

时间:2023-06-08 07:42:01



文 | 季益广


1. Einstein changed the ___ we think about space and time.爱因斯坦改变了我们的时空概念。

2. We greatly ___ the close relationships established between our two countries over a long period of time.我们非常珍惜我们两国长期建立起来的紧密关系。

3. Customers have only a limited ___ of time to examine the goods.顾客只有有限的时间可以检查商品。

4. Their marriage got ___ as time went by.随着时间的推移,他们的婚姻越来越和美。

5. ‘___ time is it?’ ‘It’s about two thirty.’ “几点了?”“两点半左右。”

6. What time are you going ___ tonight?你今晚什么时候出去?

7. What time do you make ___?你的表几点了?

8. Have you ___ the time?你知道几点了吗?

9. Robin’s just learning to ___ the time.罗宾正在学看钟表。

10. Oh no. Look at the time. I’ll be ___.哦,坏了。你看都几点了。我要迟到了。

11. Is that the time? I ___ go.都这个时候啦?我得走了。

12. By this time tomorrow I’ll know whether I’ve ___ the job.明天这个时候我就知道我是否得到这份工作了。

13. That was the only time we ___. 那是我们唯一一次意见有分歧。

14. Do you remember the time I ___ Tom Benson.你还记得那次我打汤姆·本森的事吗?

15. Mary had seen the film many ___.这部电影玛丽已经看过好多次。

16. It was the first time that he had ___ a game.这是他第一次输掉比赛。

17. Gerry had just had back ___ for the third time in two years.格里刚做了背部手术,这是两年里的第三次。

18. Why don’t you ___ in for a drink next time you’re over this way?你下次路过进来喝一杯怎么样?

19. The ___ time I saw Jonathan was Thursday evening.我上次看到乔纳森是在星期四晚上。

20. The ___ weather did not return until February but this time we were prepared.直到二月份天气再次寒冷起来,不过这次我们做好了准备。

21. I missed their concert the first time ___ so I’m going next week.我错过了他们的第一次音乐会,所以下周我要去听。

22. I ___ up with Julie every time I go to Washington.我每次到华盛顿都和朱莉见面。

23. How many times did you ___ your driving test?你考了几次驾照?

24. How many times have I told you not to ___ off like that?我告诉过你多少次不要那样乱跑?

25. One time I went to a ___ sale and bought fifteen books.有一次我去了旧物售卖会,买了十五本书。

26. She was three months ___ at the time of Stephen’s death.斯蒂芬去世时,她怀孕三个月了。

27. He is ___ as well as at any time in his career.他表现出色,一如他事业生涯中的任何一个时候。

28. The UK has 500,000 dogs ___ its streets at any time.任何时候英国大街上都有50 万条流浪狗。

29. At the time when this scheme was introduced, it was ___ that there might be problems.这个计划刚刚启动的时候,大家就意识到可能会有问题。

30. The phone was ___ but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.电话铃在响,但是等到她进了门又不响了。

31. Rosie – it’s ___ to get up.罗茜 – 该起床了。

32. Come on, it’s time ___ bed.快点,该睡觉了。

33. He ___ at his watch. ‘It’s time for me to go.’他看了一眼手表说:“我该走了。”

34. It’s time I ___ the dog.我该喂狗了。

35. Now is the ___ time for us to move to London.现在正是我们搬到伦敦去的好时机。

36. This might be a ___ time to start planning the new book.也许这个时候开始规划新书正好。

37. Now is not the time to ___ Peter.这个时候不能惹彼得生气。

38. ‘When do you want to meet?’ ‘Well, there is no time like the ___.’“你想什么时候见面?”“嗯,再没有比现在更好的时间了。”

