananas用英语怎么说?

...能力都没有?Okay.I got you.If someone goes bananas, they become very angry, they become very crazy,they become very upset or they become very excited. 这样“说”英语难道不是英语口语吗?5) 现在把下面的英语go bananas说成英语:1. I"ll end up going bananas if I have t...

2023-11-18 #经典句子



...beautify their advantages first. If people like language, it"s easy to get angry, but it"s hard to get angry, so it"s better than private.一个人喝酒后,飞雪又不知所措了一年。After drinking alone, Feixue was at a loss for another year.我相信你总有一天会遇到一个人。I b...

2015-02-21 #经典句子

一些耐人寻味的走心文案 温柔美好 句句讨人喜欢

一些耐人寻味的走心文案 温柔美好 句句讨人喜欢

...千万不要再生气了,气不死,那不是白生气了吗?Don"t be angry again in the future. If you can"t be angry, won"t you be angry in vain?在这个炎热的夏天,你想不想让小姐姐把她的西瓜给你分一半。In this hot summer, do you want your little sister to give you h...

2023-01-15 #经典句子

2021犀利噎人的句子 精辟现实 引人共鸣!

2021犀利噎人的句子 精辟现实 引人共鸣!

... We have to face both happiness and disaster. Good or bad will pass. To be angry is to punish yourself for other people"s mistakes.你备胎无数,你感情不断,并不是因为你迷人,而是你廉价又百搭。You have lots of spare tires, you have a lot of feelings, not because you are c...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

温情撩人的情绪文案 温暖有格调 让人心动不已

温情撩人的情绪文案 温暖有格调 让人心动不已

...愤怒,因为你自己也不能成为自己所希望的人。”"Be not angry because others cannot be as you wish them to be, because you cannot be yourself."距离不会破坏感情,怀疑才会。Distance doesn"t destroy relationships, doubt does.如果遇见,就直接走开,不需要给...

2012-11-13 #经典句子

人生感悟 句句经典 发人深省!

人生感悟 句句经典 发人深省!

...气了归生气了,又不是不喜欢你啦。Touch your head, don"t be angry, angry is angry, not don"t like you.缓慢的成长,缓慢的生活,缓慢的爱情,缓慢的爱你。Slowly grow up, slowly life, slowly love, slowly love you.当你心情不好时,一定要告诉我,我不需...

2023-11-02 #经典句子

深入人心的爱情句子 精致温柔 值得分享

深入人心的爱情句子 精致温柔 值得分享

人家赌气就是不吃饭,你赌气就是两碗饭If people are angry, they will not eat. If you are angry, you will have two bowls of rice有钱却没有钱的人终成眷属Those who have money but no money will get married女友觉得冷怎么办,带她到墙角坐下,因为那边很舒...

2023-04-29 #经典句子

让人感同身受的句子 简单干净 写到心坎里

让人感同身受的句子 简单干净 写到心坎里

...o be your little baby, so you don"t have the heart to scold me when you"re angry.你生气的时候,我让你当出气筒。生气的时候,我把自己当成出气筒。我不在乎。如果你帮忙,你必须帮忙。如果你没有,你必须帮忙。When you get angry, I let you take it o...

2023-02-01 #经典句子

致自己的人生感悟句子 成熟稳重 值得一读再读

致自己的人生感悟句子 成熟稳重 值得一读再读

...了,所以,你在生气什么。If you are right, you don"t have to be angry. If you are wrong, you are not qualified to be angry. So, what are you angry about.12、不管是成功还是失败,只要是自己经历的,就都值得。Whether it"s success or failure, as long as it"s your own e...

2022-12-30 #经典句子



...g. 他开会时总保持沉默。The father was lonelyand often became/got angry。父亲孤寂并且经常易怒。She is surprisedto find the food delicious.她惊讶地发现这食物很美味。三、作宾语补足语。宾语补足语,一般放在宾语后面;能补充说明宾语的特征...

2023-11-08 #经典句子

非常经典的人生感悟句子 精致大方 清新励志

非常经典的人生感悟句子 精致大方 清新励志

...死?If you lose your temper over trifles, why turn back? When othersare angry, I am not angry. When I am sick, no one will take my place.When I am angry, who wants to die?条件又令人沮丧又费力,不要和邻居攀比,让他给你的儿孙做家务,一起玩得开心,神仙羡慕好...

2022-12-04 #经典句子