

时间:2024-07-15 13:38:07



1. "I ordered a salad, but I think they misunderstood because I just got a bowl of lettuce."

2. "I asked for extra sauce, but I guess they heard "extra socks" because that"s what I got."

3. "I think my delivery driver took the scenic route because my food arrived cold and soggy."

4. "I requested no pickles, but it looks like they put extra pickles just to mess with me."

5. "I ordered a large pizza, but I think they sent me a medium with an extra crust."

6. "I asked for a side of fries, but I got a side of disappointment instead."

7. "I ordered a burger and it came with everything on it – including the kitchen sink."

8. "I think my delivery driver moonlights as a racecar driver because my food arrived in record time – and in pieces."

9. "I asked for a well-done steak, but I think they heard "nuclear meltdown" because it"s charred to a crisp."

10. "I ordered a vegetarian meal, but I guess the chef thought bacon was a vegetable."

11. "I requested extra cheese, but it looks like they used the entire dairy aisle."

12. "I ordered a milkshake, but I think they were out of milk because it tasted like a shake of disappointment."

13. "I asked for a hot and spicy dish, but I guess they took it as an invitation to set my mouth on fire."

14. "I ordered a sandwich and it came with so much mayo, I could go swimming in it."

15. "I asked for a diet soda, but they must have heard "full-sugar" because this is just a can of guilt."

16. "I ordered a salad, but I think they forgot to put any actual greens in it."

17. "I requested extra napkins, and they gave me enough to open a paper towel store."

18. "I asked for a side of ranch dressing, but I think they misheard and gave me a side of ranch dressing."

19. "I ordered a dessert, but I think they forgot the "sweet" part."

20. "I asked for no onions, but it seems like they added extra just to make me cry."

21. "I ordered a burger and got a bun with a side of disappointment."

22. "I requested no tomatoes, but they must have thought I said "extra tomatoes" because that"s all I see."

23. "I asked for a well-done steak, but I got a rare one instead – still mooing."

24. "I ordered a spicy dish and it came with so much heat, I think my tongue just applied for a vacation."

25. "I asked for a side of coleslaw, but it looks like they just shredded a cabbage and called it a day."

26. "I ordered a sandwich and it came with enough lettuce to make a salad."

27. "I requested extra ketchup, but it looks like they drowned my fries in it instead."

28. "I asked for a milkshake, but I think they forgot to add the milk."

29. "I ordered a pizza and it looks like a cheese avalanche just happened on it."

  1. 今夕如此“冷”2024-07-15 14:10今夕如此“冷”[宁夏网友]
  2. Plato2024-07-15 13:54Plato[云南省网友]
留学生毕业演讲说学的第一句中文是:你外卖到了 引全场爆笑

留学生毕业演讲说学的第一句中文是:你外卖到了 引全场爆笑



上海英文外卖平台“二选一”被罚 监管部门8千字界定相关市场

上海英文外卖平台“二选一”被罚 监管部门8千字界定相关市场

在阿里巴巴被罚182 28亿元之后,上海英文外卖平台近日因二选一被罚116 86万






985学生被逼急了 在校园自制“霸气标语” 让外卖小偷无地自容

985学生被逼急了 在校园自制“霸气标语” 让外卖小偷无地自容

