

时间:2023-05-20 03:38:01




On Qiqiao Custom in Xihe and Qixi Culture in China


Abstract: Based on the grand background of Qixi Culture in China, this thesis is to

probe into Qiqiao Custom in Xihe County and compare these two customs through the following aspects: worship target, space and time. the purpose, nature, forms of events,cultural heritage as well as different origins of custom, hoping to find out their

differences and things in common. Comparing Qiqiao Custom in Xihe with historical

records on Qixi Custom during the Han and Tang Dynasty, we can get the following

conclusions: First of all. Qiqiao Custom in Xihe relatively retains the rituals and

content of Qixi Custom of the ancient times, existing as a " living fossil"of Chinese

Qixi Culture; secondly, Qiqiao Custom in Xihe has emphasized on "ingenuity",which

is an obvious trait of utility and it is such trait that serves as the secret of its inheritance and as the core of Qixi Culture in China.


Keywords: Qiqiao Custom in Xihe; Qixi Culture in China; Comparison; Research



Qixi Custom derives from the mythology of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. the first

tale in the four greatest Chinese legends. Therefore, it lays as an important cultural

basis and psychological identity of the Chinese nation. As a significant branch of Qixi Qiqiao Custom prevails in Xihe and Li County of Yangshui Basion, the upper reaches of Western Han River. Qiqiao Culture integrates worship and belief. ballads and poetry singing and dancing. arts and crafts as well as labor skills as its fixed cultural activities.It is known to the world as a"living fossil"of Qixi Culture in China with its long

duration,complete rituals and sound basis which are quite familiar with historical

records in Tang and Song Dynasty.


For the regional and cultural difference from place to place. there are various celebrations in this same festival--Qixi Festival. The following words will probe into Qiqiao Custom in Xihe based on the grand background of Qixi Culture in China. trying to find clues of Qixi Custom"s evolvement in the comparison of their difference and things in common.


I. Comparison on the Time, Space and Methods of Celebration


i. Time of Celebration





In Xihe. as else where in China,July 7 in the Chinese lunar calendar has always been a highlight In Qixi Festival. On this day,girls would have a dinner made by themselves to fend off evil, divine their ingenuity and destiny through the projection of germinated grains in water and send off Qiao Niangniang, the Queen of Skills. But their formal

celebration starts from the late afternoon of the first day of the seventh month and ends till the midnight of the seventh day of the seventh month, lasting seven days and eight nights. People in the rest of the nation mainly celebrate in the following ways: paying respect to the double stars(Altair and Vega, commonly known as stars of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl), telling their love picking up dews with washbasin,diving financial fortune, divining their ingenuity and destiny through the projection of

germinated grains in water, competing skills by threading needles and divining

cleverness through the density of a spider"s threads. However, all these celebrations are held on that every day or night of July 7, lasting one day or one night.


ll. Space of Celebration


Like other parts in China. girls in Xihe take part in Qiqiao Festival under the families

support. Qiqiao in other places are restricted to a single family unit, a village or a town without so many participants. For example, Qixi custom in Wangniudun Town

Guangdong Province is only held in this town. The whole town covers an area of 31.57 square kilometers with a registered population of 45,000 people and permanent

population of 100,000 people. Qixi custom in Doumen Town, Xi"an of Shaanxi

Province is also like this. However, Qixi Festival in Xihe breaks the boundaries of

families, villages and towns. Married or unmarried women, young students, and people from various professions including paper workshop could all join in this festival

During the festival, different Qiqiao sites from the same village. or sites from different villages visit each other. covering a vast area. Owing to different river systems, origin living conditions and language habits, there are 7 large areas of Qiqiao Custom in Xihe ,they are named after places as follows: Changdao Hanyuan, Heba. Yunhua, Caochuan ,Hengling and Wanxia, covering 11(villages) towns and spreading an area of 744.4 square kilometers including Heba, Shili Hanyuan, Xiyu, Jiangxi Suhe, Luhe, Xinglong ,Shaoyu Shibao and Changdao with a total population of 265,000 people.


iii. Methods of Celebration



Qiqiao in Xihe is mainly celebrated by making offerings to the Weaver Girl and divining ingenuity. which is just the same as other places. For example, Zunhua City in Hebei Province, girls would set an incense table, peel the fruits into the shape of petals

and put the needles on them. Then they would pay their respect to the Weaver Girl

raising the offering tray up with hands. If threads of spiders are found on the fruits. they will say it is a sign of ingenuity. In some places of Shandong Province."when

establishing incense tables on this day. Hunging the paintings of the Weaver Girl and

the Cowherd and most people would divine a girl"s ingenuity according to the density of spider threads in a bowl, plate, and melons. Girls in Jiaodong area would dress up on this day. they usually get together to pay respect to the Weaver Girl ". Girls in Wuhu City. Anhui Province will conduct divination through needles on July 6, and the results of this ritual is much concerned in Xiangfu, Xinzheng and Yangwu of Henan Province,if the outcome is unsatisfactory, they may even cry sadly. While girls in Hanzhou,Sichuan Province will get together to establish an incense table and pray ingenuity through the projection of germinated grains in water. It can be said that methods of

celebration on Qixi Festival in these places are comparatively simple and unified.


