

时间:2023-11-04 03:08:01



15+ Common Idioms about Leadership in English 英语中关于15多个领导力的常用习语

Learn useful idioms about leadership in English with meaning and examples. 通过意义和例子,学习有关英语领导力的有用习语。

Business Idioms about Leadership 关于领导力的商务习语

(The) Man 那人

Meaning: The boss; authority in general 含义:老板;权威Example: Did you know our old Indonesian teacher is working for the American military? I wonder how she likes working for The Man. 示例:您是否知道我们的印度尼西亚老教师正在为美国军队工作? 我不知道她喜欢为The Man工作。(To Be at Someone’s) Beck And Call (听某人使唤)随叫随到

Meaning: To be under someone’s total command, to be forced to fulfill someone’s orders or whims 含义:完全听命于某人,被迫执行某人的命令或突发奇想Example: I spent three years at the boss’s beck and call. At least he paid me well. 我花了三年时间听从老板的吩咐。至少他给我的报酬不错。(To) Cross All Your T’s And Dot All Your I’s (跨越)你所有的T和点都是我的

Meaning: To take care of every detail, including the minor ones含义:照顾每一个细节,包括小细节。

Example: Make sure your presentation is ready to go tomorrow. I want you to cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s. 例句:确保你的报告明天准备好了。我希望你把你所有的T和点都划掉。A Little From Column A, A Little From Column B 来自A栏的一点点,来自B栏的一点点

Meaning: A course of action drawing on several different ideas or possibilities 含义:借鉴几种不同的想法或可能性的行动方案Example: You don’t need to choose a single management philosophy. Some of the best managers take a little from column A, a little from column B. 例句:你不需要选择单一的管理理念。一些最好的管理者从a列,B列中吸取一些经验。After The Lord Mayor’s Show (UK) 市长秀后(英国)

Meaning: Anticlimactic; occurring after something impressive 含义:消极的;发生在令人印象深刻的事物之后Example: The tournament finals were OK, but they had the feeling of being after the Lord Mayor’s show – the big upset in the semifinals was all anyone was talking about. 例句:锦标赛决赛还可以,但他们感觉就像在看市长大人的表演一样——半决赛的大冷门就是所有人都在谈论的话题。Ahead Of The Curve 领先

Meaning: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative 含义:提供尚未普及的观点;高度创造性的Example: Indonesia has a group of young, creative mayors who are ahead of the curve in terms of urban management. 例句:印度尼西亚有一群年轻,富有创造力的市长,他们在城市管理方面处于领先地位。Useful idioms about leadership in English 英语中关于领导力的有用习语

… idioms about leadership… 关于领导力的习语……

Big Picture 大图 大局

Meaning: A wide perspective; a broad view of something 含义:广阔的视野; 对某事的广泛看法Example: Don’t get bogged down in the details. Keep the big picture in mind. 例句:不要陷入细节之中。 记住大局。Call the Shots 发号施令

Meaning: Make the important decisions in an organization 含义:在组织中做出重要决定Example: There are all kinds of meetings where policy is discussed, but it’s really Bob who calls the shots around here. 例句:有各种各样的会议都在讨论政策,但在这里发号施令的是鲍勃。Changing of the Guard 换岗

Meaning: A change in leadership at an organization 含义:组织领导层的变化Example: There’s been a changing of the guard at Volkswagen since the company was hurt by a scandal over measurement of emissions. 例句:自从大众汽车公司因排放计量丑闻而受到伤害以来,该公司一直在更换管理层。Cut Someone Some Slack 放某人一马

Meaning: Avoid treating someone strictly or severely 含义:避免严格或严厉地对待某人Example: Reynaldo has been on the job for only two weeks. It’s natural that he would make mistakes. Cut him some slack. 例句:雷纳尔多上任才两周。他犯错误是很自然的。放他一马吧。Cut to the Chase 开门见山

Meaning: Get to the point; explain the most important part of something quickly; skip the preliminaries 含义:抓住要点;快速解释最重要的部分;跳过预赛。Example: I have three meetings later this afteroon. I can listen to your proposal, but you need to cut to the chase. 例句:这个下午我还要开三次会。我可以听你的建议,但你得开门见山。Note: This expression refers to movies. “Cut to the chase” means “remove material coming before the exciting chase scene.”注:这个短语指的是电影。“切中要害”意味着“在激动人心的追逐场景之前移除材料”。

Da Man (Slang) Da Man(俚语)

Meaning: An accomplished or skillful person. Generally used in the compliment 含义:一个有成就或有技巧的人。一般用于表示称赞 – “You da man!”“你这个大男人!”

Example: I made 20 straight foul shots. “Who da man?” – “You da man!”Note: This is of African American origin and is very colloquial. The idiom “The Man” (a powerful individual, a ruler) is somewhat different. 例句:我连续打了20次罚球。“谁是大男人?”“你这个大男人!“


Light a Fire Under Someone 点火(刺激激励)

Meaning: Inspire someone to work very hard 含义:激励某人努力工作Example: When the dean threatened to expel me because of my bad grades, that lit a fire under me, and I started to study harder. 例句: 当系主任因为我的糟糕成绩威胁要开除我时,我感到非常愤怒,于是我开始更加努力地学习。Movers and Shakers 运筹帷幄

Meaning: Influential people, especially in a particular field 含义:有影响力的人,尤指在某一特定领域有影响力的人Example: If you’re looking for a tech job, you should go to CES in Las Vegas. All the movers and shakers in consumer electronics will be there. 例句:如果你正在找一份技术工作,你应该去拉斯维加斯的CES。消费类电子产品的所有推动者和发烧友都会在那里。On Point 在点上

Meaning: Good, well done, effective 含义:好,做得好,有效Example: Jennifer’s presentation was on point – concise, relevant, and accurate. 例句:Jennifer的演讲简明扼要,相关且准确。Note: “On the ball” is similar. 注意:“On the ball”是类似的。

Put Someone on the Spot 当场就位

Meaning: Force someone to answer a question or make a decision immediately 含义:强迫某人回答问题或立即做出决定Example: The boss put me on the spot today and asked me to summarize next year’s budget. I wasn’t really prepared. 例句:今天老板把我难住了,要我总结一下明年的预算。我没有准备好。Rake Someone Over the Coals 责备某人

Meaning: Scold severely 含义:严厉斥责Example: My boss really raked me over the coals today about being late to work. I need to buy an alarm clock. 例句:今天老板因为我上班迟到而狠狠地训了我一顿。我需要买个闹钟The Powers That Be 权力

Meaning: People in charge, often used when the speaker does not want to identify them. 含义:负责人,通常用在说话人不想认出他们的时候。Example: You want to schedule your vacation for next month? I’ll check with the powers that be. 例句:你想安排下个月的假期吗?我来检查一下。Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians 太多的酋长和没有足够的印第安人

Meaning: Everyone wants to be a leader, and no one wants to do the actual work 含义:每个人都想成为领导者,没有人愿意做实际的工作Example: Everyone wanted credit for the project and tried to take on a supervisory role. So the project never got done. It was too many chiefs and not enough Indians.例句:每个人都想为这个项目争光,并试图担当起监督的角色。所以这个项目一直没有完成。有太多的酋长而没有足够的印第安人Note: This is old-fashioned. 注意:这是老式的。

  1. 四权2023-12-26 07:23四权[河北省网友]
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