

时间:2023-09-04 07:01:01



● 注:以上资源来自网络,侵权就删。

个人觉得 再多材料都要多套用、多说。防止考试发懵。PS: 有错误麻烦在评论区指出,我好更改,以免误导大家了。

● 语音知识

● 句子断句

● 断句应该在标点处

● When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

● and nodding by the fire, take down this book,

● and slowly read, and dream of the soft look.

● Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

● 断句应该在从句前

● I can"t sayI do not cherish the honor, and I admit that it is very valuable, but I never had the pursuit of these honor work.-Faraday

● 断句应在意群原则

● 1.I will remember this beautiful nightfor the rest of my life.

● 2.John Smith, our teacher,came inwith a book in his hand.

● 3.A public housewhich was recently bought by Mr. Johnis up for sale.

● 综合训练

● There are many peoplel"d like to thank. First of all,I want to thank my parentsfor bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitudeto all of my teachers over the years,but especially to my tutor, Nick, who taught me everythingI want to know.I also want to thank my boyfriendfor his understanding and kindness.

● 重音

● 实词重

● 红色字体

● 音调高

● 发音长

● 虚词轻

● 综合练习

● 语调

● 陈述句尾音降调

● 一般疑问句尾音升调

● 特殊疑问句尾音降调

● 特殊情况

● 讲故事 升调

● 并列情况下,and前全部升调

● 连读

● 为了发音方便和加快语速。

● 连音=辅音结尾+元音开头,特殊连音互相影响改变发言。

● 吞音=辅音结尾+辅音开头,前边只有口型,不送气。

● 弱读=无论什么原音都变成//

● 强调和句末不能弱读

● 48词纠正发音

● 考试内容

● 题型

● 分级

● 评分

● 口语自我介绍 20 s


● Good morning/ Good afternoon

● My name is+ 名字,majoring in+ 专业

● In my spare time+ 兴趣爱好

● I believe/wish/suppose+座右铭等

● Thank you.

● 问答 30 s


● 第一句:表明观点

● 第二—四句:给出理由/讲故事/说细节/做对比拓展

● 转述问题

● 例题

● A 描述性问题

● 问题

● What"s your hometown like?

● How"s the weather in your hometown in summer?·What does your best friend look like?

● How do you usually spend your holidays?

● Which social media platforms do you usually use?

● 对应策略

● 1、state the most striking feature


● 2、Touch on personal experiences


● B 能力性问题

● 问题

● Can you cook?

● Are you good at cooking?

● How good are you at cooking?

● 对应策略

● 1、state level of proficiency


● 2、State reasons

● C 经历性问题A or B

● 问题

● Which is better, watching a sporting match live in a stadium or at home on TV?

● Is jogging better than swimming?

● Is it better to have a personal coach or train by yourself?

● Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants?

● 对应策略

● 1、Make a choice

● 2、Add details

● D 原因性问题

● 问题

● Why is the Internet so popular?

● How come the lnternet is so popular?

● What"s the cause of the Internet"s popularity?

● 对应策略

● 1、state the main reason

● 2、contrast

● 个人陈述1min准备+ 1 min 30 s 表演

● General Statement


● (1)疑问句+过渡表达+观点

● 1、疑问句

● 2、引出观点过渡表达

● Personally,I think

● In my opinion,

● As far as I"m concerned In my experience

● In my view,

● From my perspective, Personally speaking

● 3、观点

● (2)转述题目+过渡表达+观点

● 转述

● 单词同义替换

● 句型同义转换

● (3)正反两面+过渡+观点

● (4)概括事实+过渡+观点

● (5)过渡+观点+原因概述

● Transition/ Illustration/Conclusion

● Transition


● Illustration


● Narration


● 准备万能故事

● Description


● 人物、地点、物品(视听嗅味触觉)

● Examples


● Compare-and-contrast 类比/ 对比

● 相同之处/不同之处

● Cause-and-effect


● Classification


● Conclusion

● Conclusion

● 表达结论

● In the end,

● AsIhave illustrated,

● As the example shows, To sum up

● Indeed,

● When all is said and done, All things considered,

● 过渡+重申观点+建议

● 过渡+重申观点+建议+预言

● 过渡+重申观点+警告

● 过渡+重申观点+反问

● 结合使用

● 保命方法

● 给结论

● 讲故事

● 再次收尾

● 陈述范围

● 小组讨论 3 min

● 根据页面提示讨论

● 无准备时间 讨论3min

● 观点——理由——提问

● 无条件同意

● 深度问答 45 s

● 第一句:表明观点

● 第二—四句:给出理由/讲故事/说细节/做对比拓展

● 转述问题

● 答题方法

● 自我介绍

● A

● B

● Good morning,i"m xxx, majoring in computer science.l am open-minded, quick in thinking and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngsters. I like reading books especially those about history and humanity.When 1 was a freshman, l joined the Students Union and finally became the minister of Propaganda Department through my hard work. That"s all Thank you.