But celebration in Xihe has a full set of procedures. It mainly goes with the purpose of praying for ingenuity and starts from the preparation of choosing the family to set the paper statue of Qiao Niangniang, the Queen of Skills. contacting participation. raising the cash or materials, practicing songs of Qiqiao, preparing dressing suits, making or buying the statue and welcoming the Queen from the Heaven. The formal activities include building bridge with red woolen threads for the Queen,welcoming the Qu

offering sacrifice to the Queen, singing and dancing, dancing to Sister Ma(the Queen"s maid), conducting mutual worship neighboring Qiqiao sites. getting water to prepare for divination,practicing divination with needles,and the climax as having a dinner made by themselves to pray auspiciousness,divining their ingenuity and destiny through the projection of germinated grains in water, last sending the Queen off.We can say that Qiqiao Festival in Xihe is characterized with obvious organization,systemization and recreation.


Comparison on the Object, Purpose and

Nature of Worship


I.Object of Worship


There are following objects of worship in Qixi Custom in the rest of China,


Firstly, the festival is to worship Vega or its statue. For example, in the villages of

Yuxiang County in Shanxi Province, people often hung the paintings of Vega and offer melons to the, named"paying tribute to the Queen of Skills". In Zhuzhi-ci of Lianchuan, Qian Daxin said that there was a temple of the Weaver Girl in Huanghwan, 36 li(18 kilometers) on the east of Kunshan County, Shanghai. Many girls would come here on Qixi Festival to pay respect to the Queen of Skills. But now has been abandoned for long time.”



Secondly, to worship the Weaver Girl. "Qinianghui"(Worship the Queen of Skills)

prevails in Guangdong, and people often call it"Wor

Weaver cIr


night of July 7,"girls need to make offerings to the Weaver Git from seven to nine

o"clock in the evening and compete threading needles in the dark".""At midnight, the

ed to worship the Cowherd, and girls

ipate. "In Fuy

girls and women will establish incense tables. put on various sacrifices. showing

respect to the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. In Quanzhou, people hailed the Weaver

Girl as""Madam Qiniang and take July 7 as her birthday. Therefore, rituals held on this

day are called"Birthday Celebration on Madam Qiniang". In Taiwan, people would

pay tribute to the Weaver Girl. she is the seventh fairy of seven fairies, hence the name






Thirdly, to worship the painting of Altair and Vega Stars or the painting of the Weaver

Girl and the Cowherd. In Yushe of Shanxi Province. for example, people would hold

Meeting of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd". In the counties of Wanquan and

Ronghe, women even dress up as the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd to promote their

melon and fruits. In some places including Hejiang, Junlian County in Sichuan

Province, people not only pay respect to vega but also to Altair. In Beijing, peopl

would set up a shed to hung the painting of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd on

Double Seven, put melon and fruits, cheese cakes. vegetables and dried meat slice in

places and invite women to participate this festival. Thus it can be seen that women"s

worship towards Altair and Vega develops from their ancestor"s worship towards






Secondly, to worship the Weaver Girl. "Qinianghui"(Worship the Queen of Skills)

prevails in Guangdong, and people often call it"Worship the Weaver Girl".On the night of July 7, "girls need to make offerings to the Weaver Girl from seven to nine o"clock in the evening and compete threading needles in the dark"."At midnight, the boys need to worship the Cowherd, and girls can not participate.”In Fujian Province,girls and women will establish incense tables. put on various sacrifices. showing respect to the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. In Quanzhou, people hailed the Weaver Girl as"Madam Qiniang"and take July 7 as her birthday. Therefore, rituals held on this day are called"Birthday Celebration on Madam Qiniang". In Taiwan, people would pay tribute to the Weaver Girl, she is the seventh fairy of seven fairies, hence the name.


