
彩喷相纸 ink-jet photo paper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-06 20:17:42


彩喷相纸 ink-jet photo paper英语短句 例句大全

彩喷相纸,ink-jet photo paper

1)ink-jet photo paper彩喷相纸

2)color ink-jet paper彩喷纸


1.Synthetic Evaluation of Glossy Inkjet Paper"s Printing Quality Based on Gray Technology基于灰技术的高光彩喷纸打印质量综合评价

2.Advances on Development of Nano-Silica in Color Ink-jet Printing Paper Coatings纳米级SiO_2在彩喷纸涂料中的应用研究进展

3.Study on Modification of Bentonite and Effect of It on Properties of Coating Used in Ink-jet Paper and Its Mechanism膨润土改性及其对彩喷纸涂料性能影响及机理研究

4.The Impact of Absorption of Paper on the Quality of Ink-Jet Printing彩色喷墨打印纸吸收性对喷墨打印质量的影响

5.Study on Ink Jet Color Printing Coating Formulation by Orthogonal Test彩色喷墨打印纸涂料配方的正交试验研究

6.Study on the Paper-ink Interaction and Fastness Properties of High Gloss Ink-jet Printing Paper高光泽彩色喷墨打印纸中纸和油墨的相互关系及保存性能探讨

7.She wraps the book up in coloured paper .她用彩纸把书包起来。

8.Color paper processorGB/T10973-1989彩色相纸冲洗机

9.a room festooned with paper streamers饰有纸带花彩的房间.

10.color supplementph.1. (报纸的)彩色插页

11.the colour supplements of the Sunday newspapers星期日报纸的彩色增刊.

12."acrylic, sand and plaster on paper"塑料彩、沙及石膏纸本

13.shower the newly-weds with confetti向新婚夫妇撒彩色纸屑

14.a paper streamer五彩纸带(开船时送别用)

15.Do not use glossy paper, lens paper, cloth, etc. clean the nozzle surface?不要用面纸、镜片纸、布等擦拭喷嘴表面。

16.festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as christmas decorations圣诞节装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

17.Research on and Design of Plot Controller of Color Inkjet Plotter;彩色喷墨绘图机喷绘控制器的研究与设计

18.4792 Ink jet labels for color printing用于彩色打印的 4792 喷墨激光标签


color ink-jet paper彩喷纸

3)color ink-jet printing paper彩喷纸

1.The contact angles of water on five kinds ofcolor ink-jet printing paper prepared by ourselves and one from EPSON were measured by using this tester.主要介绍了动态接触角与渗透性分析仪的工作原理、适用范围和性能特点,并用该分析仪对5种自制彩喷纸和EPSON彩喷纸的抗水性进行了分析评价。

2.Meanwhile, thecolor ink-jet printing paper, as one kind of its main consumed materials, will have great market and developing potentiality.而作为喷墨打印主要耗材的彩喷纸具有很大的市场潜力和广阔的发展前景。

3.Meanwhile, thecolor ink-jet printing paper, as one kind of its main consumed material, will have great market potentiality.随着包装印刷数字化的广泛应用和人们对高质量彩色图片需求的增长,质优价廉的彩色喷墨打印机已成为发展最快的打印方式,同时作为其主要耗材的彩喷纸也将具有很大的市场潜力。

4)Ink-jet paper彩喷纸

1.Ink-jet paper print quality depended on two important parameters that were image color rendering and sharpness.综合传统与现代的印刷质量评价方法,针对影响彩喷纸最重要的图像色彩再现和清晰度参数,建立了一种喷墨打印图像再现指数模型(Im age Reproduction Index,IR I),解析了彩喷纸性能对印刷效果的影响。

2.Based on the analysis of ink-jet printing process,we found that surface property of ink jet paper is one of the important factors to influence ink-jet printability,especially,the resolution of ink-jet paper.彩喷纸的表面性能是影响喷墨打印效果的重要因素之一,特别对彩喷纸的解像力有很大的影响,而对于涂布的彩喷纸来说,胶粘剂的性质直接影响纸张的表面性能。

3.The detection of ink-jet paper’s absorption彩喷纸的吸收性能目前还没有统一的测量标准,目前最常用的是以吸水性来反映吸收性。

5)ink jet paper彩喷纸

1.Introduce the pigment and binders effect on theink jet paper.从质量评价的角度分析了影响高光泽数码彩喷纸质量(主要为其光泽度及耐久性能)的各种因素,并介绍了高光泽数码彩喷纸最新研制动态。

6)color photographic paper彩色相纸

1.This paper introduces two new types of processing kit chemicals,namely the Type JLHD Three-in-one Developer and Two-in-one Bleaching-Fixing Bath satisfactorily used for processingcolor photographic paper type 2001 using RA-4 processing technology,firstly developed by Kodak Co.本文介绍了新开发两种彩色冲洗套药:JLHD型彩色显影液和漂定液,能用于冲洗由柯达首先开发而目前市场上广泛销售的2001型彩色相纸,该套药以RA—4工艺冲洗2001型彩纸可获得良好结果,且可降低冲洗成本,不造成环境污染,对彩扩行业极为有利。











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