
励志系句子‖拜托撑着别倒下去 你可是要长大的小朋友

时间:2023-06-29 05:50:01

励志系句子‖拜托撑着别倒下去 你可是要长大的小朋友

“为什么要一直一直努力呢?因为这世上除自己以外其他任何人的努力都与你无关,都不能给你,你想过的那种生活啊。”"Why keep trying? Because the efforts of anyone else in this world have nothing to do with you. They can"t give you the kind of life you want. "


Only when you dive into the water can you find a shoal to stand on.


If you always give up so easily, no matter how long, you will only stay where you are.

4.以后我要给妈妈买好看的裙子 送她那个她看中很久却舍不得买的包 然后告诉她没关系我有钱 我要带她环球旅行 到国外我给她当翻译 让她觉得即便自己语言不通可有我在就不用操心 我要给她买好用的化妆品 让她魅力无限永葆青春 我要有个好工作 让她提起我的时候能感到骄傲 我要快长大 因为我爱她。

After that, I will buy my mother a beautiful dress to give her, the bag she has been looking for for for a long time, but she can"t bear to buy it. After that, I will tell her that I have money. I will take her around the world to travel abroad. I will act as an interpreter for her. She will feel that even if she doesn"t speak the language, I will not have to worry about me. I will buy her good cosmetics to keep her charming forever. I want to have a good job I want to grow up soon because I love her.


Please hold on. Don"t fall down. You"re a child to grow up.


I always love to dream, love all the splendor beyond the bramble life.

7.我们都在往同一个目标往前走。 为了同一个目标在努力着。 即使分隔两地,即使不能时时刻刻在一起, 但在不同的位置,各自拼搏,各自努力,朝一个方向奔去, 依然是一件很美好的事情。

We are all moving forward to the same goal. Working hard for the same goal. Even if the two places are separated, even if they cannot be together at all times, it is still a good thing to work hard and work hard in different positions and to run in one direction.

8. 最近的状态是 真的很累但是还想加油。

The recent state is really tired, but still want to refuel.

9.其实 还是最想跟大家说一切都没关系的。 也许会犯错 会自卑 会突然觉得自己哪里都不好 那些不可避免的坏情绪我们一次都逃脱不掉。 有太多事无法必须怎样 我们也不能彻底消除遗憾 但选择还多 空着的位置也总会有更适合的人坐上去。 没关系 真的都没关系的。

In fact, I still want to tell you that everything doesn"t matter. Maybe we will make mistakes, we will feel inferior, and we will suddenly feel that we are not good anywhere. We can"t escape the inevitable bad emotions at once. There are so many things that we can"t do without regret, but there are always more people who are more suitable for us to sit in. It doesn"t matter. It really doesn"t matter.


  1. 罂粟摇曳2023-12-10 15:15罂粟摇曳[河北省网友]
  2. LW盛鑫2023-09-19 10:32LW盛鑫[山西省网友]