
大昭寺转经廊 the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 10:03:04


The Jokhang Temple is a significant religious site located in Lhasa, Tibet, and its circumambulation walls and the surrounding prayer wheels are an integral part of the temple"s spiritual significance. Visitors to the Jokhang Temple often walk the circuit around the temple complex, known as the "kora," which includes the famous Barkhor Street and the Jokhang Temple"s outer kora, with its row of prayer wheels and the surrounding marketplaces. The Jokhang Temple"s exterior walls are lined with intricate prayer wheels that pilgrims and visitors spin as they walk around the temple, believing that each rotation sends their prayers into the world. The combination of the prayer wheels, pilgrims, and the history of the Jokhang Temple create a powerful spiritual experience that draws people from all over the world. The circumambulation walls and prayer wheels of the Jokhang Temple are a unique and essential part of the temple"s cultural and religious significance.

大昭寺转经廊,the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple

1)the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple大昭寺转经廊

2)the Jokhang Temple大昭寺

1.Pull the Research ofthe Jokhang Temple Monastery of the Lhasa Characteristic and Realistic Meaning;拉萨大昭寺建筑特征及现实意义的研究


1.After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple, Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple.大昭寺建成后,文成公主又建了小昭寺。

2.The changes to the Jokhang Monastery in Tibet after renovation are there for all to see and judge.西藏的大昭寺,新旧判然有别。

3.The Potala Palace, the Jokhang Monastery and some other monasteries and temples have become national or regional key cultural preservation centers.布达拉宫、大昭寺等一批寺庙列为全国或自治区重点文物保护单位。

4.Pull the Research of the Jokhang Temple Monastery of the Lhasa Characteristic and Realistic Meaning;拉萨大昭寺建筑特征及现实意义的研究

5.The Potala Palace, the Three Grand Monasteries in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple and Tashilhunpo Monastery in Xigaze have been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the Central Government.中央政府把布达拉宫、拉萨三大寺、大昭寺、日喀则扎什伦布寺等列为国家重点文物保护单位。

6.In downtown Lhasa, Da"Zhao"Si or the Jokhang Temple has remained its imposing and stately self, but the scene surrounding the temple has changed beyond recognition.拉萨市中心的大昭寺依旧肃穆庄重,周围却早已不是旧时模样。

7.It is estimated that more than one million religious believers go to Jokhang据估计,每年到拉萨大昭寺朝佛敬香的信教群众就达上百万人次。

8.This, the legend says, accounts for the flat nose on the face of every one of the 108 Sphinx-like figures on the beams of the Jokhang Temple.至今,大昭寺梁上的108尊狮身人面兽的鼻子,无一不是扁平的。

9.Meanwhile, representatives from various countries also expressed their support for the proposal on including the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa in the same list.同时,各国代表还支持将拉萨大昭寺列入同一世界遗产项目。

10.What is known as "the willow of the Tang Dynasty" before the Jokhang Temple was reputedly planted there personally by the princess and Songzan Ganbu together.现在大昭寺前的“唐柳”,相传还是文成公主和松赞干布亲手栽种的呢!

11.In the year 823 a stone tablet was set up in front of the Jokhang Temple to mark the alliance of the Tang court and Tibet whose inscription also carries the name Lhasa.8,立于大昭寺前的“唐蕃会盟”碑上,再次记下“拉萨”的名字。

12.Inside and outside famous monasteries such as the Jokhang are crowds of worshipers either prostrating in prayer, turning their prayer wheels or bowing to Buddhist statues.在大昭寺等一些著名的寺院内外,挤满了磕长头、转法轮、朝佛的信教群众。

13.King Songtsen Gampo* s reign saw the establishment of the Jokhang and Ramoche temples and the construction of a fort on the site of what much later was to become the Potala palace in Lhasa.松赞干布统治时代修建了大昭寺和小昭寺,还在很久以后成为拉萨布达拉宫的地方修筑了一座堡垒。

14.The Tang-Tubo Alliance Monument marking the meeting for this purpose between Tang and Tubo erected in 823 still stands in the square in front of the Jokhang Monastery.大昭寺前的广场上还矗立着公元8为双方会盟建立的“唐蕃会盟碑”。

15.The clusters of ancient structures on the Barkor Street with the Jokhang Monastery in the center are the epitome of Tibetan history and the cream of ancient Tibetan architecture.他说,以大昭寺为中心的八角街古建筑群是拉萨历史的缩影,是藏民族古建筑精品之一。

16.Drepung Monastry哲蚌寺(拉萨三大寺之一)

17.Ganden Monastry甘丹寺(拉萨三大寺之一)

18.The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。


the Jokhang Temple大昭寺

1.Pull the Research ofthe Jokhang Temple Monastery of the Lhasa Characteristic and Realistic Meaning;拉萨大昭寺建筑特征及现实意义的研究

3)Lasa Dazhao Si拉萨大昭寺

4)The Great Hall of Zhaoren Temple昭仁寺大殿


6)N-S DIV(N.Wei N.Qi):Office for the Clarification of Buddhist Profundities昭玄寺


拉萨大昭寺吐蕃王朝早期的佛教寺庙建筑。位于西藏自治区拉萨市中心。始建于 7世纪中叶,古称白哈神殿,是吐蕃赞普松赞干布为传播佛教而兴建的。后经多次修整扩建,而形成今日有2万5千余平方米建筑的寺庙。1961年国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。大昭寺坐东向西,主殿是一座有天井的三层楼房。内天井面积不大,其东有用24根高柱围成的坛场,是佛殿前的聚会殿。主殿外的东、南、北三面建有一圈两层的廊屋,廊屋下层为围绕主殿的转经道。主殿之西为前院,前院中部为一天井,天井的南、西两面为两层楼房,北面为三层楼房;天井周围有进深为两间和三间的外廊,四面墙壁满绘宗教内容的壁画,称为千佛廊院。前院西侧为寺正门。正门前隔马路有立于 9世纪的"唐蕃会盟碑"、清乾隆二十九年(1764)立的汉文"劝人种痘碑"及相传为文成公主植的唐柳。大昭寺的主殿、天井、正门均在一条轴线上。主殿内的建筑均为佛堂。相传文成公主带进藏的释迦牟尼佛像即供奉在一层东面中间的殿堂里。主殿顶上四面各有一座歇山式鎏金屋顶,四隅各有一座方形的平顶小神殿。大昭寺采用藏族传统建筑的木石混合结构,墙体均用石块砌筑。传说文成公主进藏时带来烧砖技术,主殿原来的墙体是用砖砌筑的,今天在窗口内部的墙体上,仍可见到一些红色的残砖。主殿的第 3层及金顶和前院、跨院等的建筑均为11世纪以后陆续扩建的。整座寺院均为传统的藏式平顶。平顶周围的女儿墙及以下的一段墙面,外面用柽柳砌筑,一般称为"白玛草檐墙"。大昭寺外观富丽堂皇;内部墙壁满绘佛教内容的壁画,柱头、梁架等均施以雕刻和彩绘。据藏文史料记载,它是在松赞干布支持下,由文成公主、尺尊公主参与建成的,自古以来就是藏汉民族团结的象征。建筑中融进了藏族、汉族以及尼泊尔和印度等地民族的风格特点。

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  1. 红玫瑰与白玫瑰2024-03-12 10:56红玫瑰与白玫瑰[河北省网友]
  2. 秋阳红叶2024-03-12 10:29秋阳红叶[贵州省网友]
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