
外教推荐:英语常用口语123句 简单实用 值得收藏学习

时间:2023-05-23 04:52:01


外教推荐:英语常用口语123句 简单实用 值得收藏学习

* 欢迎来到佳人在哈佛-英语学习版块页面,首先请在右上角请点击*关注*,你第一时间会触碰到更多精彩哦!




1. Believe me.相信我。2. Call me back.给我回电话。3. As soon as possible尽快 4. Do me a favor帮我个忙 5. Give me a hand帮我一下 6. I do not understand我不明白 7. I do not mean it我不是那个意思。 8. I decline!我婉拒了! 9. I’m on a diet. 我在节食 10. I just made it. 我刚刚做到了

11. I’m sorry我很抱歉 12. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 13. I have no idea. 我不知道。14. I agree. 我同意。15. I’m at home . 我在家里 16. It’s on the tip of my tongue. 话到嘴边,却一下子想不起来了。17. It’s ok. 没关系18. It really takes time. 这确实需要时间。19. It’s for the best. 这是最好的。20. No, I don’t want. 不,我不想要。

21. See you 22. See you next time 23. So I do 24. So so 25. Allow me 26. Any day will do 27. Be calm 28. Be careful! 29. Be quiet! 30. Cheer up!

31. Come on 32. Don’t be ridicolus 33. Don’t be so childish 34. Don’t move! 35. Don’t worry 36. Enjoy yourself 37. Follow me 38. Forgive me 39. Forget it 40. God bless you

41. It’s very thoughtful of you 42. It’s up to you 43. It’s none of you business 44. Shut up 45. Slow down 46. Stop making such a noice 47. You are going too fast 48. Come with me 49. Good afternoon 50. Good morning

51. Good night 52. Have a good trip 53. Have a good weekend 54. I admire you 55. I apologize 56. I can’t wait 57. I don’t have time 58. I got it. 59. I hate you! 60. I hope so.

61. I knew it. 62. I love you. 63. I would love to. 64. I am busy. 65. I am tired. 66. I don’t agree. 67. You are wasting my time. 68. I feel much better. 69. They like each other. 70. I’m sorry.

71. I’m good. 72. It doesn’t matter. 73. Join me. 74. Let’s catch up! 75. Let’s do it. 76. Nice to meet you. 77. Not yet. 78. Talk to you tomorrow. 79. Thank you very much. 80. You turn.

81. A lovely day, isn’t it? 82. Do i have to? 83. Can I help you? 84. How are things going? 85. Any thing else? 86. Are you kidding? 87. Are you sure?

88. Do you understand me? 89. Are you done? 90. Can I ask you something?

91. Can you please repeat that? 92. Did you get it? 93. Do you need anything?94. How are you? 95. How do you feel? 96. How much is it? 97. How old are you? 98. How was your weekend? 99. Is all good? 100. Is everything OK?

101. What are you doing? 102.What are you talking about? 103.What are you up to? 104.What are your hobbies? 105. What did you say? 106.What do you need? 107. What do you think? 108. What do you want to do? 109. What do you want? 110.What’s the weather like?

111.What’s your e-mail address? 112. What is your job? 113. What’s your name? 114. What’s your phone number? 115. What is going on? 116.When is the train leaving? 117. How can I go to the town centre? 118. Where are you from? 119. Where are you going? 120. Where are you? 121. Where did you get it? 122. Where do you live? 123.Are you coming with me?



注明:图片及部分英文均来源于网络,若侵权请告知作者删除! 本人原创,抄袭搬运必究!

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