第一句子大全 > 标签 > perception
2024年距离知觉 Distance perception英语短句 例句大全

2024年距离知觉 Distance perception英语短句 例句大全

距离知觉,Distance perception1)Distance perception距离知觉1.In the recent spatial researches, distance perception has been a primary concern for understanding how human beings establishes a memory of location and navigates in an environment.在空间知觉研究领域,距离知觉是理解...


感知的比例 Perception Ratio英语短句 例句大全

感知的比例 Perception Ratio英语短句 例句大全



民居旅馆 dwelling inn英语短句 例句大全

民居旅馆 dwelling inn英语短句 例句大全

...residence富丽堂皇的餐厅、 旅馆、 居所.5.Research on Residents Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Tourism in Tourist Destinations;旅游地居民对旅游的感知与态度研究6.Study on the Residents Perceptions of Tourism Impacts in Chinese Tourist Destinations;旅游目的地居民的...


知行分离 Separation of Knowing and Doing英语短句 例句大全

知行分离 Separation of Knowing and Doing英语短句 例句大全

...ge and Moral Behavior;大学生道德知行分离的原因及解决思路3.Perception Versus Action Hypothesis and Selective Attention;知觉与行为的分离假设和选择性注意4.Verification of the Dissociation between Perception and Action in the Visual Illusion Experiments;知觉与行为...


骨感知+Osseoperception: 英语短句与例句大全

骨感知+Osseoperception: 英语短句与例句大全



逻辑的共通感+the+logic+of+common+sense: 英语短句和例句大全

逻辑的共通感+the+logic+of+common+sense: 英语短句和例句大全

... logic of common sense1)the logic of common sense逻辑的共通感2)Sound Perception Logic声音感觉的逻辑1.By studying Rock Music as a special existence of perceptual form, this paper further analyzes its unique feature known as "Sound Perception Logic".本篇论文以摇滚(乐)作为一个...




...了一遍。比如碰到A gas discovered on Venus may change scientists’ perceptions of the planet.虽然有的学生能猜出perception 是认识、理解、洞察力的意思但不确定 ,我就会想到2020高考北京卷阅读D篇中,An imaginative mathematician wanted to create an ultra-i...


感悟式批评 the criticism based on gnosis英语短句 例句大全

感悟式批评 the criticism based on gnosis英语短句 例句大全

...龙·知音》篇中的文学批评模式研究7.The criticism way of" apperception type" was helpful to the poetic criticism of aftertime.其中“领悟式”的批评方法,对于后世诗话具有垂范作用。8.The Discussion of "Wukong" in the Pilgrimage to the West --Mathematical Criticism o...


复盘 赋能 加持……互联网不说人话术语大全

复盘 赋能 加持……互联网不说人话术语大全

...,反哺(give back),点线面( point.Line and plane),认知(perception),强化认知(reinfored perception),强化心智(reinforced mind-set),智能(smart-),机器学习(machine learning),智能决策(smart decision),交互(inter-ink),兼容(in...


每天记背28个高频词汇 大学英语四级必背内容(第32天)

每天记背28个高频词汇 大学英语四级必背内容(第32天)

...21,peaceful 平静的Everything is peaceful 一切都是很平静的22,perception 理解力Your perception is marvelous 你的理解力是超级棒的23,permission 允许I can get your permission 我能得到你的允许24,pulse 脉搏Your pulse is normal 你的脉搏是正常的25,realist...


客观觉察阈限 Objective Awareness Threshold英语短句 例句大全

客观觉察阈限 Objective Awareness Threshold英语短句 例句大全

...The Validity of Subjective andObjective Awareness Thresholds in Subliminal Perception Priming主、客观觉察阈限对阈上与阈下启动差异的鉴别作用英文短句/例句1.The Validity of Subjective and Objective Awareness Thresholds in Subliminal Perception Priming主、客观觉察阈...


妊娠期心理行为特征 Psychology and behavior characteristics in pregnancy period英语短句 例句大全

妊娠期心理行为特征 Psychology and behavior characteristics in pregnancy period英语短句 例句大全

...concept of credited students’debt tolerance of student loans,that is,the perception of function and significance of debt and the debtors’psychological and behavioral characteristics under debt pressure and debt monitor.基于两类"容忍度"研究模式,提出助学贷款受信学生债务容...


悬搁判断 suspension of judgment英语短句 例句大全

悬搁判断 suspension of judgment英语短句 例句大全

...ion judgment悬置判断1.,The Skepticism claims to doubt all essence from perceptive phenomena and conclusion that inferred by rational thinking,then adopts "the suspension judgment" to obtain the soul "tranquilly".古希腊晚期怀疑主义是西方哲学史上一个重要流派,它是在乱世...


色度学 colorimetry英语短句 例句大全

色度学 colorimetry英语短句 例句大全

...try, also known as color science or color measurement, is the study of the perception of color and its quantification in terms of measurement. It plays a crucial role in various fields such as physics, chemistry, engineering, and art. Colorimetry involves understanding the properties of light, human...


每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

...Day70预告I had not realized how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids, including our core beliefs about their psychological development.-2012年text2(英语一)


温馨句子 世界上有一种最美的声音 那就是妈妈的呼唤

温馨句子 世界上有一种最美的声音 那就是妈妈的呼唤

...。Happiness comes from the satisfaction of life, gratitude comesfrom the perception of happiness.也许你一天的爱可以换来别人一辈子的感激。Maybe one day of your love can get a lifetime of gratitude.扔一个桃子,赏一个李子。Throw a peach and enjoy a plum.


心理学术语中文 英文对照

心理学术语中文 英文对照

...ess完形心理学——Gestalt psychology感觉——sensation知觉——perception实验法——experimental method独变项——independent variable依变项——dependent V.控制变项——control V.生理——physiology条件化——conditioning学习——learning比较心理学——c...


迎接十月的精致小句子 干净走心

迎接十月的精致小句子 干净走心

...bottom line because they have to rely on each other, but they have a clear perception of resentment, so they can"t be happy all day.像你那样熬夜,让我无法忍受。明知道再这样下去,只能让自己身心俱疲,明明已经无法再坚持,可就是不想停下来。Like you, ju...




...ng myself when I realized other people only understand from their level of perception.当我意识到别人只能从他们的感知水平来理解问题时,我就不再解释自己了。Words can"t fix what ACTIONS broke.言语不能弥补行动的失败(伤害)。




...翰卡斯泰拉尼说道。第二段Some experts argue that the shift in perception is mostly phychological, but others including Dr.Castellani, say, there"s more to it:The evidence suggests that the body grows to tolerate the cold over time.一些专家认为这种感知上的转变主要是心理...
