第一句子大全 > 标签 > tight
习语in a tight corner不要翻译成封闭的角落 而要译成处于困境

习语in a tight corner不要翻译成封闭的角落 而要译成处于困境

首先我们看一个例句:He helped me a lot when I was in a tight corner.不要翻译成:当我在一个封闭的角落时,他帮了我很多。而要翻译成:我处于困境时他帮了我很多。tight 意思是“紧的、封闭的”,in a tight corner字面意思是“在一个封...

2011-06-05 #经典句子

属于美女发的可爱句子 简短洋气 趣味多多!

属于美女发的可爱句子 简短洋气 趣味多多!

...口袋紧,手头紧,衣服紧,裤腰紧。Now the future is really tight: tight pockets, tight hands, tight clothes, tight trousers waist.14、多喝热水不许哭,你再熬夜就是猪。Drink plenty of hot water and don"t cry. If you stay up late, you will be a pig.图片来源网络,...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

沙雕又可爱的朋友圈句子 古怪搞笑 一秒收藏!

沙雕又可爱的朋友圈句子 古怪搞笑 一秒收藏!

...服紧,裙子紧,手头紧!My present state, may be the future four tight, tight trousers waist, tight clothes, tight skirt, tight hand!勇敢是什么,是我明知道这顿饭吃下去会胖,我还是会迎头而上!What is courage? I know this meal will be fat, I will still head on!脑...

2023-08-24 #经典句子

沙雕搞笑的句子 可爱有趣 百看不厌!

沙雕搞笑的句子 可爱有趣 百看不厌!

...,衣服紧,眉头紧,难道这就是传说中的前程四紧?Hand tight, time tight, clothes tight, brow tight, is this the legendary four tight future?五、突然有一股强烈的想要学习的欲望 幸好我自制力强, 给压下去了。All of a sudden, I have a strong desire to le...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

日常沙雕句子 幽默有趣 越看越爱

日常沙雕句子 幽默有趣 越看越爱

...间紧,衣服紧,眉头紧,这大概就是前程四紧吧。Money is tight, time is tight, clothes are tight, brows are tight. This is probably the future four tight.高中的数学题里没有出现小明了,我就知道那傻子考不上高中。There is no Xiaoming in the high school math...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

激动 给你一个“熊抱”!英文难道真的说bear hug吗?

激动 给你一个“熊抱”!英文难道真的说bear hug吗?

...英文解释:an act of putting your arms around someone and holding them tightly, because you are happy to see them or you want to show that you like them a lot可以看出bear hug,就是表示你紧紧地抱住某人。紧紧抱住某人英文是:hold somebody tightly或者直接说hold someb...

2023-09-13 #经典句子



...role - showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget。参考译文Good Morning Britain,这档节目中苏珊娜·里德习惯在沙发上盘问客人。但她最近扮演的角色却在酝酿一场风暴-向家人展示如何在预算紧张情况下准备美味而...

2023-08-10 #经典句子



...它的表达有以下几种:sleep night 晚安Good night, sweetie, sleep tight! 晚安,宝贝,做个好梦! Sleep tight and I"ll see you next morning! 晚安,明早见!sweet dreams 祝你做个美梦Good night, sweet dreams! 晚安, 祝你做个美梦!Now, go to bed and sweet dreams....

2012-10-03 #经典句子

偷偷记录下来的可爱小短句 简单的幸福 一直围绕

偷偷记录下来的可爱小短句 简单的幸福 一直围绕

...我。能牵手的时候,紧紧抓住我。Now when you can hug, hold me tight. When you can hold hands, hold me tight.我不是任何人,但我比任何人都爱你。I"m not anyone, but I love you more than anyone else.看来你的世界不缺我吧,那我就告辞了。It seems that your wo...

2023-05-16 #经典句子



...了。Why? What’s wrong with them?为什么?它们怎么了?They feel tight, have they got the next size up on the shelf?得很紧,架子上有大一号的吗?John: Let’s see. No, that’s the largest size they have.我看看。那是最大号了。So what do you think? Do they suit me?你...