39. It’s nearly ___ time.快到吃晚饭的时候了。

40. We ___ the till each night at closing time.每晚打烊时我们都把现金出纳机清空。

41. Our ___ arrival time is 2:30. pm.我们预计到达时间为下午2时30分。

42. England is ___ lovely at this time of year.每年这个时候英格兰的景色都非常迷人。

43. We’ll sort that ___ when the time comes.必要时我们会解决的。

44. Dustin wanted to spend as ___ time as possible with his family.达斯廷想尽可能多花时间和家人在一起。

45. I first met Jennifer ___ long time ago.我第一次遇见珍妮弗是在很久以前。

46. They stopped for a short time to ___ the horses.他们稍停了一会儿,让马歇口气。

47. Andy and Tom ___ for some time.安迪和汤姆谈了一会儿。

48. Alison was married, for a time, to a ___.艾莉森曾和一位喜剧演员有过一段短暂的婚姻。

49. Martin ___ being away from his family for any length of time.马丁不喜欢离家太久。

50. It took her a long time to ___ a decision.她花了很长时间才做出决定。

51. Learning a language isn’t easy – it ___ time.学一门语言不容易 – 这需要时间。

52. While in New York he ___ some time to visit some friends.在纽约他抽时间拜访了一些朋友。

53. I wanted to ___ better use of my travel time.我想更好地利用旅行时间。

54. I’ll visit him if I ___ time.如果有时间我会去拜访他、

55. Molly would like to do some ___ if here is time.有时间的话莫莉想去潜水。

56. She ___ she would have time for a coffee before her train left.她发现在火车出发之前她还有时间喝杯咖啡。

57. We don’t have to rush. We have all the time in the ___.我们不必匆忙,有的是时间。

58. June had little time to ___ for making her own clothes.琼几乎没有时间给自己做衣服。

59. He writes ___ in his spare time.他空闲时写诗。

60. ___ prepared for meetings will save time.做好会议准备可以节省时间。

61. I don’t want to waste time ___.我不想浪费时间争吵。

62. She spent ___ time looking for a soft design.她把宝贵的时间花在软件设计上了。

63. I seem to spend most of my time ___ the Wechat.我好像把大部分时间都花在微信上了。

64. McDuff ___ the time writing letters.麦克达夫写信打发时间。

65. Now the children have left home, she has too much time on her ___.现在孩子们都离开家了,她有太多空闲时间。

66. ___ time to talk to your children.抽出时间和孩子们谈谈。

67. Book your ticket soon,as time is running ___.快点订票,时间不多了。

68. I ___ practicing and I’m improving all the time.我不断练习,因此一直在进步。

69. He worries about her the ___ time.他一直在担心她。

70. I can speak German but we speak English ___ of the time.我会说德语,但我们大多数时候说英语。

71. ___ the time you don’t even notice what I’m wearing.你常常连我穿什么都没注意。

72. Life is hard at ___.生活有时很艰难。

73. These food safety scares happen from ___ to time.这种食品安全恐慌事件时有发生。

74. The police were catching the same kids stealing time ___ time.警察几次三番地抓住同一批孩子在偷东西。

75. Children must be ___ at all times while in park.儿童在公园里必须一直有人照看。

76. Parents are welcome ___ all times.随时欢迎家长。

77. Nine ___ out of ten she’s right.十有八九她都是对的。

78. I was ___ ten or eleven at the time.我当时大概十岁或十一岁。

79. At one time she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of working at night put her ___.她曾经想当一名护士,但想到上夜班她就退却了。

