
05月@扩大招生 enrollment expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 13:13:05


05月@扩大招生 enrollment expansion英语短句 例句大全

扩大招生,enrollment expansion

1)enrollment expansion扩大招生

1.In consideration of the decrease of students study capacity withenrollment expansion of higher education, the author puts forward the countermeasure of teaching reform for electronic technology courses.针对扩大招生后的学生学习能力整体下移的现象,本文提出了应用型本科电子技术课教学改革的对策。

2.The author analyses the present situation of digital gap and puts forward the straegy of establishing harmonious network environment to eradicate the digital gap on the basis ofenrollment expansion.数字鸿沟,是不同国家、地区差异而造成知识分隔和贫富分化现象,它已成为一个危及社会的重大问题,应采取扩大招生,构筑图书馆和谐的网络环境等措施,来消除数字鸿沟。

3.This paper probes into some apparent problems in students qualification and teachers qualification, which are produced byenrollment expansion of music educational majors in normal universities, and gives some concrete tactics in terms of enrollment, qualification concept, resource transference, course structure and teaching modes.扩大招生后 ,高师音乐教育专业在生源质量、师资力量等方面面临诸多挑战。


1.EEOC is abbreviated from the Enrollment Expansion of Colleges.扩招是指学校扩大招生规模。 本文所谓扩招,特指高等教育扩大招生规模。

2.The department is gearing up for an increased intake of students该系正在为扩大招生做准备。

3.The Impact of Enlarging Enrollment on the Sports Teaching Quality of Colleges and Universities;扩大招生对高校体育教学质量的影响

4.A Case Study of Enlarging Enrollment of University and the Influencing Caused by It;高等院校扩大招生对高等教育影响的个案研究

5.The increase of university and college enrollment was widely appreciated by the general public.扩大高校招生受到群众普遍欢迎。

6.The enlarged enrolment of various institutes of higher education has been well received by the masses.扩大高校招生规模受到群众普遍欢迎。

7.The Probe On the Tactics of the Education of Psychological Competence of Colleges and Universities;扩招后大学生心理素质教育策略试探

8.On the Changing of College Students Idea About Obtaining Employment Under Expansion of Colleges Enrollment;高校扩招条件下大学生就业观的转化

9.Researches on Problems for Colleges to Expand Enrolment and for College Students to Obtain Employment (Ⅱ);高校扩招与大学生就业问题研究(下)

10.Researches on Problems for Colleges to Expand Enrolment and for College Students to Obtain Employment (I);高校扩招与大学生就业问题研究(上)

11.Analysis of the Staus Quo of College Students Psychological Health after Increasing College Enrolment;高校扩招后大学生心理健康状况分析

12.An evaluation of student security problems upon increased enrollment of higher learning;高等院校扩招后大学生安全问题评价

13.College Students Administration System after Increased Enrolment;对高校扩招后大学生管理体制的思考

14.The enrollment scale of universities was expanded and the number of days for holidays was increased.扩大高等院校招生规模,增加节假日放假天数。

15.The Research about Graduate Employment after Enrolment Expansion in Guangxi;广西高校扩招后的大学生就业问题研究

16.The Research on the Structure of Learning Motivation of the College and University Students after the Enrollment Expansion;扩招后我国大学生学习动机的因素结构研究

17.Challenges College Students Self-education Faces Since the Expansion of Recruiting of College Students;高校扩招以来大学生自我教育面临的挑战分析

18.Toward the Employment and Wage of College Graduates since University Enrollment Expansion;高校扩招背景下大学毕业生就业的经济学分析


admission expansion扩大招生

1.Using the synthetic study method, to after collegeadmission expansion Guangxi 10 universities sports teaching situation carries on asks the volume investigation, and carried on the correlation analysis to the investigation result.运用综合研究方法,对扩大招生后广西10所高校体育教学情况进行了问卷调查,并对调查结果进行相关分析。

3)preparations for more enrollment扩大招生准备

4)enlarged university enrollment高校扩大招生

5)enlargement of college enrollment大学扩招

1.While in facing with the unprecedented dilemma,the humanities have also not a few chances:in the past ten years,theenlargement of college enrollment has made an increase in the number of educated people;there is a mass increase of the interest in humanities;and the colleges have been enacted for curricula of general knowledge.处此巨变中的人文学,既面临前所未有的困境,亦有不少转机:在日渐"分离"的大学校园,社会科学发展迅猛,人文学则越发退居边缘,风光不再,已是不争的事实;但同时,由于十年来的大学扩招,接受高等教育的人数倍增,民众对人文学的兴趣转浓,与"国学热"形成相互呼应之势;而各高校对"素质教育"的提倡,和"通识课程"的逐渐落实,虽仍在不断的自我调整之中,但均以"人文学"为知识传授的核心,也为人文学预留了巨大的发展空间。

6)Expanded Recruitment Students扩招生

1.Analysis of the Management of theExpanded Recruitment Students Group in the County-level Key High Schools;县级重点高中扩招生群体管理探析



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