第一句子大全 > 标签 > fruit


...Cumquat["kmkwt]金桔Custard["kstd] 番荔枝Common fig [fɡ]无花果Grapefruit ["ɡrepfrut]葡萄柚Guava ["ɡwɑv]番石榴Lichee[,l"ti] 荔枝Longan["lɡn]龙眼、桂圆Loquat ["lokwɑt]枇杷Mandarin["mndrn] 中国柑桔Mangosteen["mg,stin]山竹Muskmelon["msk,mln]甜瓜总称各种水果的...

2024-01-16 #经典句子



Fruit Vocabulary in English | Learn Names of Fruits 英语水果词汇学习中的水果名字Learn Fruits and Vegetables Vocabulary in English 学习英语水果和蔬菜词汇Fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that...

2007-12-26 #经典句子



... 能够 get 得到;获得二.短句:can I ... 我能够...吗? have some fruit 买些水果Of course 当然 in the bag 在包里be good for ... 对....有益 six apples 六个苹果三:课文中英语互译:正文Jenet:Can I have some fruit,Mum?Mum:Of course.What fruit do you like ?Some Apples...

2023-08-03 #经典句子

班级里的“开心果”可不是“happy fruit”啊!那用英语怎么说?

班级里的“开心果”可不是“happy fruit”啊!那用英语怎么说?

...胖”同学一样。不过,班级里的“开心果”可不是“happy fruit”啊!那用英语怎么说?#英语思维#1)A barrel of laughs英语中“开心果”叫做a barrel of laughs,barrel就是桶(比如酒桶),字面上看是“一桶笑”,也就是一打开这个桶子...

2007-07-12 #经典句子



...恢复文章原貌,并在答题纸相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。FruitImagine a world without fruit. We wouldn"t be very healthy. We get a lot of important vitamins from eating fruit.We think of fruit primarily as something to eat. 26 Fruit is part of a flowering plant and it carries the s...

2023-05-09 #经典句子



...东西而努力, 这个短语的英文表达是:he that would eat the fruit must climb the tree 人必须为自己想要的东西而努力You can"t rely on sheer intelligence in order to get good grades—he that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.你不能依靠单纯的智力来获得好...

2024-01-17 #经典句子

英语单词越背越多时 你可能先后学会了英语 法语 拉丁文

英语单词越背越多时 你可能先后学会了英语 法语 拉丁文


2023-11-13 #经典句子

探秘葫芦科植物:Cucurbits的分类 特点及应用

1. Cucurbits are a

探秘葫芦科植物:Cucurbits的分类 特点及应用 英语短句: 1. Cucurbits are a

...道的瓜你却给忘了。经常腌了吃。6.any of various thick-rinded fruits of the gourd family with edible yellow to orange flesh that mature in the fall and can be stored for several months.各种葫芦科植物的厚皮果实,有可食用的黄色到橙色果肉,秋天成熟,可以保...

2024-01-28 #大杂绘

《Hi Tea》第2期:茶叶众多香型的英文表达

《Hi Tea》第2期:茶叶众多香型的英文表达

...香 / deep notes of candy scent5.高频的熟果香 / sharp notes of ripe fruit scent日光萎凋可以造就出部分发酵茶“高香 high fragrance”的特质。不经过日光萎凋的“重萎凋全发酵”可以造就出红茶“低频的糖香 deep notes of candy scent”。相反的,经...

2015-05-30 #经典句子



...ainly not in the sense that we would have inferred from his variegated and fruitful career. (摘自Imperfect Understanding)Step 1 理解这句话的理解难点应该是后半部分,即出现了“虚拟语气”和“省略”。其次对while的理解也需要把握到位,此处表示Altho...

2023-05-02 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《橘子和金杯》

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《橘子和金杯》

A Tangerine and a Gold Cup橘子和金杯In ancient China, there is a fruit-grower living in the country.在中国古代,有一个果农住在乡下。He lives on growing tangerines.他以种植橘子为生。He has a big fruit farm.他拥有一个大的水果农场。One day, he waters his trees....

2024-01-18 #经典句子



...么样?burger /"b:(r)ɡ(r)/汉堡包= hamburgervegetable /"vetbl/蔬菜fruit /fru:t/水果right /rat/正确的;适当的apple /"pl/苹果then /en/那么egg /eɡ/蛋;鸡蛋carrot /"krt/胡萝卜rice /ras/大米;米饭chicken /"kn/肌肉so /s/ (引出评论或问题)那么breakfast /"brekfst/...

2023-01-03 #经典句子




2024-01-05 #经典句子

植树节最美祝福语句子来袭 愿你收获幸福 植树节快乐!

植树节最美祝福语句子来袭 愿你收获幸福 植树节快乐!

...h you plant hope, harvest happiness, watering happy, happy growth, healthy fruit of joy! Happy Arbor Day!今天是植树节,栽种富贵树,最美的祝福送给你:愿你事业顺利!Today is Arbor Day, planting rich trees, the most beautiful blessing to you: wish you a smooth career!植树...

2023-01-12 #经典句子

每日英语学知——四年级英语单词 短语及常用句型归纳一

每日英语学知——四年级英语单词 短语及常用句型归纳一

...elephant大象lion狮子 monkey猴子have有Unit2 Let"s make a fruit saladmake做; 制作 any一些; 任何的banana香蕉 some一些our我们的 salad色拉mango芒果 thanks多谢wonderful精彩的, 绝妙的fruit水果pineapple...

2023-05-02 #经典句子



...——偷来的果子分外甜, 这个短语的英文表达是:stolen fruit is sweetest 偷来的果子分外甜Some people end up cheating on their spouses and partners not out of some deep affection for the other person, but because stolen fruit is sweetest. 有些人最终欺骗了他们的配...

2013-06-15 #经典句子

属于平安夜的祝福语 赶快拿走传递祝福吧!

属于平安夜的祝福语 赶快拿走传递祝福吧!

...,好好睡觉,好好的爱自己,平安夜快乐!Send you a peace fruit, I wish you can be in peace, a lifetime of happiness, and take a look at my blessing, you can be happy life. On this special day, I hope you will eat well, sleep well and love yourself well, even if you are a person. Hap...

2023-05-17 #经典句子



...t like tennis. He thinks it’s______.Jimmy has a healthy______. He likes fruit and vegetables______ are his favorite vegetables. He often has fruit salad ____ dinner. He doesn"t eat_____or ice-cream. He doesn’t want to be ____.Do you like him? Do you _____to be his friend? You can e-mail him at j...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

中考英语复习技巧 学霸5招教你解英语阅读题

中考英语复习技巧 学霸5招教你解英语阅读题

...her face, If a tomato tree doesn't grow in summer, it can't have fruit in autumn! Only by hard work, you can get the good result 6 your work. ”Although I didn't understand it at that time, 7 gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later,I succeeded in getting to...

2008-06-23 #经典句子

温柔系句子‖事情的开始是最好的 充满了小期待和希望

温柔系句子‖事情的开始是最好的 充满了小期待和希望

...very small and light. In a moment, bubbles burst along the rim of the cup, fruits and fruits are full, the water lily is charming, the perfume film is sweet, the carpet is light and shadow. Like when I was young, I like a person as my big wish, full of enthusiasm, like a summer fruit.图片来源:...

2023-01-16 #经典句子