欢迎来到涿州市(Zhuozhou City)英语短句和例句大全!这个独特的合集为您呈现了涿州市的魅力和风采。无论您是想了解这个城市的历史、文化,还是探索它的自然风光和人文景观,我们都有丰富的短句和例句供您参考。通过这些简洁生动的语句,您将更深入地了解涿州市的魅力所在。让我们一起走进这个令人着迷的城市,发现它的无限魅力!
涿州市,Zhuozhou City
1)Zhuozhou City涿州市
1.Research on Development of Ecotourism Agriculture Tourism inZhuozhou City;涿州市生态农业旅游开发研究
1.Chemical Techniques Development Co., Ltd.河北省涿州市化工研究技术开发有限公司
2.The research of employment farmers who lost cand and problem on social security in Hebei province--Survey report on famers who lost land in Langfang and Zhuo Zhou city;河北省失地农民就业和社会保障问题研究——关于廊坊市、涿州市失地农民的调查报告
3.Revenue Distribution and Rationality Evaluation of Farmland Conversion:A Case of Zhuozhou City in Hebei Province土地非农化过程中的收益分配及其合理性评价——以河北省涿州市为例
4.It is believed that there is further market space of its using by the study of its performance in the application of Zhuozhou bentonite clay.通过在涿州皂土应用实践中对其性能的进一步认识,认为它仍有进一步扩展的应用及市场空间。
5.Liu Bei (A.D. 161 - 223 ), alias : "Xuan De" , Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty time Zhu county (now Hebei Zhu state) person.刘备(公元161年—2),字玄德,东汉时涿郡(今河北涿州)人。
6.The Simulation and Evaluation for Programming Project of Zhuozhou Agricultural Science and Technology Park;涿州农业科技园区规划方案优选模拟与评价
7.Probe into CNACG Zhuozhou Base Development Planning中国煤炭地质总局涿州基地发展规划研究思考
8.In February and March people go to the Gaoliang (Sorghum) Bridge to admire the early green grass,to the Wanliu Garden to listen to the larks and play the konghou (a stringed instrument), or offer incense at the Zhuozhou Temple.二三月高梁桥踏青,万柳堂听莺,弄箜篌,涿州庙进香迎驾。
9.The Assessment of Reservoir Storage of Soil Nutrient in Grain Crop Fields and the Technology System of Rational Application of Fertilizers in Wheat of Zhuozhou;涿州粮田土壤养分库容评价及小麦合理施肥技术研究
10.The Simulation for Programming Project of Zhuozhou Agriculture Science and Technology Park--Based on System Dynamics;涿州农业科技园区规划方案模拟——基于系统动力学
11.How Civilized Zhuolu Was During the Two Ancient War Time;对涿鹿两战所处时代的文明程度判断
12.Taizhou Municipal Office of Urban Management台州市城市管理办公室
13."Tailong Urban Credit Cooperative,Taizhou."台州市泰隆城市信用社
14.largest city in Maine in the southwestern part of the state.美国缅因州西南部该州最大的城市。
15.The Contrastive Analysis of Real Estate Market in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou;杭州、宁波、温州房地产市场的比较分析
16.Urban Flood Control Construction and Urban Environment Construction in Fuzhou City福州市城市防洪建设和城市环境建设
17.The Choice of Tactics of Marketing Subdivision of Market in Wuzhou City;梧州市城市营销市场细分的策略选择
18.Taizhou Municipal Commission of Science and Technology台州市科学技术委员会
1.The Simulation for Programming Project ofZhuozhou Agriculture Science and Technology Park——Based on System Dynamics;涿州农业科技园区规划方案模拟——基于系统动力学
2.That Zhao Kuang-yin,the first emperor of the Song dynasty,was born inZhuozhou seems to be widely accepted,but his birth in Baozhou is not without evidence.赵匡胤祖籍“涿州说”“已成定论”,而“保州说”也绝非空穴来风。
3)Zhuozhou bentonite clay涿州皂土
1.It is believed that there is further market space of its using by the study of its performance in the application ofZhuozhou bentonite clay.通过在涿州皂土应用实践中对其性能的进一步认识,认为它仍有进一步扩展的应用及市场空间。
4)zhuozhou dialect涿州方言
5)Zhuozhou base涿州基地
1.Initiation since the 1970s,20th Century,the CNACG(hereinafter: the administration)Zhuozhou base has given full play to logistic service functions during the 30 more years.始建于20世纪70年代的中国煤炭地质总局(以下简称总局)涿州基地,30多年来充分发挥了后勤服务方面的职能作用。
6)the eco-countryside of Zhuozhou涿州生态农村