第一句子大全 > 标签 > mud
中国人自创的这句英文在推特大火 “Funny mud pee”到底啥意思?

中国人自创的这句英文在推特大火 “Funny mud pee”到底啥意思?

...。面对这样的歧视,中国网友们也不甘示弱,纷纷用funny mud pee来反击这种不实言论,把某些老外都怼懵了。那funny mud pee到底啥意思?光看funny mud pee是猜不出意思的,funny是搞笑的,mud是泥,pee是尿,三个单词完全没有关联。其...

2023-08-16 #经典句子



最近网上这句英语火了:Funny mud pee。我一开始看到也是一头雾水?这是什么梗?等我弄明白了真相,实在是忍不住笑出了猪叫声!不得不佩服,中国人民真是太有才、太伟大了!原来,在这次新冠疫情在全世界暴发流行的期间...

2020-03-08 #经典句子

情侣间必备的道歉文案 幽默风趣 建议收藏

情侣间必备的道歉文案 幽默风趣 建议收藏

...angry to run away from home, but it was walking accidentally fell into the mud, because there was too much mud in the mud, it was also stained with a lot of mud, so later everyone called it: "short mud duck" (love you)今晚的月亮你看到了吗?美不美?我觉得今晚的月亮真是又大...

2013-03-06 #经典句子

教你如何可爱的道歉 不失可爱 句句趣味!

教你如何可爱的道歉 不失可爱 句句趣味!

...天泥巴问锅巴我们去干嘛呀锅巴说我们见面巴Guoba noodles mud is a good friend. One day, mud asked Guoba, what are we going to do? Guoba said that we meet三,刚刚那些不好听的话都不是我说的是*(对象名字)操控我的灵魂让我说的I didn"t say any of that stuff....

2022-12-14 #经典句子

可爱且温柔的道歉语句 调皮有趣 值得收藏!

可爱且温柔的道歉语句 调皮有趣 值得收藏!

... Others called it duckling. One day, the duckling walked and fell into the mud pit, and then it became a short mud duck.5、有一个菠萝去理发,它坐了很久,理发师一直不给它理发,它就说:“你理理我叭!”There was a pineapple to have a haircut. It sat for a long tim...

2022-12-14 #经典句子



...义:祝你好运音标:英 [w ju ɡd lk] 美 [w j ɡd lk]说法二:mud in your eye释义:祝你好运音标:英 [md n j(r) a] 美 [md n jr a]说法三:Best of luck释义:祝好运音标:英 [best v lk] 美 [best v lk]说法四:Good luck with that释义:祝你们好运音标...

2010-12-08 #经典句子

温柔系句子|虽然有不如意 但多数时候我仍在努力去触摸星空

温柔系句子|虽然有不如意 但多数时候我仍在努力去触摸星空

...他用泥巴种鲜花。Some people threw flowers at him and others threw mud at him. He didn"t receive flowers and didn"t care about the mud. He planted flowers with mud.其实最舒服的关系,真的不是秒回,而是你一句,我一句,这样稀稀零零也能聊上一天,不用担心...

2013-05-16 #经典句子

写给自己的激励文案 句句正能量 激励向前

写给自己的激励文案 句句正能量 激励向前

...,也要想办法把烂泥变成雕塑!Although the foot is a pool of mud, but also to find ways to turn mud into sculpture!站在石头上是够不到星星的,要站在山顶!You can"t reach the stars when you stand on the stone. You should stand on the top of the mountain!上帝总会让...

2023-07-09 #经典句子

零基础学英文歌曲之:激昂振奋的《We Will Rock You》

零基础学英文歌曲之:激昂振奋的《We Will Rock You》

... big man someday在街头鬼混 希望有一天能成为大人物3.You got mud on your face you big disgrace你搞得灰头土脸 狼狈至极4.Kicking your can all over the place singing把铁罐到处踢来踢去 唱吧5.We will we will rock you我们要让你震撼6.We will we will rock you我们...

2016-07-31 #经典句子

21句可爱有趣适合自拍的文案 优质短句 值得分享!