80. The President said his actions were ‘the right ___ at this time.’总统说他的行动“在此时此刻是正确的。”

81. At no time did anyone ___ speak to the press.任何相关人员都没有向媒体发表过言论。

82. At no time was the company ___.公司从来没有得到过消息。

83. Now, for the time ___, she is living with her father in Tijuana.眼下,她和父亲暂住在蒂华纳。

84. He has an ___ with the doctor in two days’ time.他约好了两天后去看医生。

85. Will you be ___ to finish it in time?你能及时完成吗?

86. They ran all the way to the corner just in time to see the bus disappearing ___ the street.他们一路跑到转角处,正好看到公共汽车消失在街头。

87. The painting was ___ repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition.这幅画及时修复成功,正好赶上展览会开幕。

88. We arrived at the concert hall in ___ time.我们早早就到了音乐厅。

89. He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he ___, in time.他想看到公司的变化,我相信过一段时间他一定会看到的。

90. We should arrive in New York ___ time to spare.我们应该可以提前到达纽约。

91. The research project will be ___ over time.这个研究项目要假以时日才能作出评估。

92. Students are encouraged to consider the way language changes ___ time.鼓励学生去思考语言随着时间变化的方式。

93. These ___ will start to get better with time.这些症状过一段时间就会开始好转。

94. I would have thought of the answer, ___ time.要是给我时间,我会想出答案的。

95. Marie took her time cutting my hair and ___ it really well.玛丽仔细地给我剪发,剪得相当好。

96. He had planned to ___ his time over the journey.他原来计划这一路慢慢地走。

97. You’re taking your time ___ the lab tests. We need the results now.你们实验做得太慢了。我们现在就要结果。

98. Sound ___ four times faster in water than in air.声音在水中的传播速度是在空气中的四倍。

99. There are three times ___ many girls as boys.女孩人数是男孩的三倍。

100. If you raise your hands, I’ll answer questions ___ at a time.请你们举手,我会逐一回答你们的问题。

101. Frank took the stairs two ___ a time.弗兰克一步跨两级台阶。

102. Because of his work, he’s often ___ for weeks at a time.因为工作的原因,他经常连续几周都不在家。

103. Jack was worried ___ whether he’d be able to get there on time.杰克担心他是否能准时赶到那里。

104. The plane arrived ___ on time.飞机准点到达。

105. Prepare what you plan to say in the meeting ___ of time.事先准备好你在会上的发言。

106. The train left twenty minutes ___ time.火车晚点了20分钟发车。

107. It’s about time our team ___.该是我们队赢的时候了。

108. It’s high time we ___ a party.我们早该举行一次聚会了。

109. Philip is going to be punished and not ___ time.菲利普要受到惩罚了,早该如此了。

110. He is the greatest ___ of all time, in my opinion.我认为他是有史以来最伟大的运动员。

111. We’ll be there in ___ time.我们马上就到。

112. ‘When is she ___ back?’ ‘Any time now.’“她应该什么时候回来?”“马上。”

113. I’ll find the key ___. It’s just a question of time.我总会找到钥匙的,只是个时间问题。

114. It’s only a ___ of time before we catch the person who killed her.我们迟早会抓到杀害她的凶手。

115. Only time will ___ if the treatment has been successful.只有时间才能证明这种治疗是否有效。

116. Mankind has used the horse since ancient ___.人类从古时候起就是用马匹了。

117. In earlier times, servants would use the wooden ___ stairs at the back of the house.过去,仆人只能走房子后面光光的木楼梯。

118. He lived at the ___ of Napoleonic wars.他生活在拿破仑战争时期。

119. Air pollution has become one of the most significant ___ problems of our time.空气污染成了我们这个时代最重大的健康问题。

120. Our equipment is a bit ___ the times.我们的设备有点过时。

121. We’ve got to ___ with the times.我们必须与时俱进。

122. Coleridge was far ahead of his time in his understanding of the ___.柯尔律治对潜意识的理解远远超前于他所处的时代。

123. This was the happiest ___ of her life.这是她一生中最幸福的时光。

124. They had their happy times, but they had their ___ times too.他们有过快乐的时光,但也经历过艰难的岁月。

125. Did you have a ___ time at the party?你在聚会上玩得高兴吗?

126. Julie went to a wedding at the weekend and had the ___ of her life.朱莉周末去参加了一个婚礼,玩得非常开心。

127. In her time at the United Nations she was considered a ___ negotiator.她在联合国的时候被认为是一个强硬的谈判对手。

128. They say he was a great actor but that was ___ my time.他们说他是个伟大的演员,但那时我还没有入行。

129. He seemed to ___ into an old man before his time.他似乎过早地衰老了。

130. The flight to Boston arrives at 1.15 pm ___ time.飞往波斯顿的班机将于当地时间下午1点15分到达。

131. The Olympic ___ time in the 200 meters final was 2 minutes 11.56 seconds. 这位奥运会奖牌得主在200米决赛中的成绩是2分11秒56。

132. The journey time to London is ___ four hours.前往伦敦的行程需时约四小时。

133. Manson’s goal 13 minutes from time ___ his team a place in the final.梅森终场前13分钟的进球使他的球队进入了决赛。

134. Waltzes are usually in three-four ___.华尔兹舞曲通常是四分之三拍。

135. Gloria was ___ her feet in time to the music.格洛丽亚跟着音乐的节拍脚步轻点。

136. Paul was ___ time for burglary.保罗因入室盗窃在狱中服刑。

137. People like to ___ time of day with neighbors.人们喜欢和邻居寒暄。

138. Time was ___ no one had television.过去谁都没有电视。

139. We ___ good time and were at the hotel by lunchtime.我们路上很快,午饭时间就到酒店了。

140. Mark was ___ against time to complete the work by Friday.马克争分夺秒,想赶在周五之前完成工作。

141. Time is ___.一寸光阴一寸金。

142. Time ___ all wounds.时间能治愈一切创伤。

143. Time ___ when you’re having fun.玩得开心时,时间过得飞快。

144. Nurses in training study in their own ___.参加培训的护士在业余时间学习。

145. Bobby will tell them about it in his own ___ time.鲍比会在他认为合适的时候把这事告诉他们的。

146. ‘I’d love to see it.’ ‘___ in good time.’“我真想看看。”“别急。”

