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佛家思想 Buddhist thought英语短句 例句大全

佛家思想 Buddhist thought英语短句 例句大全

佛家思想,Buddhist thought1)Buddhist thought佛家思想英文短句/例句1.And Jiang Yan takes Taoism thought and Buddhism thought which attaches to the Taoism thought as auxiliary.而以道家思想与佛教思想为辅,其佛家思想又依附于道家思想之上。2.Buddhisms Effect on Lian...


“飞流直下三千尺”的下一句?你该用English回答一下了 优秀!

“飞流直下三千尺”的下一句?你该用English回答一下了 优秀!

...】3. 四川峨眉山【Mount Emei,Sichuan】Mount Emei is the Taoist or Buddhist rites of the Bodhisattva to Samantabhadra, and is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Meanwhile, it is also a natural valuable and rare animal and plant paradise and geological museum.【峨眉山为...


日本援助物资上的中文古诗火了 你知道它们的含义吗?

日本援助物资上的中文古诗火了 你知道它们的含义吗?

...交流史上的一个重要时刻。The line comes from a seventh century Buddhist hymn by Prince Nagaya, a politician from the Nara period (710 – 794) of Japan, titled “Embroidered on Kasaya Robes for Good Karma”:这句诗出自7世纪日本长屋亲王的佛诗《绣袈裟衣缘》,长屋...


扛精 锦鲤这些你都会翻译吗?双语盘点2018年度流行词汇!

扛精 锦鲤这些你都会翻译吗?双语盘点2018年度流行词汇!

...,但在吴亦凡带火之后,疯狂被网友模范传播。4.佛系 Buddhist-style词汇来源于2017年的推文《第一批90后已经出家了》,现在网络上,更延伸出“佛系女友”“佛系生活”“佛系带娃”等词汇。可以理解成心态比较洒脱,“有也可...




...建南平石佛山森林公园自然旅游资源经济价值评估研究18.Buddhist Economics from the Perspective of Sector Economics: Starting from Prayadh payutto s Buddhist Economics;部门经济视野中的佛教经济——从佩尤托的《佛教经济学》一书谈起相关短句/例句Budd...


用英文如何表达西游记人事物呢?经典不会过时 get必备英语技能

用英文如何表达西游记人事物呢?经典不会过时 get必备英语技能

...s Xuanzang,a little monk from Chang'an to go to the West and fetch the Buddhist scriptures。大闹天空the Monkey King's havoc in heaven或wreak havoc in heaven五百年之后500 years after;五百年之前500 years ago东土大唐The Great Tang Dynasty in the East;长安Chang'an...


史的诗化 poeticized history英语短句 例句大全

史的诗化 poeticized history英语短句 例句大全

...体创作上明显地呈现出了颇具力感之美的史诗化倾向。6)Buddhist Epic史诗佛教化延伸阅读公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理


汉语词汇史 history of Chinese lexicon英语短句 例句大全

汉语词汇史 history of Chinese lexicon英语短句 例句大全

...研究的新尝试——关于《词语搭配变化研究》的思考5.The Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese is an important corpus in the study of Chinese language history.汉译佛经是汉语史研究的重要语料,尤其是汉语词汇史研究的重要语料。6.The paper also reveals...


隋代书家 calligraphers in the Sui Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

隋代书家 calligraphers in the Sui Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

...jizhi";《隋书·经籍志》与《汉书·艺文志》之比较11.On the Buddhist Historical Materials Concerned the Five Elements in Sui Shu;试说《隋书·五行志》中的佛教史料12.A Study of Citations in Hanyu Da Cidian(汉语大词典) from Suishi Yiwen(隋史遗文);从《隋史遗...


直击人心的精辟句子 引人共鸣!

直击人心的精辟句子 引人共鸣!

...己的世界变得更美好,更幸福。In this case, it"s best to be a Buddhist, don"t compete with others, and make your world better and happier.