● Good morning, "m xxx. My hometown is Hebei,a very beautiful province. In my spare time,l often borrow and buy books and read them through as carefully as i can. I believe, with my solid foundation in this field and my determination to further my study,1 will widen my horizons and stride forward in my academic career. Thank you.

● Good morning,i"m xxx, majoring in art design. As to my hobbies,I love traveling and photography best.I believe that the best scenery is on the road and the best way to keep it alive is photos. Thank you.

● 问答题答题方法

● WH 句型 拓展模式

5 wh(when/who/what/where/why/How)

● what

● 人+动词+名词

● who

● with my friends/family……by myself

● when

● during my time off/during my weekends

● where

● in

● why

● To……

● 总结

● I+ 动词 + 名词 + with 人/by myself + during 时间 + in/at 地点 + to 目的

● I watch films by myself during my time offat home to enjoy myself.

● I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit.

● I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expand my horizons.

● Personal experience 拓展模式


● Step 1

● l remember when I was a kid...

● I remember a while ago...

● Step 2

● l did something...

● Something happened...

● Someone did something...

● Step 3

● I thought it was so l started to (用于衬托喜好)

● It made me into_person.(用于衬托观点)

● 例子

● Opinion 拓展模式

Different way to say i think

● I feel that……

● In my opinion……

● The way i see it is that……

● Personally I think...

● l guess..

● In my opinion...

● In my view...

● As far as I know...

● As far as I"m concerned...

● I strongly support the idea that...

● I suggest that...

● 卡片陈述

● 模版一

● There are some ideas concerning(问题).

● Firstly,(举例1).Secondly,(举例1).Thirdly,(举例1).

● In a word,(总结观点)

● 模板二

● When asked about(问题 ),the majority of people say that(观点1)

● But as for me(自己的观点).So how to solve the problem is worth paying attention to. First of all,(措施1).In addition,(措施2).What’s more,(措施3).

● It’s high time that we did something to(解决问题).

● 模板三

● Nowadays,people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of (主题词)

● From my point of view,(陈述观点).In the first place,(分论点1).In the second place,(分论点2).

● Taking account of all these factors,we may draw the conclusion that(重新阐述观点).

● 模板四

● Different people have different views on (谈论的主题).

● Some people think that(观点1),whereas others argue that(观点2).

● As far as i am concerned,i agree with the opinion that(自己的观点).For one thing ,i firmly believe that(原因1).For another(原因2).

● Taking all these factors into consideration,we may come to the conclusion that(自己的观点).

● 模板五


● 现象(phenomenon)

卡片问题引起社会关注…卡片标题…has been brought into public focusthe issue of…卡片标题…has aroused wide concern from the whole city

● 原因(why)

选三个角度组织内容:对个体、环境和社会发展的影响;每个角度 1个主题句+一个例子展开;举不出例子,正反对比说出利弊。

● 结论(how)


● 个人陈述模板

● Nowadays, with /Today, it is widely acknowledged that+ 现象

● From my point of view /From my perspective,+ 观点

● In the first place, in the second place /on the one hand, On the other hand.+论述

● What"s more,+ 论述

● We may draw the conclusion that /In conclusion,+ 结论

● “xx” is a topic frequently mentioned. Whenever it comes to the xx,many people feel xx about it. However,from my perspective, xx is the most wonderful periodin xx.Although we feel x sometimes,we xx.In a word,we are still xx. Instead,finding the goal of our life and achieving it are what matters.

● With economy developing,xx offers new tools for accelerating citizen participation and economic and social progress. Nowadays,xx has become a dispensable part of not just our private lives, but also our careers. For example,

● xx. However,every coin has two sidesso as the xx. In the first placexx.Besides

● xx. As a result, it is no wonder that xx. From my point of view, l think that xx.

● xx is an essential capacity for every individual in our daily lives especially in such a competitively fierce society.To do it well,some vital factors should be taken into consideration.

● First and foremost,we should be xx.As far as l am concerned,xx is one of the most valuable xxin human beings.It makes us feel comfortable and sincere when we xx.Above all,xx.

● 小组讨论

● 话题分布

● 注意事项

● 先发言:

● 1、I am glad to do the pair work with you to discuss on……


● 2、From my point of view,……


● 3、What"s your idea on……?


