
像距 image distance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-14 03:30:03


像距 image distance英语短句 例句大全

像距,image distance

1)image distance像距


1.Study on Imaging Range of CMOS Image Sensor in Space-Based Surveillance System天基系统CMOS图像传感器成像距离研究

2.Scrambling quality evaluation method based on image distance measure基于图像距离测度的置乱效果评价法

3.The image is out of focus.这影像的焦距没调好。

4.best image plane of zoom lens变焦距物镜的最佳像面

5.image plane displacement of zoom lens变焦距物镜像面位移

6.The image goes out of focus这影像未对准焦距。

7.The image got out of focus这影像没有对准焦距。

8.Solution of Transform Formula between Image Pixel Distance and Space Distance图像像素距离与空间距离变换公式的求解

9.A Method for ISAR Image Cross-Range Scaling Based on Correlated Profile Sequence基于相关距离像序列的ISAR图像横向定标

10.He likes short-distance as one-hundred-meter sprint.他喜欢像百米这样的短距离赛跑。

11.Study on Radar HRRP Target Recognition;雷达高分辨距离像目标识别方法研究

12.Research on Deceptive Jamming Technology Against Imaging Radar in Range Dimension;对距离成像雷达的欺骗干扰技术研究

13.The Research of Music Image Recognition Based on Hausdorff Distance;基于Hausdorff距离的乐谱图像识别研究

14.Control of Psychical Distance in the Picture of Dorian Gray;《道连·葛雷的画像》中的心理距离控制

15.Mono Pulse Goniometry Based on High Range Resolution Profile;基于高分辨距离像的单脉冲测角研究

16.Research in the Algorithms of Depth from Defocusing Based on Image Processing;基于图像处理的离焦测距算法的研究

17.Research on Radar Automatic Target Recognition Using High Resolution Range Profiles;高分辨距离像雷达自动目标识别研究

18.Study and Simulation on HRRP Targets" Pick-up Algorithm一维距离像目标抽取算法研究与仿真


objective distance-image distance method物距-像距法

3)range image距离图像

1.In view of deficiencies of Canny algorithm in processingrange image of light detection and ranging,such as generating many false edges,losing weak edges and lacking objectivity in threshold determination,an adaptive method is proposed in this paper.针对Canny算法处理机载激光雷达距离图像时出现过多伪边缘、丢失弱边缘信息以及阈值确定方法缺乏客观性等不足,文中提出一种自适应的边缘检测方法。

2.The research presented in this paper is focused on segmentation ofrange image captured by vehicle-borne laser scanning systems.对车载激光扫描系统获取的距离图像的分割进行研究,提出利用投影点密度进行距离图像分割的方法。

3.3 D vision information based onrange image can be used to accomplish obstacle detection and terrain analysis efficiently.三维视觉是ALV的关键技术之一,利用基于距离图像的三维视觉信息可以有效地实现障碍物检测和地形分析。

4)range image距离像

1.Method for 3-D objects recognition base on phase-encodedrange images;基于距离像位相编码的三维物体识别

2.One of the most important contents about coherent imaging laser radarrange image processing is suppressing the background.相干激光成像雷达距离像处理的一个重要内容就是进行背景抑制。

3.In the radar system that can obtain one dimensionalrange image of the target by using STRECTH pulse compression,all kinds of system errors lead to the increase of the side lobe level and broadening of the main lobe,thus degrading the image.在以去斜方法进行脉冲压缩来获得目标一维距离像的雷达系统中,由于存在多种系统误差,使得脉冲压缩后的压缩脉冲旁瓣升高,主瓣展宽,影响了一维像的质量。

5)distance image距离图像

1.A hierarchical filtering algorithm for processingdistance images;距离图像的分层滤波处理算法

2.Thedistance images and intensity images can be given by the software.仿真系统参数的输入尽可能考虑了实际系统的各种参数要求,实现了强度图像和距离图像的仿真、存储。

6)range image距离影像

1.Therange image is abstracted from the original data and then the height texture is used for assisting classification.介绍了一种基于点云数据生成距离影像,而后引入对比度纹理辅助的点云数据建筑物快速提取方法。


像距像距(Image distance)指从镜头到结成焦点的胶片表面的距离。依镜头的伸出,可加大像距,即使镜头的光圈值一样,被胶片吸收的光量却减少,这就需要相应的曝光倍数。像距增至2倍,则曝光应为4倍。

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