朋友圈文案 挑一句发朋友圈吧

朋友圈文案 挑一句发朋友圈吧

...ut a dream.六、你是佛门闲散客,我是红尘卖酒人.You are the buddhist idle guest, I am the red man selling wine.七、你是我自罚三杯,都不肯开口的秘密。You are the secret that I punished myself with three cups and refused to open my mouth.八、食了那么多言,你...


大昭寺转经廊 the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple英语短句 例句大全

大昭寺转经廊 the circumlation walls of Jhokang Temple英语短句 例句大全

...ers either prostrating in prayer, turning their prayer wheels or bowing to Buddhist statues.在大昭寺等一些著名的寺院内外,挤满了磕长头、转法轮、朝佛的信教群众。13.King Songtsen Gampo* s reign saw the establishment of the Jokhang and Ramoche temples and the construct...




...教授的禅学专著《禅宗思想的形成与发展》英文版《Chan-Buddhist Philosophy: Its Formation and Development》作为国家“经典中国国际出版工程”的资助项目,最近由瑞士著名的布劳恩出版社在海外出版发行。布劳恩出版社创立于德国柏林...


高品质超优质的情感文案 堪称经典 值得品味

高品质超优质的情感文案 堪称经典 值得品味

...,走过着大千世界。I want to take your hand and walk through the Buddhist cosmology.只有经得起流年的爱恋,才是爱情的最高境界。Only withstands the fleeting love, is the love of the highest realm.风很暖,天很蓝,你很可爱,所以我很喜欢。The wind is warm,...




...腹肌的。No man can influence me. After all, I have swept the leaves in buddhist nun for eight years, and my heart is as cold as the wind, except for those with abdominal muscles.2.不想和我玩吃鸡就算了,什么飞机上人太多容易得肺炎这种话都说得出来?Forget eating chi...


精辟正能量 人生感悟有哲理的美文 写到你心里

精辟正能量 人生感悟有哲理的美文 写到你心里

...斗的年纪选择安逸。In fact, I know my nature is to think about a Buddhist life. However, reality is pushing me hard, telling me not to choose comfort at the age of struggle.12.人生的意义不仅在于不断实现人生目标,更在于不断完善人生目标。The meaning of life lies n...


8句正能量的话 激励你前进 句句经典

8句正能量的话 激励你前进 句句经典

...诗,浩瀚、宁静、优雅、华丽而孤独。Qingqiu is a profound Buddhist sutra, a romantic poem, vast,serene, elegant, gorgeous and lonely.5、当你还面对着一条河流和秋天的时候,你的灵魂会更加轻盈飘渺,慢慢飞向高处。远离世界的喧嚣,我觉得格外...


深夜孤独的情感句子 扎心现实 触人心弦!

深夜孤独的情感句子 扎心现实 触人心弦!

...风也一定会吹到我身上,这样我们就不会相隔很远。The Buddhist wind will certainly blow on me, so that we will not be far apart.我不知道去哪里,但我已经在路上了。I don"t know where to go, but I" m already on my way.就像你的小尾巴,屁颠颠的那种。It"s...


经典现实的生活句子 走在熙熙攘攘的城市里 沐浴在雪中的混乱

经典现实的生活句子 走在熙熙攘攘的城市里 沐浴在雪中的混乱

...mmortal pavilion in the distance, though the four hymns are justmonotonous Buddhist scriptures, they are always the same color. Inthe world of mortals all sorts of old things cross my mind. Althoughevery time I travel, I die in tears.


朋友圈很走心的感悟句子 平稳而不平凡 快乐而长久

朋友圈很走心的感悟句子 平稳而不平凡 快乐而长久

...身在荆棘之中,心不动,人不乱,不动则不伤。There is a Buddhist saying: when people live, they are in thorns, their hearts do not move, people do not mess, and if they do not move, they do not hurt.而她所不知道的是,她如此出风头,早已被人看不起。有些心...
