第一句子大全 > 标签 > governed
成语故事《Da Yu governed the flood》

成语故事《Da Yu governed the flood》

...r and river into sea. Day by day, year by year, Yu spent thirteen years in governing the flood without a break. During these years, Yu passed by his house three times and never went in. This not only eliminated the flood, but contributed to the development of agriculture.远古的时候,洪水...

2010-05-16 #经典句子

雅思写作政府职能类素材积累 丰富的词伙让你口语考试也如鱼得水

雅思写作政府职能类素材积累 丰富的词伙让你口语考试也如鱼得水

...。这包括减税、现金奖励和商业奖励 。The main function of government is to improve social welfare. To achieve this target, the government normally has to formulate policies to grow the economy and reduce unemployment. Job creation determines whether people have money to buy what they ...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

考研复试 “哑巴英语”何以攻破?

考研复试 “哑巴英语”何以攻破?

...共管理专业为例,词汇包括:public management/administration、governance、bureaucracy、market failure、transaction costs、monopoly等等。建议用一本涵盖较广的专业书籍作为参照,自己翻译,或者找一本外文教材,摘抄其中的重要句子,并提炼出...

2023-12-21 #经典句子

2018.5.12 雅思写作大作文解析 + 原创范文

2018.5.12 雅思写作大作文解析 + 原创范文

...painting and music) does not directly improve quality of people"s life, so government should spend money on other areas. To what extend do you agree or disagree ?题目大意:有的人认为绘画和音乐等艺术不能直接改善人们的生活质量,所以政府应该把钱投资到其他领...

2011-12-08 #经典句子



...moral imperative for people in the west than to urge each other, and their governments, to bring relief to the world’s poorest.【词汇突破】imperative 必须的,必须做的事,原则(常见的是形容词性,但是这里是名词表示必须做的事) commanding 急迫的,紧迫的 ...

2022-11-18 #经典句子



...romoting high-quality economic development, enhancing the modernization of government governance systems and capabilities, and building shanghai into an outstanding global city and a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence, these regulations are formulated in light of the real...

2008-05-22 #经典句子

武汉发5亿消费券 阿里巴巴美团腾讯发放 “消费券”英语怎么说

武汉发5亿消费券 阿里巴巴美团腾讯发放 “消费券”英语怎么说

...单词、词组】消费券:voucher 或coupon政府发行的消费券:government-issued vouchers.武汉市政府:the municipal government of Wuhan发放、投放:hand out18亿元:1.8 billion yuan商业巨头:e-commerce giants第一阶段:the first stage of【句子】1、 The municipal...

2023-12-10 #经典句子

英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

I. Chapter 7 Government and Administration第七章 英国政府机构The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty’s Government. The System of parliamentary government i...

2019-08-18 #经典句子



...ce was over, ___. D.the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined.12、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? A.They are big format newspapers.13、In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern Englan...

2008-07-02 #经典句子

考研英语翻译题型三大考点 全学会离上岸又进一步

考研英语翻译题型三大考点 全学会离上岸又进一步

...3.词的单复数,大小写等细节问题。请看例句:Whether the Government should...官方给出的参考译文将theGovernment简单译成政府,不确切。定冠词the以及government首字母大写这两点明显表明此处的government是特指。本句前一句为Federal policy is...

2023-06-07 #经典句子



...rinking, which causes more traffic accidents.The solution, I think, is for government to inject more funds into the construction of infrastructure, increase more construction, such as the restructuring of metro system, elevated ways, Pearl line, and superhighway. Also government should levy heavy ta...

2024-01-29 #大杂绘

【深度分析】常启德:重振信任与多边主义 共同实现可持续发展目标(中英文对照)

【深度分析】常启德:重振信任与多边主义 共同实现可持续发展目标(中英文对照)

... 2021, under the theme "A World in Change: Join Hands to Strengthen Global Governance and Advance Belt and Road Cooperation."成立二十年至今,博鳌亚洲论坛已发展为一个至关重要的平台,供来自政府、企业和学界的政策制定者与思想领袖们共聚一堂、强强...

2017-05-25 #经典句子

第二版新视野大学英语2 翻译

第二版新视野大学英语2 翻译

... a country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to people"s living quality and the increase of happiness index. The government stresses improvement of its people"s livelihood, striving to improve their economic conditions ...

2023-12-11 #经典句子

经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

...s. More old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs. Last year the government budgeted 15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme. With public debt at 250% of GDP, and debt service consum...

2023-12-14 #经典句子



...体名词audience(观众),committee(委员会),class, family, government, public, crew(全体船员或机组人员)等若该名词表示的集体视为一个整体,则动词用单数The committee areresponsible for the safety of the school.(解析:根据语境,the committee...

2023-08-05 #经典句子



...inancial powers and expenditure responsibilities for the central and local governments, formulate an overall plan for central and local government revenue sharing, improve the local system, and better regulate local government debt financing.如何进行汉译英的转换?首先,分析原文句...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

一起刷真题Day33 英语二2014text4

一起刷真题Day33 英语二2014text4

...并未被提及,故排除。5.B。根据题干关键词 after 2015 和 government 可定位至第七段。该段第二句提到,目前拨款45 亿英镑资助建设新经济适用房的项目将于 2015 年到期,并且不太可能延期。后文又指出,我们不大可能再回到大规模...

2023-08-22 #经典句子



...tiative and the Build, Build, Build program have been deepened. So far, 12 government-to-government cooperation projects have been completed, 7 projects are under implementation and more than 10 projects going forward smoothly. The economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has been ri...

2019-02-27 #经典句子



But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.成分分析状语 But主语 his primary test谓语(系动词)is not to think about宾语 the m...

2023-07-28 #经典句子



... not address:the erosion of public faith in the rule of law and democratic governance.词汇 ① address 处理,解决,应对② Erosion 侵蚀结构分析 主干识别:American faces a serious problem其他成分:1.which that decision did not address 定语2.the erosion of public faith in...

2023-09-25 #经典句子