第一句子大全 > 标签 > price
“价格很贵”可不是“price is expensive” 别掉进中式英语深坑

“价格很贵”可不是“price is expensive” 别掉进中式英语深坑

...es very fast.他开车速度非常快。2)价格很贵中式英语:The price is expensive.正确表达:The price is high.“价格很贵”可不是“price is expensive”,别掉进中式英语深坑里啦!当我们说到“价格很贵”,中文表达没问题。但是仔细想一下...

2023-11-30 #经典句子

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210813

每天学一点英文:Espresso 20210813

...产热潮Part Ⅰ第一段Many Americans are worried about rising consumer-price inflation.许多美国人对不断上升的消费价格通胀表示担心。⊙ 句子主干Many Americans are worried about ...许多美国人对通胀表示担心。⊙ 重点词汇★ consumer-price inflation n. ...

2022-12-06 #经典句子



...商品报价。Basic Expressions 基本描述1)Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue.我们的买主想索求你方价格单或目录。2)Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver. 所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。3)I would like to have yo...

2023-05-27 #经典句子



...。01、关于询盘,有哪些外贸英语:May I have an idea of your prices?可以了解一下你们的价格吗?Can you give me an indication of price?你能给我一个估价吗?Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价...

2019-11-22 #经典句子

商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

商务英语名词和搭配Business Vocabulary Nouns & Collocations

...。You can demand payment and you can say payment in advance. Number 16 is price.你可以索要支付,你还可以说提前支付。第十六个是价格。You can say a high price or an exorbitant price which means an overly high price, a low price, a reasonable price, the right price, asking pr...

2010-09-15 #经典句子

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

砍价达人必备实用口语 词汇搭配

...And welcome to this lesson on:欢迎一起来学习:" How to Negotiate Prices" .「如何讨价还价」So, this is a business vocabulary lesson, and today we are going to look at how to ask about the cost of something, how to comment about the cost being too high for you, and, then how to get som...

2013-01-20 #经典句子



...销售:出售sell 出售;销售;卖all 所有的;全部的very 很;非常price 价格boy 男孩a pair of 一双Unit7 知识梳理【重点短语】1. these shorts 这些短裤2. what color 什么颜色3. a yellow sweater 一件黄色的毛衣4. twenty white skirts 20条白色的裙子5. a pair of ...

2023-07-13 #经典句子

商务英语:询价信函Inquiry Letter

商务英语:询价信函Inquiry Letter

...wants to have a general idea of the commodity, he may make a request for a price list, a catalogue, samples and other terms.(如果进口商想对商品有个大概的了解,他可以要求提供价 目表、目录、样品或其他条款。)Specific inquiry 具体询价:If the importer inte...

2007-08-19 #经典句子



...。一、常用例句这是我们的最新价格单。Here is our latest price sheet.这是我们最新的到岸价格单。Here"s our latest CIF quotation sheet. (quotation: 报价)这是我们详细的报价单。Here"s a detailed list of our offer.这是我们就苹果报的大连离岸价。Here...

2007-02-23 #经典句子



...fer.现在向您报实盘。We"re willing to make you a firm offer at this price.我们愿意以此价格为您报实盘。The offer is made without engagement. All orders will be subject to our written acceptance.此报盘没有约束力。所有订单以我方书面接受为准。Let me make you a...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

日进一步第三天 SQL语句之order by

日进一步第三天 SQL语句之order by

...……进行排序。比如:order by name---根据姓名排序order by price---根据价格排序order by price name--先根据价格再根据名字进行排序(这种情况下只有价格相同的情况才会根据姓名进行排序)需要注意的是,order by语句是默认进行升序排...

2022-12-15 #经典句子

2021.5.15英语长难句分析分享 油价上涨的原因

2021.5.15英语长难句分析分享 油价上涨的原因

...育原创星选榜#One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand.句子成分分析:主语 One more reason 定语 not to lose sleep over ...

2023-01-12 #经典句子



...ld. It allows online customers to purchase international products with low prices. Xiami specializes in items ranging from consumer electronics to luxury items. By leveraging their vast network of trusted partners, including suppliers, manufacturers, payment companies and logistics experts, they are...

2024-01-25 #大杂绘

外贸洽谈常用英语口语 职场成人需知道

外贸洽谈常用英语口语 职场成人需知道

...yer of .... 作为 ...的准买家,未来买家,潜在买家。2、The price of raw material falls. 原材料价格下落了。3、These articles fall within our business line. 这些商品正好是我们的经销范围。或者说我们正是经销出口这些产品的。4、As this item falls ...

2010-12-27 #经典句子



...多了解一些你们公司。(9)I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。(10)Can I have your price list?你能给我价格单吗?(11)Will you give us an indication of prices?你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?(12)I "m in...

2010-06-30 #经典句子

2019年10月自考英语二真题解析4 再接再厉!

2019年10月自考英语二真题解析4 再接再厉!

...,度过(2)new adj. 新的,刚出现的,新买的句子3.For the same price,you might have to buy a used Explorer,or buy a new but much less expensive model. (1)same 同一的,相同的,一模一样的(2)price n. 价格,价钱,物价(3)buy vt. 购买,获得我们buy东西的时候,...

2023-08-02 #经典句子

英语中怎么询问物品价格?5个句型必掌握 最后2个太重要

英语中怎么询问物品价格?5个句型必掌握 最后2个太重要

...等,询问它们的价格时,也是how much +are)句型3 What"s the price of…?,答语:It"s+价格。注意: 用该句型对物品询问价格时,无论被询问的商品是单数、复数还是不可数,be动词都用is,不能用are,而且定冠词the和介词of必不可少。eg: –Wh...

2023-12-26 #经典句子

高考进入倒计时 考生要自我检查基础词汇 尤其是英语必考词组!

高考进入倒计时 考生要自我检查基础词汇 尤其是英语必考词组!

...。高中英语需要重点掌握的是这两个搭配:pay off和pay the price。1.pay off,即“还清,成功,奏效,达到目的”。例句1: 他的所有付出最终得到了回报,他在这家公司得到了晋升。All his hard work paid offin the end, and he finally got promotion ...

2023-06-14 #经典句子



...折扣的表达还有:Is it on sale?这件打折吗?Is it the regular price?这件是正价吗?(regular price 售价)Is it sales price?这件是优惠价吗?(sales price 打折价、优惠价)06.I know it’s not cheap, but it’s worth it.· worth it:连读07.You are like a star w...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

图文详解SQL中的事务/隔离级别/阻塞/死锁 看不懂找我!

图文详解SQL中的事务/隔离级别/阻塞/死锁 看不懂找我!

...测试数据--先创建一张表Product作为测试。id为表的主键,price为product的价格CREATE TABLE [dbo].[myProduct]( [id] [int] NOT NULL, [price] [money] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO--插入一条数据,id=1,price=10INSERT INTO [TSQLFundamentals2008].[dbo].[myProduct]([id],[price])V...

2011-11-25 #经典句子