第一句子大全 > 标签 > bear
激动 给你一个“熊抱”!英文难道真的说bear hug吗?

激动 给你一个“熊抱”!英文难道真的说bear hug吗?

...挥一下语感。激动,给你一个“熊抱”!英文难道真的说bear hug吗?其实还真的是!熊抱在英文中就叫做bear hug。看一下它的英文解释:an act of putting your arms around someone and holding them tightly, because you are happy to see them or you want to show...

2023-09-13 #经典句子



...事。One fall, my wife Elliand I had a single goal: to photograph polar bears.有一次秋天,我和妻子埃利(Elliand)只有一个目标:拍摄北极熊。We were staying at a research camp outside “the polar bear capital of the world” —the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.我们当...

2007-07-24 #经典句子



...事。One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single goal: to photograph polar bears. We were staying at a research camp outside “the polar bear capital of the world” — the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous. Polar bears — like all w...

2023-01-13 #经典句子

学英语 从有趣的故事开始—the little mouse……

学英语 从有趣的故事开始—the little mouse……

...文绘本 《The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry,and the big hungry bear》 (小老鼠,红草莓和大饿熊),1984年首次出版至今,被全世界数百万儿童所认识和喜爱,这本书也在廖彩杏老师学英语的书单中。这本书的大意就是:小老鼠摘了一...

2023-01-13 #经典句子

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 16 The Bear Escaped教学设计

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 16 The Bear Escaped教学设计

Lesson 16 The Bear Escaped ! 教学设计 【教学目标】1.Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text. 2.Learn about what isApril Fools" Day, and know about what we can do on that day. 3.Make the students learn about some interesting things in our life. 【教学重难点...

2023-01-02 #经典句子

0-3岁宝宝英语启蒙必读的10大英语绘本 千万别错过听力敏感期!

0-3岁宝宝英语启蒙必读的10大英语绘本 千万别错过听力敏感期!

...本同样非常有趣,很适合低龄的小宝宝们看!这本《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》出自极富盛名的绘本大师艾瑞·卡尔(Eric Carle)之手,已经出版50多年,再版数百次,被译成了30多种语言。全书不断重复what do you see? I see…looking...

2012-08-08 #经典句子

读完经典童话《金发姑娘和三只熊》 这些英语题你能答上来吗?

读完经典童话《金发姑娘和三只熊》 这些英语题你能答上来吗?

...姑娘和三只熊》配套课后习题及答案Goldilocks and The Three Bears1、Who creeps in to The Three Bears cottage?A、Red Riding HoodB、Hansel & GretelC、GoldilocksD、Three Billy Goats2、Whose bed does Goldilocks fall asleep in?A、Mummy BearB、Daddy BearC、Baby Bear3、Why did The Th...

2017-11-05 #经典句子

总结70对音同词不同的英语单词 象形会意 音形分析更好记忆

总结70对音同词不同的英语单词 象形会意 音形分析更好记忆

...词意对比串联:是蜜蜂是蜜蜂。同音单词分析2):bare 和bear它们共同音标:英[be]美[br]象形会意分析:bare指一b形动物可能露出它的头(a)或手(r形)或眼睛(e),故引申义:adj. 空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的(bare通常指身体某部...

2012-05-03 #经典句子

什么样的动词接不定式和动名词 语义无差别?

什么样的动词接不定式和动名词 语义无差别?

...语),对不定式所表达的动作施加作用。这组词如下。1. bear(经常以can bear/ can"t bear)【例句1A】I can"t bear to hear him sing.【例句1B】I can"t bear hearing him sing.(听他唱歌我忍受不了。)很显然,【例句1A】中语义上to hear him sing是bear(忍受)的...

2011-05-20 #经典句子

充满个性的情感文案 句句懂你 一见倾心

充满个性的情感文案 句句懂你 一见倾心

...再的隐忍,一再的让步,却换来了谎言的盛宴。Repeated forbearance, repeated concessions, but in exchange for a feast of lies.总有一天我会无声无息的离开你。One day I will leave you silently.有些伤永远不会痊愈。Some injuries will never heal.得到的越多,...