21句可爱有趣适合自拍的文案 优质短句 值得分享!

...泥鸭”Once upon a time, there was a little duck called the explosion of mud duck, because he was different from other ducklings, it called very loud, so people called him "good explosion of mud duck!"三,重新爱上自己的原因,仅仅是因为洗了个头The reason to fall in love with my...

2023-01-02 #经典句子

激励你人生的几句话 都是第一次来这个世界 我要自己做主

激励你人生的几句话 都是第一次来这个世界 我要自己做主

...另一个说,准备好了吗,我要把你,揉进我的心。Rubber mud is too sweet. One rubber mud can say to the other, are you ready, I"ll rub you into my heart.不卑不亢,不卑不亢是一种修养Not to be humble or not to be high is a kind of cultivation这个世界上没有超级...

2023-01-13 #经典句子




2023-07-30 #经典句子

水涌而出的隧道:water gushing and bursting in tunnels - a complete compilation of English sentences and examples

水涌而出的隧道:water gushing and bursting in tunnels - a complete compilation of English sentences and examples

...与塌方的风险评价5.Fuzzy Safety Evaluation for Water Bursting and Mud Surging of Tunnels through the Fault Fracture Zones隧道穿越断层破碎带突水涌泥模糊安全评价6.On analysis of reasons for mud break out in tunnel karst in Tianchi and its regulation measures天池隧道岩溶...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘



...nmerciful things as you think More protective to flowers when they turn to mud 半亩方塘长流水,呕心沥血育新苗。Water keeps flowing into and out of the pondUtmost effort is made to cultivate new seedings 令公桃李满天下,何用堂前更种花。Your Honour’s peaches and plums...

2022-11-11 #经典句子



...urned home from my mission trip.as always,I"d bring back nothing more some mud on my boots,a hole or two in my jeans and,of course,a lot of great memories.我以前做过,所以我没有理由相信这次会有什么不同。我确信,当我完成旅行回家时,像往常一样,靴子上...

2019-12-22 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文写作练习系列之  狗狗的脏爪子

小学英语双语作文写作练习系列之 狗狗的脏爪子

...他的狗来看电影。The dog is very big, and its paws are covered with mud.这只狗很大,爪子沾满了泥。She finds her seat and sits down.她找到座位坐下。The dog is very naughty; it jumps on the seat next to her.这只狗很淘气;它跳到她旁边的座位上了。The staff ...

2020-05-18 #经典句子



...uld go first. 我们还不能决定谁将第一个走。Second,you mix the mud with water. 第二步,用水将泥巴搅拌在一起。⑤ 作表语Who is first and who is second? 谁是第一?谁是第二?You will be the third to leave the house. 你将是第三个离开房子的人。2.序数...

2023-06-02 #经典句子

精美励志的简短文案 句句精美 你一定能用得到

精美励志的简短文案 句句精美 你一定能用得到

...of people.那泥太阳的光很耀眼,混杂着温暖。The light of the mud sun is dazzling, mixed with warmth.听着载着花落在谁的身上,一起花落在三分半的流水中,半尘。Listen to who the flowers fall on, and the flowers fall in three and a half of the water, half dust....

2023-07-16 #经典句子

钱塘湖春行 白居易 英译文也可感受春天的气息

钱塘湖春行 白居易 英译文也可感受春天的气息

...er.To the fore for the sunny trees the early orioles rushed,And the spring mud the swallows pecked.Various flowers around were enchanting in my eyes,The shallow grass just submerged the horse’s hooves.The east lake was appreciated not enough though,Especially White Sand Bank under the willow’s s...

2023-11-30 #经典句子

最近 网上一句“英文”火了 外国人却表示看不懂

最近 网上一句“英文”火了 外国人却表示看不懂

...上发表诬陷侮辱中国的言论,对此,中国网友评论到Funny mud pee。一句话把外国网友怼懵了。那么,你知道这句话是什么意思吗?当然,中国网友造词能力的强大不止这一个。granny peaceholy hightree new beeYou dida dida me, I huala huala you....

2024-01-01 #经典句子