第一句子大全 > 标签 > Monetary
06月@美国货币政策 U.S monetary policy英语短句 例句大全

06月@美国货币政策 U.S monetary policy英语短句 例句大全

美国货币政策,U.S monetary policy1)U.S monetary policy美国货币政策1.And on the basis of this analysis, the author makes an overall investigation and summarization about the implementation and the operation features of the U.笔者在分析90年代以来美国货币政策所实施的理论...


【2024年】货币冲击:Monetary Shock英语短句+例句大全

【2024年】货币冲击:Monetary Shock英语短句+例句大全

货币冲击,Monetary Shock1)Monetary Shock货币冲击1.Firstly, we analyze the effect of monetary shock, real shock, terms of trade shock and speculative shock on economic performance under alternative exchange rate regimes.本文从经济冲击的视角研究了汇率制度选择的两个问题...


香港金管局 HKMA英语短句 例句大全

香港金管局 HKMA英语短句 例句大全

...港金管局集团式监管的框架及启示2."Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CE, HKMA]"香港金融管理局总裁3.Administration Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]行政处〔香港金融管理局〕4.Exchange Fund Advisory Committee [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]外汇基...


电视币 	elevision money英语短句 例句大全

电视币 elevision money英语短句 例句大全

...3)electronic currency电子货币1.Influence ofelectronic currency on the monetary policy conduction mechanism;电子货币对货币政策传导机制的影响parative analysis of the influence ofelectronic currency on M1 and M2 multiplier;电子货币对M1和M2的货币乘数影响及比较分析3....


方差分解 variance decomposition英语短句 例句大全

方差分解 variance decomposition英语短句 例句大全

...f explaining the effective theory and the transmission mechanism theory of monetary policy, by adopting cointegration test, vector autoregressive model(VAR) andvariance decomposition, this paper has conducted an empirical study on the controversy monetary transmission mechanism of China with the dat...


环境服务 environmental services英语短句 例句大全

环境服务 environmental services英语短句 例句大全

...balance accounts for forestland and standing timber including physical and monetary accounts for forestenvironmental services, accounts for the total forest annual output, seek after the distribution of the total forest annual output in sectors or levels, investigate 120 household about dependence o...


实用英语:聊天的时候 「聊什么」比「怎么聊」重要得多

实用英语:聊天的时候 「聊什么」比「怎么聊」重要得多

...么,我们来造个句子吧~Sometimes social currency goes further than monetary currency.有时候,社交货币比真实货币更好用。关注头条号:语都




...ng the biggest crisis since World War II!But it is easy to understand why monetary policy will be limited in its efficacy despite their rapid response and scale. The reason is that in 2007, it was spending and credit that was frozen. Consumers and businesses cannot afford to replay loans or get new...


改错(Proofreading and Error Correction)——语法基础

改错(Proofreading and Error Correction)——语法基础

...出一些常见概念的定义,考生写出概念Gross ___________is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country"s borders in a specific time period.填写 Domestic Product阅读理解和翻译给出一篇文章,阅读之后,翻译划线句子,考察...




...行贷款政策变化与中国林业的对策parison between International Monetary Fund andthe World Bank;国际货币基金组织与世界银行之比较研究3.The Study on the Mechanism of the Chinese Expert Panel s Function in the Vocational Education Reform Project ofthe World Bank;世界银...


流动性资产 Assets Liquidity英语短句 例句大全

流动性资产 Assets Liquidity英语短句 例句大全

...流动性过剩与资产价格关系研究8.Study on the Countermeasure of Monetary Assets Excess Liquidity of Our Country;我国货币资产流动性过剩的对策研究9.Optimistic Expectation,Liquidity and Asset Prices;“繁华预期”、流动性变化和资产价格10.The Research of Financi...


强化管 enhanced tube英语短句 例句大全

强化管 enhanced tube英语短句 例句大全

...n Financial Management;强化工程合同管理 提高财务管理水平17.Monetary Fund Management Is the Key of Strengthening the Operation and Management;货币资金管理是强化经营管理的关键18.Strengthened energy saving management and increased the level of enteprise management;强化...


每日一题|英语一真题重点词汇及长难句|2016Text3 来源www0769ink

每日一题|英语一真题重点词汇及长难句|2016Text3 来源www0769ink

...se[prems]n.(pl.)营业场所v.作出前提;提出…作为前提(条件)21.monetary[mnteri]adj.金融的,货币的22prosecute[prɑskjut]vt.告发,起诉23.corruption[krp()n]n.腐败24.donate [donet]v.捐赠,赠送25consideration [knsdre()n]n.考虑,深思;体谅,照顾26differentiate[dfreniet]v.使...




...|减|税|和宽松|货|币|政策,有如下分析:Tax cuts and looser monetary policy in China start to stimulate private-sector spending. That stirs other Asian economies, which in turn bucks up activity in the euro zone, which relies heavily on emerging-market demand.中国实行|减|税|和...


Tobin Q英语短句大全与例句

Tobin Q英语短句大全与例句

...资本流动2.Exchange Rate Target Zone:Tobin Tax,Currency Speculation and Monetary Policy Independence;汇率目标区:托宾税、货币投机与货币政策独立性3.Tobin tax is used for reducing the fluidity of international capital and the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate via increas...


前瞻适应 Perspective Adaption英语短句 例句大全

前瞻适应 Perspective Adaption英语短句 例句大全

...记忆的TAP效应18.The Designing and Application of the Forward-looking Monetary Policy Rules;最优前瞻性货币政策规则的设计与应用相关短句/例句prospective memory effect前瞻性记忆效应3)Prospective interference effect前瞻干扰效应1.When the execution situation was kn...


巴克豪森效应: 英文简介和例句大全

巴克豪森效应: 英文简介和例句大全

...lassa-Samuelson Effects of RMB: An Analysis Based on the Flexibility Price Monetary Model;人民币汇率的巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应——基于弹性价格货币模型的分析18.The Eisenhower Administration"s Military Aid Policy to Pakaistan (1953-1961)试析艾森豪威尔政府对巴基斯...


网络时评 Comment of Netnews英语短句 例句大全

网络时评 Comment of Netnews英语短句 例句大全

...国新时期民主进程英文短句/例句1.Better control network: tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate?网络时评:紧缩货币政策能否震慑楼市疯涨?2.The construction of theory in the age of destruction;解构时代的理论建构——评《网络文学论纲》work re...


巴克豪森效应 Barkhausen effect英语短句 例句大全

巴克豪森效应 Barkhausen effect英语短句 例句大全

...lassa-Samuelson Effects of RMB: An Analysis Based on the Flexibility Price Monetary Model;人民币汇率的巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应——基于弹性价格货币模型的分析18.The Eisenhower Administration"s Military Aid Policy to Pakaistan (1953-1961)试析艾森豪威尔政府对巴基斯...


非回转对称微结构 non-rotationally symmetric microstructured surface英语短句 例句大全

非回转对称微结构 non-rotationally symmetric microstructured surface英语短句 例句大全

...结构,选择转子材料。15.The Regional Asymmetric Effect of China"s Monetary Policy--A Test Based on the Structural Vector Autoregression Model中国货币政策区域非对称性效应——基于结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)的检验16.Macro-Modeling of Micro Structure with Nonlinear La...