147. He has ___ time for people who talk too much.他不喜欢话太多的人。

148. At my time of life, you can’t take too many ___ like that.我这个年纪的人,受不了太多那样的打击。

149. I’ve met some rude women in my time but she’s the ___.我这辈子也见过一些粗鲁的女人,但她是当中的极品。

150. He was many ___ in his time – musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.他一生有多重身份 – 音乐家、飞行员、养牛的牧场主、实业家和记者。

151. If I ___ my time over again, I’d probably do exactly the same thing.如果人生重来,我可能还会做同样的事。

152. The last time I saw her was in ___ school.我最后一次看到她的时候,她在上中学。

153. It’s time for you ___ go to bed.你该睡觉了。

154. They have been seen ___ on several occasions.有人好几次看到他们在一起。

155. At that moment, the door bell ___.就在那时,门铃响了。

156. The next moment she was ___.一会儿她就不见了。

157. At one point during the play she completely forgot her ___.演出中有那么一会儿她完全忘记了台词。

158. The ___ point of the holiday is the outbreak of COVID-19.新冠肺炎疫情的爆发是假日里最不开心的时刻。

159. They’ve been ___ a long time – nearly 30 years.他们结婚很长时间了 – 将近30年。

160. It’s years since I ___ a bike.我好几年没骑自行车了。

161. I’ve been standing here for ___.我站在这里很长时间了。

162. I hadn’t seen Paul for a ___, and he’d completely changed.我有一段时间没见保罗了,他完全变了。

163. For the ___ time, my daughter wasn’t reading at all.我女儿有很长一段时间根本不看书。

164. I’ll call you back ___ a minute.我一会儿给你回电话。

165. Can I show you something? It will only take a ___.我给你看样东西好吗?一会儿就行。

166. ___ a second – I can’t find my wallet.稍等片刻 – 我钱包找不到了。

167. In an ___, they were gone.一瞬间,他们就不见了。

168. He ___ for an instant.他停顿了片刻。

169. I’ve ___ to Tokyo, but I was only there for a short while.我去过东京,不过只待了没多久。

170. I saw from the station clock that I had ___ my arrival perfectly.我从车站的钟上看到,我到的时间正好。

171. The tour has been timed to allow visitors to ___ the opening night of the Verona opera season.这次游览的时间安排使得游客可以参加维罗纳歌剧节的开幕之夜。

