第一句子大全 > 标签 > realistic
现实途径 realistic way英语短句 例句大全

现实途径 realistic way英语短句 例句大全

现实途径,realistic way1)realistic way现实途径英文短句/例句1.Realistic Approach Explore of RealizingLegalized Community Construction;实现社区建设法治化的现实途径探究2.On Practical Method of Harmonious Development of Modern China s Politics;论现代中国政治和谐发...


年轻人的职业自由与职业现实 英语作文怎么写|雅思作文批改笔记

年轻人的职业自由与职业现实 英语作文怎么写|雅思作文批改笔记

...should be free to choose their jobs, but other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有人说年轻人有选择任何职业的自由,但有人认为他们在求职时应该更现实些、多考虑自己的将来。你...


非常现实的12条句子 句句精辟 让人清醒!

非常现实的12条句子 句句精辟 让人清醒!

...preciate your success, no one cares what means you use, this society is so realistic.2、时间是一个现实的老人,无论什么样的人生,他走时肯定不会两手空空。Time is a realistic old man, no matter what kind of life, he will not leave empty handed.3、有些事,你在该...


现实的社会 无奈而又心酸 句句戳中你的心灵。谁又何尝不是呢?

现实的社会 无奈而又心酸 句句戳中你的心灵。谁又何尝不是呢?

...个社会太现实,我不想落后于这个社会。Others say that I am realistic. Yes, I am so realistic. That"s because the current society is too realistic. I don"t want to lag behind the society.当你成功的时候,你的朋友知道了你是谁;当你失败的时候,你也知道了...


八条目 eight entries英语短句 例句大全

八条目 eight entries英语短句 例句大全

...纲八条目3)sangangling batiaomu三纲领八条目4)Eight Items八目1.A Realistic Thinking on the "Three Programs"and "Eight Items" in The Great Learning;《大学》“三纲”“八目”思想的现实思考英文短句/例句1.lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes.与八目鳗类鱼区别...


虐心到极致的语录 有点心酸 值得一看

虐心到极致的语录 有点心酸 值得一看

...那么的现实。I have to believe that, sometimes ironically, it is so realistic.我的偶像永远是我的开心果,不开心是时候看看就会让人心情好起来。My idol will always be my pistachio, when I am not happy, it will make people feel better.其他一切都不要去想了,...


每天记背28个高频词汇 大学英语四级必背内容(第32天)

每天记背28个高频词汇 大学英语四级必背内容(第32天)

...允许24,pulse 脉搏Your pulse is normal 你的脉搏是正常的25,realistic 切实可行的Your plan is realistic 你的计划是切实可行的26,recreation 消遣You can have your own recreation 你有你自己的消遣27,reject 驳回Your plan has been rejected 你的计划已经被驳...


充满正能量的句子 阳光积极 催人上进!

充满正能量的句子 阳光积极 催人上进!

...生活太现实,所以更要用心地活下去。Not because life is too realistic, but disappointed with life; But know that life is too realistic, so we should live with our heart.人的本性可能就是喜欢抱怨,好像现在的生活有多么令人不满意。It may be that people like to...


看完很心酸的心情句子 现实认真 治愈人心!

看完很心酸的心情句子 现实认真 治愈人心!

...痛苦的喘不过来气,现实到无法让人相信。The world is too realistic, too painful to breathe, too realistic to be believed.能够住在心里的人要温柔以待,但不是所有人都配让你放在心里。People who can live in the heart should be gentle, but not everyone deserve...


接地气的感悟句子 寓意深刻 读后让人醒悟

接地气的感悟句子 寓意深刻 读后让人醒悟

...,就要用心去生活,给自己一个拥抱。Not because life is too realistic, but disappointed with life; Butknow that life is too realistic, it is necessary to live attentively,give yourself a hug.当你充满自信的时候,别人看到的是光芒四射的你;当你沮丧失落的时...


一见倾心的正能量句子 干净励志 句句入心

一见倾心的正能量句子 干净励志 句句入心

...活太现实,因此,更要用心地活下去。Not because life is too realistic, but disappointed in life; I just know that life is too realistic, so I have to live with my heart.最常见的勇气就是在日常生活中做到诚实和正直,能够抵制诱惑,敢于讲真话,表现自...


学好用好英语长难句 阅读 写作 翻译三不误

学好用好英语长难句 阅读 写作 翻译三不误

...’s attraction to certain traits in women can be directly affected by how realistic a romantic prospect their potential lover is.1. 阅读:三步骤解析句子:1)简化结构:主句——主语—谓语—宾语The study, …,…, posits that ….简化后的句子是主句,主谓宾结...




...ktv/ (a.) 使人上瘾/入迷的●And the portrayal of human nature is so realistic that I cried during several scenes.而且它对于人性的刻画好写实哦,好多幕我都看到流泪了。portrayal /p"trel/ (n.) 刻画human nature (n.) 人性realistic /r"lstk/ (a.) 写实●Right? If you w...


大昭寺转经廊 the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple英语短句 例句大全

大昭寺转经廊 the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple英语短句 例句大全

...he Research ofthe Jokhang Temple Monastery of the Lhasa Characteristic and Realistic Meaning;拉萨大昭寺建筑特征及现实意义的研究英文短句/例句1.After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple, Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple.大昭寺建成后...


两个必然 two necessities英语短句 例句大全

两个必然 two necessities英语短句 例句大全

...的三代领导人关于“两个务必”的思想及其时代意义2.The Realistic Meaning of Keeping Firmly in Mind "Two Necessities;论牢记“两个务必”的现实性6)the Two Necessities两个务必1.Some New Ideas about the 360th Year after Jiasheng ——How to Keepthe Two Necessities an...


八目+Eight+Items: 英语短句+例句大全

八目+Eight+Items: 英语短句+例句大全

...利地运用英语进行交流。八目,Eight Items1)Eight Items八目1.A Realistic Thinking on the "Three Programs"and "Eight Items" in The Great Learning;《大学》“三纲”“八目”思想的现实思考英文短句/例句1.lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes.与八目鳗类鱼区别...




...xation.6. Reach out to a trusted friend or professional for support.7. Set realistic goals for yourself to avoid feeling overwhelmed.8. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you cannot.9. Make self-care a priority, including healthy eating and regular exercise.10. Limit exposure to stress...


朋友圈精辟的句子沧桑岁月里几度沉浮 句句精辟 值得分享

朋友圈精辟的句子沧桑岁月里几度沉浮 句句精辟 值得分享

...那么你必须站稳脚跟。If you look forward to tomorrow, you must be realistic first, ifyou want to be smart, then you must stand on your feet.只有学会改变自己的人生,品味沧桑,才能遗憾自己的青春和岁月的流逝。Only learn to change their own life, taste the vicis...


表达心累又无奈的句子 适合深夜自己一个人看

表达心累又无奈的句子 适合深夜自己一个人看

...t get out of the sadness without you.人走茶凉,多么现实。It"s so realistic for five people to have tea.谁都无法感同身受你的难过。No one can feel your sorrow.你把自己的伤口掀给别人看,别人说你矫情。When you show others your wounds, they say you are hypocriti...


一个人的心酸一句话 越看越想哭 心都碎了一地!

一个人的心酸一句话 越看越想哭 心都碎了一地!

...and some truth understand some things after all, the more people live more realistic.峩知道,痛是峩自找的,所以峩不会向任何人哭诉。(I know, pain is sheself-inflicted, so SHEwill not cry to anyone.(
