第一句子大全 > 标签 > tail
“付尾款”冲上了热搜 但英语可不是说tail money

“付尾款”冲上了热搜 但英语可不是说tail money

...脑那么,用英语怎么说“付尾款”呢?尾款千万别翻译成tail money或者tail pay,它的英文通常可以用balance来表达,来看看在字典里的解释:1. MONEY OWED 所欠的钱: the balance of a debt is the amount of money that you still owe after you have paid some of...

2023-10-21 #经典句子



...说:宝贝你看鱼还有什么呀?对,鱼还有尾巴,Fish have tails.鱼有了尾巴能干嘛呢?对,能游泳。Tails can help fish swim.你看这条鱼的尾巴是什么颜色的呀?对,红色的,It"s red. /This fish has a red tail.你看这条鱼的尾巴是不是很大呀?...

2023-10-16 #经典句子



...og my cats if I know what we"re supposed to be working here.3. Cat o" nine tails:也就是“cat of nine tails”,这不是“九尾猫”,而是一种用作刑罚的鞭子,有时候直接简称为“the cat”,一说这个俗语来自于鞭笞后的伤痕跟猫抓后的伤痕类似。4. Let...

2018-02-21 #经典句子



...ght.“The Dragon King has ordered that whoever of the aquatic group has a tail should be beheaded. I am afraid of being killed because of my tail. So I cried. But you are a frog without a tail. Why are you crying?”“Now I have no tail but what if the Dragon King wants to behead me because I used...

2023-11-18 #经典句子



...ght.“The Dragon King has ordered that whoever of the aquatic group has a tail should be beheaded. I am afraid of being killed because of my tail. So I cried. But you are a frog without a tail. Why are you crying?”“Now I have no tail but what if the Dragon King wants to behead me because I used...

2023-11-26 #经典句子



...有退路了,这玩意儿必须丢掉。 √4、two shakes of a lamb"s tail 迅速地;简易地 观察一下羔羊尾巴摇动的方式,可以看出:不知什么原因,它绝不摇摆一次,必定连着摇摆两次。而且,在摇动的时候速度非常快,连一秒钟都不到。...

2023-10-11 #经典句子



...ell you astory of 4 little rabbits, whose names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. —— Beatrix Potter"s letter to Noel Moore, 1893“亲爱的诺维尔,我不知道应该给你写些什么,那就给你讲讲4只小兔子的故事吧,它们名叫Flopsy、Mopsy、Cotton-tail和Peter...

2018-01-29 #经典句子

一些很温柔的句子 句句走心 适合发动态

一些很温柔的句子 句句走心 适合发动态

...尾巴没有来就走了,走得那么彻底。Watching you leave, I low tail smile, but tears have already fallen. I slowly found how ridiculous you are, slowly into my world, quietly stole my heart. Finally, I silently looked at your back and tail did not come to go, go so thoroughly.你的离开...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

儿童节还不知道给孩子讲什么故事 原汁原味的英语童话了解下?

儿童节还不知道给孩子讲什么故事 原汁原味的英语童话了解下?

...the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. 很久以前,在一个遥远的小村庄里,有一个地方叫做千镜之屋。 一个小而快乐的小狗了解到这个地方,并决定访问。 当他到达时,他愉快地上了...

2023-10-16 #经典句子



...本:It is an animal. It’s small and cute. It has long ears and a short tail. It can run and jump.选项:答案:C听力理解类-题型三例:听音反应:根据听到的录音,做出对应的动作。录音: Touch your nose.答案:学生做出“触碰鼻子”的动作。小 低 ...

2023-11-17 #经典句子



...session() as session: write(session)执行程序后,我们需要用tail -f命令实时查看/tmp/sess_Lxxx文件,因为在本地测试速度比较快,如果使用cat命令,文件内容还没输出就被删除了。tail -f /tmp/sess_Lxxx结果如下:也就是说,/tmp/sess_Lxxx文件...

2010-09-21 #经典句子



...的含义。(3)旧词新义现象。如:Australians put their shirt “tails” on the clothes line after washing, because they usually put them into their trousers. “tails” 一词原意为“尾巴”,而在此处的意思为衬衫的“_______”。(4)依解释Microscope is an instrument(...

2011-11-10 #经典句子

精心整理的100首英文儿歌 磨耳朵首选

精心整理的100首英文儿歌 磨耳朵首选

...饼干38.Teddy bear泰迪熊39.The hokey pokey shake变戏法40.Wag your tail摇尾巴41.Rock scissors paper石头剪刀布42.Did you ever see a lassie 你曾见过的小姑娘43.Old MacDonald had a farm老麦先生有个农场44.Did you ever see a tail 你看到我的尾巴了吗?45.Itsy Bitsy Sp...

2017-09-05 #经典句子

小学1年级英语上册复习+1年级英语下册重点知识点汇总 快收藏!

小学1年级英语上册复习+1年级英语下册重点知识点汇总 快收藏!

...),hand(手)eye(眼睛), nose(鼻子),foot(脚),tail(尾巴)注意:眼睛、手/脚、耳朵,都是一双,所以需要用复词,表示一对,两个的意思eyes(一双眼睛)、ears(两只耳朵),hands(一双手),feet(脚)mouth(嘴), t...

2023-08-11 #经典句子

形容词性物主代词 英语的基本语法之一

形容词性物主代词 英语的基本语法之一

...en.19. Those shoes belong to me.Those"re _____ shoes.20. That is the dog"s tail.That"s _____ tail.21. "Thomas and His Friends" is my son’s favorite cartoon."Thomas and His Friends" is _____ favorite cartoon.22. Jayson is my aunt"s husband.Jayson is _____ husband.23. I am Albert"s grandson.I am ___...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

英语好句86条 可打印

英语好句86条 可打印

...。Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not ...

2018-02-12 #经典句子



...link.八、2020的小尾巴再见啦,我要去拥抱2021啦.Goodbye 2020 tail, I"m going to hug 2021.九、所有的好故事,我们2021再说。All the good stories, we"ll talk about it in 2021.十、新年快乐,希望你不用新年,也能快乐。Happy New Year, I hope you can be happy w...

2022-12-05 #经典句子



...name is Fangce.我的主人叫方策。I have two big dark eyes and a long tail.我有两只黑黑的大眼睛,我还有一条长长的尾巴。My hair is white and black.我毛是黑白相间的。I like eating fish and meat.我很喜欢吃鱼和肉。I catch mice very well, but there is no on in...

2018-05-31 #经典句子



...思。Dogs are faithful animals.狗是忠实的动物。The dog wags its tail.这狗摇着尾巴。He was afraid that the dog would bite him.他害怕狗会咬他。The dog bared its gums at me.狗呲着牙冲我叫。Our guerrillas suddenly became alert as the dogs barked.狗叫了,我们的游...

2017-04-24 #经典句子

小学英语作文状物篇:124  A Clever Mouse 一只聪明的老鼠

小学英语作文状物篇:124 A Clever Mouse 一只聪明的老鼠

英文:Alex is a little mouse. He has two small eyes and a long tail. He lives under a big house with his family. A big cat comes to the house. Alex and his family are afraid of him. They can"t go out to get food. Alex feels hungry.Alex finds a big toy bear and hides into it. Then he goes into the...

2017-11-23 #经典句子