第一句子大全 > 标签 > 时人


“Today some people are trying to threaten us through the economy, through interest rates, foreign exchange, investment and inflation. We are telling them: we"ve seen your games, and we are challenging you.”“现在有些人试图通过经济、利率、外汇、投资和通胀来威胁...

2011-04-13 #经典句子



参考消息网4月12日报道We think we might be swimming in a sea of background particles all the time that just haven"t been directly discovered. There might be monsters we haven"t yet imagined that are emerging from the vacuum interacting with our muons and this gives us a window into seeing th...

2018-10-03 #经典句子

「时人语录」抬高价格 还试图插队。这么做是错的

「时人语录」抬高价格 还试图插队。这么做是错的

One of the things new with this administration is if you don"t know the answer, don"t guess, just say you don"t know the answer.”“这届政府的一个新气象就是,如果你不知道答案,别瞎猜,说你不知道答案就好了。”(美国野兽日报网站)——被特朗普...

2019-03-31 #经典句子



原标题:时人语录 | 美国纳税人要为国会山骚乱付出近5亿美元参考消息网8月16日报道I have found the damage amount of less than $1.5 million – when all of us American taxpayers are about to foot the bill for close to half a billion dollars – a little bit surprising.”...

2009-08-26 #经典句子



Even in a good year, it"s a C-plus, B-minus match, and even the high-test stuff for old people is a joke.”“即便是好的年份,匹配度也就是C+、B-的水平,就连针对老人的特效疫苗也是个笑话。”(美国《纽约时报》网站)——美国宾夕法尼亚州...

2008-02-29 #经典句子

「时人语录」“我也想你 我喜欢跟你在一起”

「时人语录」“我也想你 我喜欢跟你在一起”

参考消息网8月2日报道“I miss you too. I love being around you. You"re so much fun to be around,I wish you"d relax a little bit. I know you"re getting headaches and you"re moody, but that"s life, right? I"m sorry. You deserve to be happy. Just focus on what you have, not what you ...

2016-04-18 #经典句子



参考消息网6月21日报道“We still LOVE to complain about the job: One in which both sleeping and eating are events that need to be calendared, where your bank account gets drained, where your tiny boss throws major temper tantrums out of the blue. But the benefits at this job? Laughs t...

2017-10-13 #经典句子

「时人语录」“敬请你们放下相机和手机 拨打911报警电话”

「时人语录」“敬请你们放下相机和手机 拨打911报警电话”

原标题:【时人语录】“敬请你们放下相机和手机,拨打911报警电话”参考消息网10月25日报道“For us to be able to appropriately respond and assess, we just ask if you can put down your camera, put down your phone, call 911 and then allow us to do what we do.”...

2022-12-14 #经典句子

「时人语录」“我想感谢亚马逊的每一名员工 每一位顾客”

「时人语录」“我想感谢亚马逊的每一名员工 每一位顾客”

参考消息网7月26日报道 “I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer, because you guys paid for all of this.” “我想感谢亚马逊的每一名员工、每一位顾客,是你们为这一切出了钱。”(美国商业内幕网站) ——美国亚马逊公司...

2016-12-23 #经典句子

「时人语录」“没有巴黎圣母院 巴黎不再是巴黎”

「时人语录」“没有巴黎圣母院 巴黎不再是巴黎”

“In Paris, it"s a monumental symbol - every person with different religions are really moved and saddened. Paris without the cathedral is not Paris anymore.”“在巴黎,它是一个重要标志——不同宗教信仰的每个人都为之动容和悲痛。没有巴黎圣母院,巴黎不...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

「时人语录」“早上成功起床没有磨磨蹭蹭 你就是冠军”

「时人语录」“早上成功起床没有磨磨蹭蹭 你就是冠军”

参考消息网9月6日报道I guess what I"m trying to say is that I"m gonna try to celebrate myself and my accomplishments more, I think we all should. You got up in the morning and didn"t procrastinate on something?Champion. Figured something out at work that"s been bugging you for a while?...

2012-02-12 #经典句子

「时人语录」“我们必须记住:这些是人 而不是数字。”

「时人语录」“我们必须记住:这些是人 而不是数字。”

“Be safe. Do not panic. Take commonsense precautions. As frightening as this time is, you will get through it.”“自我保护。不要恐慌。采取常识性的预防措施。尽管这次很可怕,你还是会挺过去的。”(美国《外交政策》双月刊网站)——著名全球...

2010-01-24 #经典句子



「本文来源:参考消息网」参考消息网11月8日报道“I guess I shouldn"t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact that the United States — the last administration — pulled out of the Paris accord. It put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit.”“我想我不应该...

2020-12-22 #经典句子



The rising importance of developing countries in world GDP, led by large emerging markets such as China and India, is increasing their geopolitical weight. The SCO summit offers a further platform to build bilateral cooperation as well as strengthening wider cooperation among developing countrie...

2007-07-01 #经典句子

神仙句子分享:风过林梢 此时人间骄阳正好!

神仙句子分享:风过林梢 此时人间骄阳正好!


2023-05-27 #经典句子

「时人语录」“由于文物被掠夺 我们的历史出现了空白”

「时人语录」“由于文物被掠夺 我们的历史出现了空白”

参考消息网11月3日报道You now have empty shelves. The return of those objects will be like filling those shelves. There"s a lacuna in our history because those objects were taken away.”“现在架子上都是空的。这些文物的回归,就像填满这些架子一样。由于文物被...

2023-11-16 #经典句子




2023-11-24 #经典句子



From that moment on, he was a completely different person. He was like, wow, you are special. You remind me of my daughter.”“从那一刻起,他就变得完全不一样了。他大概是这么说的,哇,你很特别。你让我想起了我的女儿。”(美国哥伦比亚广播公...

2019-08-18 #经典句子



原标题:【时人语录】“这个国家有很多历史”参考消息网7月12日报道“There is a lot of history with this country, some that maybe people don"t like today, and some that people are being judged for today for what they did 300 years ago. It"s still our country and every go...

2009-03-27 #经典句子



I am receiving resumes from current NASA employees who are realizing I made the right call in 2013. They"re asking me: Can you get us in somewhere?”“我不停地收到NASA现任员工发来的简历,他们现在认识到我在2013年作出了正确的决定。他们问我:你能帮我们...

2015-02-23 #经典句子