● 后发言:

● 1、表示同意(赞美对方观点)或不同意(委婉表达).

● 2、复述对方观点,进一步陈述自己观点

● 3、进一步延伸出新问题问对方(或紧急情况下想不到新问题:询问对方有没有需要补充的观点或内容?)

● 模版

● 1. 主题引入:

● Well, today our topic is to discuss________.

● 2. 第一轮讨论引入句型

● 引出话题句型 :

● Let me tell you something about …

● Well, let’s talk about…

● Well, I would like to tell you somethingabout…

● I’d like to say something about…

● 3. 第二轮讨论引入句型

● 承接话题句型 :

● Besides, I really want to say somethingabout…

● Secondly, I guess I will say…

● Let me say a few things about…

● 4. 第三轮引入句型:

● What’s more, I’d like to say something about…

● Moving on to the next question …

● 最后收尾 :Lastly, let s talk about why we should do it__________________.

● 常用句式

● 1. 提问题:自己说完把问题给对方 / 鼓励对方 :

● What do you think about … ?

● How do you feel about …?

● What else should we consider?

● What’s your opinion?

● Do you agree with me ?

● Anything else?/Any ideas?

● Would you like to comment?

● Do you have any comments?

● 每当你说完后,你想让对方说的时候,就可以用以上提问题方式去问对方。

● 2. 表达观点 / 建议

● 1)表达个人观点

● I think ….

● I believe

● In my opinion …

● As far as I’m concerned …

● Personally, I feel that …

● 2)表示赞同

● I think you’re right

● I think so too.

● Exactly.

● That’s right.

● I agree with you.

● I do feel the same.

● I think you’re completely right. I secondyou on that opinion.

● I feel the same too.

● 3. 表达不同意见 / 建议

● That’s true, but …

● However,

● Yeah, but.

● I’m not sure that I agree with you .

● I see your point, but…

● I don’t really see it that way.

● I don’t /can’t support your point of view.

● I oppose your point of view.

● I think differently.

● I have a different opinion on that.

● I’m afraid that’s not right.

● 4. 场控:

● 1)自己刚说一点,别人插话时:

● Please let me nish.

● Sorry, it’s my turn.

● Sorry, I am not nished.

● 2)当对方一直说,如何打断别人:

● Yes, of course! I really agree with you. I think …

● May I say something here?

● Sorry to interrupt you there.

● Excuse me, but…

● I’m sorry to interrupt, but …

● Can I just say something…

● 3)对方给你话题你却没有准备好时怎么办?

● 1. 针对于优缺点型的插入语:

● 1)Frankly speaking, it is very complex to say, because differentpeople have different ideas about this.

● 2)As a matter of fact, I am not sure, you know, people really thinkdifferently from their own perspectives.

● 3)I don’t know yet, you know, sometimes when people change their positions,their ideas can change from time to time.

● 2. 针对于自己不熟悉的话题的时候:

● 1)I don’t have a chance to encounter with this kind of question before, but if you ask me, Iguess……

● 2)Wow, that is a very tough question, I have never thought about thatbefore. Let me think about

● 3)I am not familiar with this topic, but I will try my best to answer it.

● Excuse me, could you please say that again?

● Pardon? /I beg your pardon?

● Could you please repeat the question?

● 话题模拟

● 话题1:机器人能否控制世界


● Robots have become prevalentin almost every walk of life


● The robots can do the dangerous jobs people do not want to do. And robots won"t get bored if they do monotonous obs continuously.


● Robots are made by people and thus controlled by people.


● 话题2:过度医疗


● I am against medical overuse many hospitals, doctors tend to take their patients for overtreatment no matter how serious their illnesses are. lt"s not fair for patients.


● Some hospitals are eager to earn more money from their patients, so they give their patients extra treatment and make them buy extra medicine.


● it is necessary for hospitals to get rid of medical overuse, and save the resources for those who are really in need


● 话题3:扶老人是我们的责任吗?


● Yes, of course it"s our responsibility to lift up the old. Just imagine what could happen if we do not reach out to them. Maybe the old might lose their lives if we do not help them immediately.


● No matter what will happen after we lift up the old, first and foremost, we should ensure the life safety of the old.


● The people who want to help the strange old people should have witnesses to guarantee that they cannot be blackmailed.


● 话题4:家庭关系是否如之前一样亲密


● Nowadays young adults urged concentrate their efforts upon work to achieve success or at least a good standard of life.As a result, they can not afford to spend their leisure hours with their families and actually the importance of bonds of kinships is gradually fading from their mind.


● I will hold the view that our recent family relationship isn"t as close as before. As we all know,great changes have taken place in family life, and once extended family tends to become smaller and smaller.