2023-09-26 #经典句子

那些难以忘怀意难平的句子 错过也许有遗憾 但遇见总是能美好

那些难以忘怀意难平的句子 错过也许有遗憾 但遇见总是能美好

...u come too suddenly.我想抓紧你,我想抱紧你。I want to hold you tight, I want to hold you tight.如果我挽留,你是不是就能留下来?If I stay, can you stay?我比任何人都需要你。你比任何人都嫌我多余。I need you more than anyone else. You hate me more than an...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

精挑细选的15个英文佳句 清新脱俗 令人拍案叫绝!

精挑细选的15个英文佳句 清新脱俗 令人拍案叫绝!

...。十、Everything will be in the past, but in the hand, can grasp more tight, grasp more tight.一切都会过去,但在放手之前,能抓多紧,就抓多紧。十一、Happiness is a comparative, understand happiness consists in contentment is the hard truth!幸福是个比较级,懂得...

2010-12-08 #经典句子

世间最温柔的文案句子 入了太多人的心 建议收藏

世间最温柔的文案句子 入了太多人的心 建议收藏

...ler than you, my arms are not big enough, but I"ll try my best to hold you tightly. If I don"t let go, my hands will be warm因为我忘了原来的样子所以你就把我抛弃了You abandoned me because I forgot what I was世间之柔情,迟来的清净你The tenderness of the world, the late p...

2023-01-11 #经典句子

心情不好时发朋友圈的句子 很走心 句句透着无奈!

心情不好时发朋友圈的句子 很走心 句句透着无奈!

...the water in the palm of your hand. No matter you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow through your fingers drop by drop.牵手是一个很伤感的过程,因为牵手之后往往就是放手。Hand in hand is a very sad process, because after hand in hand is often to let go.爱是一场...

2022-11-06 #经典句子

高级有质感的句子文案 句句惊艳 句句都很真实!

高级有质感的句子文案 句句惊艳 句句都很真实!

...xplanation, the more chaotic.Suddenly the eyes were red and the throat was tight, and the tears came out.There is no reason.我还是很喜欢你,像二氧化硅和氢氟酸,只溶于你。I still like you, like silica and hydrofluoric acid, only dissolved in you.?每一次崩溃都让我感...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

温情撩人的情绪文案 细节中的柔情 让人心动不已

温情撩人的情绪文案 细节中的柔情 让人心动不已

...?女:生病了吗?男:因为你卡在我心头。M: My chest feels tight recently.W: What"s wrong?W: Are you sick?Man: Because you stuck in my heart.我想要的,自始至终,不过一个你罢了。All I ever wanted, all along, was you.人生不长,该珍惜就别保持不近不远,...

2016-05-16 #经典句子



...r. She may be tired and make her cry. Please wipe her tears. I"ll hold her tight."Pillow: "you can hold tight. She cried and fell asleep. Don"t cold her."希望梦境和现实相反,因为我已经连梦里都在不断失去。I hope the dream is the opposite of the reality, because I am losing ev...

2023-01-20 #经典句子

520情人节给对象发的超甜句子 让人无法抗拒!

520情人节给对象发的超甜句子 让人无法抗拒!

...让你体会到我因爱你而急促的呼吸。I really want to hold you tightly, so that you can feel my heart beating faster because I love you, and I really want to hold you tightly, so that you can feel my breath rushing because I love you.让我心动的不止有天上的云,商场里的泡...

2023-06-23 #经典句子



...以为所有毒品都可以形容很酷,乱用的话会很好笑。11、Tight一般的意思是紧的、紧凑的,但在口语上也可以形容很酷、很屌、很潮。例句:Dude, you’re wearing some tight outfit today!嘿,你今天穿得真帅!12、Badass这个词通常用来形容...

2018-08-26 #经典句子

触动人心的情感文案 现实走心 值得一读!

触动人心的情感文案 现实走心 值得一读!

...一点了。If I had known that it was the last hug, I would have held it tightly for a long time.庆幸的是我一直很理性地看待所有事情,可悲的是我是个感性的人,所有所有的情绪我一样也没有逃过去。Fortunately, I always look at all things rationally. Sadly, I...

2016-01-20 #经典句子