
简简单单的一句话 治愈又美好 抚慰伤痛


The cold moon that depresses thousands and thousands of painful penetrating heart, with the dreariness that feels lonesome, sing alone in the depths of the soul 如果我不做自己的观众,还以为在爱着他

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The cold moon that depresses thousands and thousands of painful penetrating heart, with the dreariness that feels lonesome, sing alone in the depths of the soul.

如果我不做自己的观众,还以为在爱着他。 ——《洛丽塔》

If I"m not my own audience, I think I"m in love with him. -- Lolita


I am a bully, can"t stand you roll!


Don"t go to bed with anyone, or you"ll regret what you did when you meet a man who loves you but is clean and principled.


Unlucky people are stronger.


"I am the unforgivable failure of creator."


I laugh at your mistakes, and you never let go of mine.


Meeting new people is too exhausting to waste too much energy trying to please someone.


Your name is only two words, although not a sentence, but has been filled with my heart.

开始在一起,后来在一起, 以为很简单,原来是那么难的事情。

Start together, later together, thought very simple, the original is so difficult things.


Honey, you know, you are in my heart, even I am jealous.

和你去吹吹风 ?每一天每一夜我都祈祷,明天的明天的明天,真的很想和你去吹吹风。

Why don"t we go for a breeze?Every day and every night I pray, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, really want to blow with you.

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