
景区 scenic spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-29 09:59:59


景区 scenic spot英语短句 例句大全

景区,scenic spot

1)scenic spot景区

1.A study of tourism economy and development models forscenic spot of Sichuang Province;四川省旅游经济及景区开发模式研究

2.On maintenance of cultural relics and ancient architecture inscenic spot浅议景区文物古建筑的维修

3.The article chooses 39 reservoirsscenic spot representative samples in Zhejiang province as the evaluated ab- ject Based on Fuzzy.基于模糊综合评判法,对浙江省39个人工湖样本景区进行实证分析,考虑到人工湖景区的特殊性,构建了包括游乐价值、水质、植被景观、防汛发电等19个因素的浙江省人工湖景区模糊综合评价体系,计算评价指标的权重,分析评价结果,划分等级,提出不同等级人工湖景区优化利用对策,为人工湖景区可持续发展提供技术支持。


1.The Landscape Research of Da’an Temple;大安寺景区古景点调查与新景点开发

2.Residue Right Allocation of a Scenic Spot and Resource Protection;景区剩余索取权配置与景区资源保护

3.Conflict of Interest and Accommodation in Scenic Attractions:Taking the Scenic Spot N for Example景区利益冲突与调适:以N风景区为例

4.Junshan Specific Area Landscape Transformation Program;君山景区景观具体改造方案——君山景区景观改造方案研究之二

5.An Analysis of Current Situation of Junshan Island Landscape--One of the Reform Projects of Junshan Island Landscape;君山景区景观的现状分析——君山景区景观改造方案之一

6.Landscape Diversity and the Value of Tourism of Areas of Scenic Beauty A General Analysis of the Landscape of Xianju scenic area in Zhejiang Province;景观多样性与景区旅游价值——浙江仙居风景名胜区景观格局分析

7.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划

8.The Landscape Design in Scenic Spots under the Regional Culture Background;地域文化背景下的旅游风景区景观设计

9.The Pengyuan has totally five the view Districts is22 beauty spots.彭园共有五个景区二十二个景点。

10.As a scenic spot, Mount Ali is not extensive in terms of space, but it is full of interesting sights.阿里山风景区范围不算大,但景点颇多。

11.A Study on Landscape-Ecological Planning of Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot in Yangzhou City;蜀冈—瘦西湖风景区景观生态规划研究

12.Landscape AVC Planning for Scenic Area of Yangzi Crocodile Lake in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province;安徽宣城扬子鳄湖景区景观AVC规划

13.Study of Land Space Scenery Programming Design in Scenic Spot Mountain;山岳型风景区景象空间规划设计初探

14.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划

15.Primary Study on Characteristic Plants Landscapes in the Seven-star Crags Scenic Spot in Zhaoqing;肇庆七星岩风景区特色植物景观初探

16.Evaluation and reasonable exploitation of the natural view resources scenic spot;风景区自然景观资源评价及合理开发

17.On the Crises Existing in the Development of Tourist Areas and Spots in Our Country;我国景区景点发展中存在的危机研究

18.The Advices on How to Develop the Tourismof Wuliang Temple in Qianshan;关于千山无量观景区开发前景的建议


scenic spots景区

1.This paper analysis on operating performance in mid- to mid- of the ninescenic spots listed companies by principal component method,then evaluate on horizontal and vertical,Combined with Z Points to verify the correct credibility of the ranking result.本文运用主成分分析法对9家景区类上市公司中期至中期的经营业绩进行横向与纵向的比较评价,并结合Z记分法验证了业绩排名的正确可信性,通过总体评价对其所面临的主要风险进行分析,希望通过业绩评价结果能为政府部门、投资者与经营者提供借鉴。

2.The price of the entrance tickets involves two main relating subjects of benefit:superviser inscenic spots and tourist.景区门票价格涉及两个主要的利益相关者:景区管理者和旅游者。

3)scenic area景区

1.In order to provide scientific basic for building reasonable tourist line, an analysis is made on the influeneial effect of tourism on Huashanscenic area stemming from tourist line situation.从华山风景区游览线路的现状出发,分析其对华山旅游业发展的制约作用。

2.Take essential factor--scenic spot--scenic area as the main point s logic means of analysis, that the essential factor constitutes the scenic spot, the scenic spot constitutes thescenic area, from parts to the whole, from microscopic to .研究明城墙周边环境景观设计,需要有一种系统的观察方法,通过实地调查、理论分析和整体归纳,笔者整理出一份鬼脸城公园调查报告,以"要素——景点——景区"为分析要点的逻辑方法,要素构成景点,景点构成景区,从局部到整体,从微观到宏观,分析具体城墙景观作品的设计手法。

3.The dissertation is about the Jianmenguanscenic area stratum section, late Jurassic depositional system and sedimentary sequence, about the qualification and the process of being scenic.本文研究了四川省剑门关景区的地层剖面、晚侏罗世的沉积环境和沉积体系以及剑门关景区景观的成景。

4)scenic areas景区

1.Nowadays, some administrations have been transferring the operating authority ofscenic areas.景区产品是一种特殊的旅游产品 ,它既是人类宝贵的财富 ,又是旅游经济中不可缺少的资源。

2.It has been a principle argument that how to conduct the reformation of the present management system inscenic areas.如何改革现有景区管理体制一直是旅游学界关注的重点。

3.In runningscenic areas,the land use system is the game results among local governments,peasants and developers.通过博弈工具,对景区土地形成过程进行分解,揭示地方政府、农民和开发商三者的行为动机,提出保障景区失地农民利益应采取的措施:(1)分解农地产权束,分期逐步转移农地产权;(2)相关政府部门要增强政府信用建设;(3)实施积极的就业政策;(4)实施积极的失业保险制度。

5)scenery and landscape景区景观

1.Reconstruction and ecological remediation:scenery and landscape project of Guilin"s water system;桂林环城水系整治及生态修复——景区景观工程

6)scenic spots景区景点

1.Preemptive registering of trademark has frequently happened to the names ofscenic spots,which exposes the deficiency of China’s Trademark Law in protecting the spots and especially their names.景区景点名称频遭抢注,凸显我国法律对景区景点名称保护的不足,透露出现有的商标法保护模式很难胜任对旅游景区景点的保护。



  1. 崆峒居士2024-06-29 10:55崆峒居士[新疆网友]
  2. 阳光傾城、却溫暖不了人心2024-06-29 10:27阳光傾城、却溫暖不了人心[四川省网友]
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