
「时人语录」“我们必须记住:这些是人 而不是数字。”


Be safe Do not panic Take commonsense precautions As frightening as this time is, you will get through it 自我保护。不要

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“Be safe. Do not panic. Take commonsense precautions. As frightening as this time is, you will get through it.”



“We must remember that these are people, not mumber.”



本文如果对你有帮助,请点赞收藏《「时人语录」“我们必须记住:这些是人 而不是数字。”》,同时在此感谢原作者。



... they"re in deep trouble.”“去年有一个真的十分令人惊讶的数字是,40%的美国人连400美元都拿不出来。另一个流传的数字大概是说三分之二的美国人都拿不出1000美元。所以这就意味着如果他们有一两次领不到薪水,那么他们就麻烦...

2007-02-14 #经典句子



...鲁滨逊近日发表一篇文章指出,生命的价值不该被金钱和数字定义,生命本身就是无价之宝。Despite the incredible wealth of its owner, Walmart pays many of its employees starvation wages – wages that are so low that many of these employees are forced to rely on go...

2015-08-07 #经典句子



“The risk of overdoing it is less than the risk of underdoing it. People are always worried about doing too much, and you look back in hindsight and say, ‘Well, we didn"t do too much. We might"ve done a little more and a little sooner’.”“过为的风险比不及的风险要来得小...

2011-09-03 #经典句子



原标题:时人语录 | 美国纳税人要为国会山骚乱付出近5亿美元参考消息网8月16日报道I have found the damage amount of less than $1.5 million – when all of us American taxpayers are about to foot the bill for close to half a billion dollars – a little bit surprising.”...

2009-08-26 #经典句子

「时人语录」“敬请你们放下相机和手机 拨打911报警电话”

「时人语录」“敬请你们放下相机和手机 拨打911报警电话”

原标题:【时人语录】“敬请你们放下相机和手机,拨打911报警电话”参考消息网10月25日报道“For us to be able to appropriately respond and assess, we just ask if you can put down your camera, put down your phone, call 911 and then allow us to do what we do.”...

2022-12-14 #经典句子



原标题:【时人语录】“这个国家有很多历史”参考消息网7月12日报道“There is a lot of history with this country, some that maybe people don"t like today, and some that people are being judged for today for what they did 300 years ago. It"s still our country and every go...

2009-03-27 #经典句子



“Today some people are trying to threaten us through the economy, through interest rates, foreign exchange, investment and inflation. We are telling them: we"ve seen your games, and we are challenging you.”“现在有些人试图通过经济、利率、外汇、投资和通胀来威胁...

2011-04-13 #经典句子



参考消息网4月12日报道We think we might be swimming in a sea of background particles all the time that just haven"t been directly discovered. There might be monsters we haven"t yet imagined that are emerging from the vacuum interacting with our muons and this gives us a window into seeing th...

2018-10-03 #经典句子