
总有句话值得你记在心里 懂你的内心 抚慰伤痛


Single cycle, in fact, listen to their own mood 因为太爱你了,爱你爱得我不能呼吸

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Single cycle, in fact, listen to their own mood.


Because I love you so much I can"t breathe.


I dare not say I am still waiting for you, for fear of being looked down upon.


Lost things, in fact, never really belong to you, do not have to regret.


People who have really tried, will understand the importance of talent.


I want to be with you, even if the front is full of thorns, even if ten thousand people stop, even if the white hair.


Time will dilute a person"s memory, but never let people forget those memories.


Women used to bet on love;Men are used to betting on marriage.


One minute just think of you one second, fifty seconds in the aftertaste.

若想彻底认清自己,不妨多留意一下别人在气急败坏时对你所说过的话,毕竟,气话就是失控的真心话 。?

If you want to know who you really are, pay more attention to what people are saying to you when they are angry or upset. After all, angry words are true words out of control.?


Be gentle, but not compromise.We want to be in quiet, unhurried strong.


I miss you through the glass when I get up early, I miss you through the chopsticks when I have lunch, and I miss you with the dark before going to bed.


Sometimes I want to kill you.Other times?Other times, I want to love you forever.


Like, standing in the wind, suffocating cold will not love your pain, indifferent soul will take away the empty heart.

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