172. Her book was timed to ___ with an exhibition of Goya’s paintings at the National Gallery.她的书安排在国家美术馆举办戈雅画展的时候出版。

173. The meeting has been timed ___ three o’clock.会议安排在3点钟开始。

174. We had to run up the stairs while the Sergeant ___ us.我们必须跑上楼梯,中士给我们计时。

175. They timed the winner ___ 2 minutes and 14.05 seconds.他们给获胜者测定的时间为2分14秒05.

176. Keith timed the ___ well.基思传球的时机把握得很好。

177. We get time and a ___ for working on Sunday.我们星期天加班拿一倍半的工资。

178. Cutting ___ the rainforest is an environmental time bomb.砍伐热带雨林对于环境来说是一枚定时炸弹。

179. Painting is a complex and time-___ process.绘画是一种复杂而费时的过程。

180. There is a ten year time ___ for the implementation of the new policies.新政实施为期十年。

181. Sharon became involved with music in the time-___ fashion – through her family.萨伦是通过家庭熏陶这一传统的方式走上音乐道路的。

182. There is generally a two-year time ___ in the information being made available.通常这类信息公开要等两年。

183. The timeline for the project is ___.项目的进程十分乐观。

184. The fight ended only with the ___ arrival of the police.幸亏警察及时赶到,打斗总算停止。

185. We aim to settle all ___ claims in a timely manner.我们力求做到及时处理所有有效索赔。

186. The crash served as a ___ of the dangers of drinking and driving.这场车祸及时地提醒了人们酒后驾车的危险。

187. Have you ever had to take time ___ for health reasons?你曾因健康原因请过假吗?

188. In between jobs, Liz always took time ___ to return to her first love – travelling.在换工作的空档里,莉兹总是歇一歇,去做她最喜欢的事情 – 旅游。

189. With 15.7 seconds left, Washington State ___ time out.还剩下15.7秒时,华盛顿州队请求暂停。

190. ___ the timer on the cooker for three minutes.把炉子上的定时器设定为三分钟。

191. Two ___ two equals four.二二得四。

192. The ___ for completing the work would be fairly tight.完成这项工作的时间很紧。

193. It’s difficult to imagine a time ___ of a million years.很难想象100万年这么长的时间跨度。

194. Do you know the eleven times ___?你知道11的乘法表吗?

195. The council has set up a time-table for returning to civilian ___.委员会已制订出恢复文官统治的时间表。

196. The carnival ___ is timetabled for 12:00 on both days.狂欢节游行两天都定在12点举行。

197. The course is timetabled for one ___ each week.这门课被安排每周一节课。

198. Art students have very few ___ hours.学艺术的学生固定的上课时间很少。

199. The house seemed to be ___ in a 19th-century time warp.这栋房子似乎还停留在19世纪。

200. He was just walking into the restaurant when we got there. Perfect ___.我们到的时候他正好走进饭店,时间算得好准。

201. He told jokes with an ___ sense of timing.他讲笑话时很会把握时机。

202. The President and I did not discuss the timing of my ___.我和总统没有讨论我离职的时间。

203. Ferry schedules and precise timings are ___ to weather conditions on the day of departure.渡轮时刻表和准确时间是出发当天的天气而定。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 way 2 cherish 3 amount 4 better 5 What 6 out 7 it 8 got 9 tell 10 late 11 must 12 got 13 disagreed 14 hit 15 times 16 lost 17 surgery 18 dropped 19 last 20 freezing 21 round 22 meet 23 take 24 wander 25 garage 26 pregnant 27 performing 28 on 29 recognized 30 ringing 31 time 32 for 33 glanced 34 fed 35 right 36 good 37 annoy 38 present 39 dinner 40 empty 41 estimated 42 so 43 out 44 much 45 a 46 rest 47 talked 48 comedian 49 disliked 50 make 51 takes 52 took 53 make 54 have 55 diving 56 realized 57 world 58 spare 59 poetry 60 Being 61 arguing 62 previous 63 on 64 passed 65 hands 66 Make 67 out 68 keep 69 whole 70 most 71 Half 72 times 73 time 74 after 75 supervised 76 at 77 times 78 about 79 off 80 ones 81 involved 82 informed 83 being 84 appointment 85 able 86 up 87 successfully 88 good 89 will 90 with 91 assessed 92 over 93 symptoms 94 given 95 did 96 take 97 with 98 travels 99 as 100 one 101 at 102 away 103 about 104 right 105 ahead 106 behind 107 won 108 had 109 before 110 athlete 111 no 112 due 113 eventually 114 matter 115 tell 116 times 117 bare 118 time 119 health 120 behind 121 move 122 unconsciousness 123 time 124 hard 125 good 126 time 127 tough 128 before 129 grow 130 local 131 medalist’s 132 approximately 133 earned 134 time 135 tapping 136 doing 137 pass 138 when 139 made 140 racing 141 money 142 heals 143 flies 144 time 145 good 146 All 147 no 148 shocks 149 worst 150 things 151 had 152 high 153 to 154 together 155 rang 156 gone 157 lines 158 lowest 159 married 160 rode 161 ages 162 while 163 longest 164 in 165 moment 166 Just 167 instant 168 paused 169 been 170 times 171 attend 172 coincide 173 for 174 timed 175 at 176 pass 177 half 178 down 179 consuming 180 frame 181 honored 182 lag 183 optimistic 184 timely 185 valid 186 reminder 187 off 188 out 189 called 190 Set 191 times 192 timescale 193 span 194 table 195 rule 196 parade 197 period 198 timetabled 199 stuck 200 timing 201 exquisite 202 departure 203 subject

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英语作文秒变高大上的100条单词和句子 一定要记住!

简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可
