
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 简单而大方 抚慰伤痛



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I"m always worried about losing someone. Now think about it, who would worry about losing me? I"m sorry that my heart hurts her again and again.


Please continue if you hurt me. I"m sorry if you hurt me.


Who will really help you, who will really stay with you, and who will say "I will be there soon". Even if you know that loneliness is the norm, you always have to face it yourself. When there are such people around, you suddenly find that they are never the people who say they love you to death every day.


People who know how to make concessions are smart, and they hold the initiative to decide the direction of events in their own hands. Emotion in the Anti-Japanese War, if you win face, you lose mutual affection. People who often hang out to the end are all alone. Not bending over to throw in the towel, just to pick up the lost happiness.


I can smile and watch you show love is not strong.


Unfortunately, reality is reality, and it will never be as romantic and pure as fairy tales.


The person who gave me the most pain is the one who I gave the most for him.


After separation, don"t say wish me happiness. What qualifications do you have to wish me happiness?


What needs to be prepared in life is not expensive tea, but the mood of drinking tea.


Falling in love with someone who doesn"t love you is like digging a hole for yourself, and then jumping in. The person who digs the hole is himself, the person who jumps in is himself, and the person who can"t pick it out is himself.


I don"t expect anything, I just want you to be happy and not sad.


Whether a person is worth loving for a lifetime depends not on how good he is to you, but how bad he is to you when he is in a bad mood.


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