● What I want to say is that an increasing number of families have realized the fact and become to take actions to maintain their bonds of kinships. For example, a large body of working people choose to have a family reunion on holidays or other important occasions. For members of families who live away from one another, regular contact on the phone will bring them the care they need.


● 话题5:高科技在课堂教学中是不是必不可少


● High-tech is becoming more and more important in our life and study, which is definitely indispensable in class teaching


● High-tech can help the teacher with more teaching resources, which can enrich students" mind.


● lt is the teacher and the students who are the subjects in class teaching. High-tech is only a means of teaching, which isn"t indispensable.


● We have to realize that no matter how sophisticated the high-tech means are, they cannot replace the teacher"s good teaching plan and the students" conscientious attitude of learning


● 话题6:校园养宠物/保护动物的重要性

● Nowadays, there are some discussions about adopting pets on campus. some hold that this behavior will help protect animals, while others argue that in view of the fact that the main purpose of students is to pursue their knowledge, they should not adopt pets on campus.


● What i want to say is that keeping pets in dormitory will make dormitory smell bad and cause noise pollution Besides, pets can make lots of noise which is annoying especially at night. For other students who live with the owner, it is absolutely a disaster for they have to suffer from both the terrible smell and the disturbing noise.


● l have something different to say. Students have more time on campus than others in raising a dog or a cat. Therefore, the pets here will enjoy more care and they also can play with the students. In this way, we will protect these animals and in turn, adopting animals can help to increase our compassion (同情;怜悯)


● Campus should be somewhat pet-friendly, and students are really excited to see dogs and cats while they are walking along the road Meanwhile, I think that pets are such a great way to relieve stress from their study


● 话题7:领导者和被领导者哪个更好

● Nowadays, there are some heated debates on the topic "Is it better to lead or to be led?" Different people hold different opinions.Some believe that to be a leader can bring a great many benefits, while others argue that to be led may be a better choice. And what"s your idea?


● l agree with the former. leader can help develop our potentialities to a great extent. At the same time, leaders with access to certain privileges and powers can make their life easier in some circumstances. in China, especially, it is essential for people to build solid interpersonal relationships.


● l have something different to say. What I want to convey is that almost everyone, in fact, is a leader as well as an individual who is led. We are leaders of ourselves and led by our leaders. in addition with regard to certain work or some cases in life, it is not absolutely necessary to distinguish leaders from those who are led, what we should do is to demonstrate team spirit on the basis of suitable means


● I may not agree with you. In order to improve ourselves to the most degree and live a better life, it is indispensable for us to try our best to become a leader and make persistent efforts to achieve promotions to higher positions. At that time, we may see the world in a much different way.


● 话题8:电子支付


● What kind of payment do you use most Cash e-pay?


● Well, I use "e-pay" most. You know, it"s more convenient than cash. What about you?


● I prefer "e-pay" too. It can save you much time looking for cash. By the way, Alipay is my favorite.


● It saves us a lot of time. But for most elderly people, it"s a bit difficult for them to learn how to use the modern way of payment.


● The use of e-pay may result in a loss of money if your payment environment is insecure. Some hackers may invade your phone and steal your money from your e-bank accounts.


● 其他

● 模板库

● 表示喜欢

● be passionate/ crazy about

● be keen on

● be fond of

● im really into …

● be fascinated by

● … really blew my mind

● 表示不喜欢

● ……is not my thing

● ……is not my cup of tea

● i cant stand……

● 表达同意

● i agree with you

● sure it is!

● definitely

● undoubtedly

● i second it

● that’s exactly what i think!

● 表达不同意

● i have something different to say……

● i may not agree with you……

● I"m afraid I don"t agree to that, because...

● I do think that makes a little sense, but actually l hardly think so...because..

● Honestly, I would probably say no to that...

● Yeah,that"s true...but as a matter of fact..

● Of course most people think so...yet I wouldn"t say that...

● 引出自己观点

● in my opinion

● what i want to say is that

● 积极理由

● It can help me feel relaxed.

● It can help me release the pressure. / Itis less stressful.

● It can make me healthy.

● It can make people feel happy.

● It is very entertaining/ interesting andfunny.

● It is very exciting and energetic/ full ofenergy.

● I think it is very convenient/ efcient/effective.

● I think it is very comfortable.

● I can learn a lot from it.

● I think it is very practical and useful.

● This can help me make a lot of friends.

● It is very beautiful.

● It is very tasty.

● I show talent in it.

● 负面理由

● It takes too much of my time/ energy.

● It is a waste of time.

● I cannot learn anything from it.

● I don’t have interests in it.

● I don’t have the talent.