2023-12-11 #经典句子

哼着儿歌唱着小曲儿学英语 可爱的小动物 有视频教学

哼着儿歌唱着小曲儿学英语 可爱的小动物 有视频教学

...da panda是国宝 Rabit rabit跳一跳 Pig pig睡懒觉 Bird bird展翅飞 Bear bear高又壮 Elephant elephant鼻子长 Mouse mouse偷油吃 Squirrel squirrel会爬树今天要学到的单词有:Dog dog狗Cat cat猫Duck duck鸭子Monkey monkey猴子Panda panda熊猫Rabit rabit兔子Pig pig猪Bird...

2008-04-27 #经典句子



... They eat much grass and bananas.In the zoo, we can see different kinds of bears, brown bears, black bears and white bears. They are all slow and clumsy. They stand on their back legs, lift their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much.Do you like pandas? There’s only one in the zoo....

2023-05-18 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 高甜治愈 治愈一切忧伤

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 高甜治愈 治愈一切忧伤

...人能够忍受不幸的爱情,不能忍受不幸的婚姻。A woman can bear unhappy marriage, can"t bear unhappy love;A man can bear unfortunate love, can not bear unfortunate marriage.一生有很多的路口,选择又有很多理由,或许有些事不是努力就有用。Life has a lot of ...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 温柔似水 暖心治愈

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 温柔似水 暖心治愈

...人能够忍受不幸的爱情,不能忍受不幸的婚姻。A woman can bear unhappy marriage, can"t bear unhappy love;A man can bear unfortunate love, can not bear unfortunate marriage.我们一路上兴致勃勃地参观,当夕阳西下时,才恋恋不舍地离开。We visited along the way...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

简简单单的一句话 满怀爱意 沐浴春风

简简单单的一句话 满怀爱意 沐浴春风

...人能够忍受不幸的爱情,不能忍受不幸的婚姻。A woman can bear unhappy marriage, can"t bear unhappy love;A man can bear unfortunate love, can not bear unfortunate marriage.回忆不过是孟婆素手熬制的一碗汤,那穿肠而过的新痕旧伤,可曾痛断了谁人的肝肠...

2022-12-17 #经典句子



...t a zoo in Germany, an unusual friendship developed 1.________ a cat and a bear.No one is quite sure how the friendship first began. One day, some 2.________(worker) in the zoo noticed a black cat was in the bear’s cage(笼子), and the two animals were playing together peacefully. They were surpr...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

现实入心的伤感句子 失望落寞 有感而发

现实入心的伤感句子 失望落寞 有感而发

...靠心力。人生何时承受不起,便开始输了!Life is a kind of bearing. No matter how successful you are, if you can bear the confusion of great joy, you will not easily forget yourself and gain greater success; No matter how deep the pain, bear the devastation of great sorrow, it is not...

2022-12-27 #经典句子



...,因为他们相隔了三万年的时光。熊大的名字翻译为Briar Bear,其实这个翻译也有点难懂,因为Briar在英语里面其实是有荆棘的意思的,Bear当然是指熊,这个是没有问题的,可是如果直译的话,组合起来就是荆棘的熊,这和熊大...

2008-08-09 #经典句子

你绝对想不到 几句口诀 居然真能让英语学渣语法填空得满分!

你绝对想不到 几句口诀 居然真能让英语学渣语法填空得满分!

... Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been__62 __(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bearsworldwide.Modern methods__ 63__ tracking polar bear populations have been employed onl...

2023-05-20 #经典句子



...书时,你看孩子是不是不容易排斥了。以此类推,little bear(《小熊》系列)、 Henry and Mudge(《小男孩和大狗》系列) Frog and Toad(《青蛙和蟾蜍系列、 Fox(《小狐狸》系列) Oliver and Amenda(《奥利佛和阿曼达的兄妹》系列)…...

2023-07-30 #经典句子