第一句子大全 > 标签 > emotional
情绪冲突 emotional conflict英语短句 例句大全

情绪冲突 emotional conflict英语短句 例句大全

情绪冲突,emotional conflict1)emotional conflict情绪冲突1.The article introducedemotional conflict from three aspects: (1) The general research situation of cognitive conflict,since it is the origin of the research ofemotional conflict; (2) Behavioral studies onemotional conflict,including st...


日本发布2020奥运口号 三个英语单词 难倒翻译专家!

日本发布2020奥运口号 三个英语单词 难倒翻译专家!

...会最近发布了2020年东京奥运会及残奥会的口号:United by Emotion东京奥运官网对这句口号的解释是这样的:“the motto emphasizes the power of sport to bring together people from diverse backgrounds of every kind and allow them to connect and celebrate in a way that r...


情感系统 emotional system英语短句 例句大全

情感系统 emotional system英语短句 例句大全

情感系统,emotional system1)emotional system情感系统1.The quality structure of teachers of Institutions of high learning is composed of cognitive system,emotional system and operational system,among which emotional and operational systems best represent the career characteristics of teachers ...


充满智慧的文案句子 言辞简短 富含哲理

充满智慧的文案句子 言辞简短 富含哲理

...魂的声音情感是身体的声音Conscience is the voice of the soul, emotion is the voice of the body微笑是情感的舒展眼泪是情感的净化Smile is the extension of emotion, tears is the purification of emotion这是我自己的感受,我没有要求你也作出反应This is my own f...




Feelings and Emotions Adjectives 感情和情绪形容词English Adjectives to describe feelings and emotions. 英语用形容词来描述情感和情感。Feelings and Emotions Adjectives 感情和情绪形容词Happy 快乐Afraid 害怕Sad 悲伤的Hot 热Amused 逗乐Bored 无聊Anxious 焦虑Con...




...EQ1)librarians"EQ馆员情商英文短句/例句1.Discussion on Librarians"Emotion Quotient(EQ) and University Library"s Service Quality论馆员情商与高校图书馆的服务质量2.Ostensibly a consular employee, he is actually a spy.他表面上是领事馆雇员,实为情报人员。3.Micha...


理智 reason英语短句 例句大全

理智 reason英语短句 例句大全

...相关短句/例句sense[英][sens][美][s?ns]理智1.The design without emotion is empty,the one with nosense is useless.没有感情的设计是空洞的,没有理智的设计是无用的,有情感有理智的设计才是完整的设计。2.Centering on the theme of conflict betweensense and sensi...




Touching heads【译】头部相抵Touching heads is a uniquely human emotional expression that does not occur in nonhuman primates. 【译】头部相触是人类特有的一种情感表达,非人灵长类动物不会做这个动作。—— uniquely 副词 [ju"nikli] adv. 独特地;唯一地...




...气,长大后我们要学会稳定自己的情绪。Remember to play an emotionally stable adult every day. When we are young, we can lose our tempers, and when we grow up, we must learn to stabilize our emotions.只有小孩子才会被无条件的原谅,而成年人不一定会有被原谅的...




manage your emotions:控制(管理)你的情绪。emotion:强烈的感情;激情;情感;情绪。EQ:情商(emotional quotient).IQ:智商(intelligence quotient).quotient:商(除法所得的结果)。In short, EQ is a capacity to manage your emotions.简单来说,情商就是管...




get emotional:受感动、伤感、闹情绪。I get emotional but not for me. 我伤感但不是为了我自己。A lot of people have said they get emotional, sometimes even cry when theywatched this video in someplaces.很多人说,他们看完这个视频觉得很感动,看到有些地方...


一眼就爱上的小众文案 期待你的喜欢

一眼就爱上的小众文案 期待你的喜欢

...习惯性地用理性来克制自己的感性情感。Because her mind is emotional and her mind is rational, she always habitually uses reason to restrain her emotional feelings.不管是亲情友情爱情,什么都不能真正伤害她,仿佛没有心。No matter family, friendship or love, no...


那些扎心的实话句子 句句现实 让人深思

那些扎心的实话句子 句句现实 让人深思

...inful she is now, and I don"t know how eager she is for happiness in those emotional days那几夜不眠,她多想来陪她,我想写封信给她,却一直被删掉。Those nights without sleep, she wanted to accompany her. I wanted to write a letter to her, but it was deleted all the time看...


秋言物语 I——12 禅与人生快乐的境界

秋言物语 I——12 禅与人生快乐的境界

...riendship. So in essence, the phrase means people who are too dedicated to emotions do not have a long life.Through literary or realistic figures, we can see that many talented women suffer a fate of a short life span. Lin Daiyu from A Dream of Red Mansions, Chen Xiaoxu who plays Lin Daiyu, the sing...




...三个句子:1.The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions.翻译:一种文化背景下的人不像另一种文化背景下的人一样直率地表达他们的情感,这个事实并不...




...主流了。2 “我emo了”梗的出处?据百度百科,EMO,全称Emotional Hardcore,中文名称情绪硬核。最初是从硬核朋克(Hardcore Punk)中派生出来的一种有着艺术家气派的音乐。一般比较悲伤,现在多用来指代悲伤的情绪。3 “我emo了”...


最经典的人生感悟 简短精致 句句深入人心!

最经典的人生感悟 简短精致 句句深入人心!

...et someone you like, remember only to be friends, only talk and laugh, not emotional long light love, and far from what are not in the blacklist.无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。No matter how, a person excuse to fall always unfo...


富含哲理的句子:如果你不能陪到最后 就不要半路进入别人的生活

富含哲理的句子:如果你不能陪到最后 就不要半路进入别人的生活

...惧、没有外在干扰的恐惧、没有压抑妥协的恐惧。The best emotion is: no fear. There is no fear of loss, no fear of pleasing, no fear of doubting love, no fear of not seeing, no fear of hiding, no fear of the future, no fear of external interference, no fear of repressing compromise...


东京奥运会主题口号公布 关于中文翻译这届网友有话说

东京奥运会主题口号公布 关于中文翻译这届网友有话说

...时间17日东京2020奥运会残奥会主题口号公布。“United by Emotion”成为了东京奥运会和残奥会的口号。目前尚未公布其中文翻译,但网友们已经坐不住了。东京奥运会及残奥运会官方微博在发布的公告中写道:东京将迎来世界各地...


那些爱意满满的短句 送给丧到不行的你 深夜治愈系

那些爱意满满的短句 送给丧到不行的你 深夜治愈系

...distress, her heart is like a sponge in great need of love. Just a drop of emotion expands immediately.感情不知道从哪里来。一旦感觉很深,他们就看不到底部,所以他们无处可去Feelings don"t know where they come from. Once feelings are deep, they don"t see the bottom, so...