● I think it is very boring.

● It is very expensive.

● It upsets/ bothers/ disturbs me.

● It’s tasteless.

● It’s impractical.

● It’s insanitary.

● The quality is no match for the price.

● 十大高频万能句型


● One 增强能力

● ____canenhancesomeone"____


● ____cancultivatesomeone"s____


● 例句

● Doing sports can enhance peoples physical ability


● Learning how to cook can cultivate children"s independent ability.


● Reading books can enhance children"s mental development.


● 能力类单词

● 技能类

● Hands on skills 动手能力

● Independent ability 独立能力

● 运动类

● Physical ability 体能

● Coordination skills 协调能力

● 艺术类

● Artistic talent 艺术天赋

● Artistic taste 艺术品位

● Creativity and ingenuity 创意

● Two 科技类话题

● ____keeps someonepostedabout the latest_____


● 例句

● Advertisement keeps people posted about the latest products.


● The internet keeps me posted about the latest events/news


● Phone keeps people posted about the latest weather condition.


● Three 表达利害关系

● ___is good/bad for someone"s___(名词)

● 名词

● health

● growth

● future development

● career

● studies

● 例句

● Studying finance is good for my future development.


● Doing exercise regularly is good for people"s health


● Studying English is good for people"s careers


● Four 表达情感

● ___is a good way to express someone"s(某种感情)towards____.

● 感情

● emotions

● love

● care

● respect

● gratitude

● passion

● 例句

● Sending flowers is a good way to express people"s love towards their other half.


● Singing is a good way to express people"s emotions towards life.


● Going to live concerts is a good way to express my passion for music.


● Five 带来

● ___brings someone___(名词)

● 名词

● convenience

● happiness

● sense of achievement

● relaxation

● 例句

● The internet brings people convenience

(l think internet is convenient)可以换成TV/newspaper/手机/email等。

● Raising a pet brings me a sense of achievement.


● Going to travel with my friends brings me happiness.

● Six 带来乐趣

● ___adds spice to someone"s life.


● Seven深刻认识

● ___helps someoneget a better pictureof____


● 例句

● Traveling helps me get a better picture of the world.

● History museums help people get a better picture of Chinese culture

● Eight 与生活息息相关

● ____isa necessary partof life


● 例句

● Learning how to cook is a necessary part of life

● Driving is a necessary part of life.

● Entertainment is a necessary part of life

● Nine 表达利害关系

● ___ hasa positive/negative influence/effecton____

● 例句

● Smoking has a negative effect on people"s health

● Reading has a positive influence on children.

● Playing too much computer games have a negative influence on student"s studies.

● Ten 迎合需求

● ___canfulfillpeople"s___


● 词汇

● spiritual needs

● material needs

● social needs

● curiosity

● 例句

● Music can fulfill people"s spiritual needs

● Shopping can fulfill people"s material needs

● Going to parties can fulfill people"s social needs.

● 个性化素材准备

● 1、兴趣爱好(各种不同程度的爱好表达)

be fond ofhave an appetite forindulge in

● Sports


● 运动:go jogging

● 好处:Boost your immunity、Relax your mood、make more friends

● Movies


● 种类

● 术语

● 电影名称+概述+印象深刻的地方

● 2、旅行(一个国内地点、一个国外地点)

● 国内:hometown


● 国外:去过的地方或者向往的地方

● 3、购物(不同的购买习惯、线上购物与实体店购物的各自优点)

● import、luxury、bargin

● Online-shopping:

● convenient, say goodbye to the exhausting journey of searching, deliver to my home, unreliable information about the product, get cheated

● Physical store shopping:

● try on the clothes, not need to wait for the delivering, immediately get the product, more expensive, safe

● 线上、线下购物哪个多

● 最特别的东西是什么


● 4、食物(食品词汇、餐饮习惯词汇、营养物质词汇、菜名、两道菜)

● 味道

● Appetizing


● fragrant


● spicy


● fiber-rich

● Protein,

● vitamin

● fat

● Cantonese cuisine菜系

● 家乡菜

● 味道

● 名词

● 菜名


  1. 淡月の黄昏2023-12-27 14:14淡月の黄昏[甘肃省网友]
  2. ┈━═☆飞鹰2023-10-31 10:37┈━═☆飞鹰[贵州省网友]
干货分享:翻译 听力 口语……考研英语复试经验指南 值得收藏!

干货分享:翻译 听力 口语……考研英语复试经验指南 值得收藏!









复述 :复述主要由两个部分组成:一个是背诵,另一个是替换,也就是相同的意思,不同表达






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2021复试常见的问题!复试口语模板 2022届复习规划