Thirdly, to worship the painting of Altair and Vega Stars or the painting of the Weaver

Girl and the Cowherd. In Yushe of Shanxi Province. for example, people would hold

Meeting of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd". In the counties of Wanquan and Ronghe, women even dress up as the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd to promote their melon and fruits. In some places including Hejiang, Junlian County in Sichuan Province, people not only pay respect to Vega but also to Altair In Beling, people would set up a shed to hung the painting of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd on Double Seven, put melon and fruits, cheese cakes. vegetables and dried meat slice in places and invite women to participate this festival. Thus it can be seen that women"s worship towards Altair and Vega develops from their ancestor"s worship towards astronomical phenomena.


In the rituals of Qiqiao Festival in Xihe, the object of worship is also the Weaver Girl

in the love tale, commonly known as "Qiao Niangniang". the Queen of Skills. Besides

there is a unique object known as "Sister Ma(a kind of linen)". Sister Ma is not as

excellent as the Queen either on the skills or onlook. The Queen is good at weaving

silk as the lyric "Qiao Niangniang instructs my needlework"proves. while Sister Ma is

good at weaving linen. She likes to play tricks on people, if you dance to "Sister Ma

you will be easily haunted by her. The words of song like "The spirit of Sister Ma is

coming, she come here with a cup of almond tea. Sister Ma, who is more human is the maid of the Queen, just like the Green Snake in the Tale of White Snake In the old

days, the silk can not be afforded by every family, but linen is the necessity of ordinary people and also a major financial source for females. Therefore, “Dance to Sister Ma”embodies Xihe girls devoted worship towards the more useful embroidering skill.


ii.Purpose of Worship


Qiqiao Custom in Xihe shares the same purpose with customs of other places, that is to pray for cleverness and ingenuity. Through all these activities of Qiqiao in Xihe,

ingenuity" is their ultimate pursuit which not only means skills and cleverness, but as plies elegant demeanour and presence. The following three points could provide specific manifestations.


First, in the view of skill, "Qiqiao"means"praying for deft skills", that is being good at

needlework. The equivalents of "praying for ingenuity"are the words of""skillful"and

wonderful workmanship” in idioms like“ " skillful craftsman”and“ wonderful workmanship excelling nature". For example. the Song of Welcoming the Queen chants,"Bring the water and brew the tea. let us invite the Queen to instruct us needlework”,this just represents girls" urgent desire to learn from their goddess. Through the songs the Queen of Skills Teaches Me Embroidering, Embroidery, Sisters Embroider together,

eaving Towel, Embroidered Fan, Embroidered Pocked, Embroidered Silk, girls vividly depict a scene that the Queen instructs their needlework.""Bellyband and embroidered shoes can all be decorated as long as a girl is intelligent. If I have learned well, I believe I will have a good destiny. (A Bundle of Yellow Pasting Paper, a Pair of Wax)”. These songs express a sense of pride after the girls mastered needlework.


Secondly, from the mental point of view,"Qiqiao"means" praying for ingenuity".In terms of Chinese semantics, Chinese character"Qiao"is a homophone for the English word"enlightened". Through learning from the Queen of Skills and exchanging Ideas with her partners in seven days and eight nights, an ignorant girl will understand better

of the world and the meaning of life. It is important for her to form a harmonious

relationship in her husband"s family and deal well with her future neighborhoods, just

as the old saying in the Book of Songs goes. "her marriage will make the family in-law prosperous.


Thirdly. in the view of aesthetics, "Qiqiao "names"praying for good looks",that is for attractive appearance, which shares the same meaning with Chinese characters as

exquisite and delicate("Jing Miao"), wonderful and splendid ("Mei Miao"). Such as

the sentence in the Book of Songs says, The girl"s fine face looks more beautiful when she smile, you will be attracted and addicted when she looks on you. "In the Song of Appearance. it also goes like this:"The

Queen of skills has long hair which is combed and brushed by double-edged fine tooth comb and decorated by gold and silver hair clasp. The Queen of Skills has nice eyebrows. Smooth eyebrows make her more

beautiful. Her voice is as melodious as a nightingale. Her eyes are so beautiful, as round as almond kernels. Her Grecian nose is perfect and straight. Under her cherry-like mouth are her gleaming white teeth pointing like glutenous rice. The Queen of Skills wears a well-embroidered shawl, with peony stitched on it. She walks In quick steps as graceful as Lady Li Cuilian. Wearing silk cloth with cloud pattern on the back side. the Queen"s back figure becomes more attractive. She also diffuses a fragrant aroma. What"s more, she looks young and speaks clearly. When she takes a walk. her flattering silhouette looks like Lady Li Huiniang. These librettos present us an attractive figure of the Queen of Skills and also imply girls" wishes for graceful bearing and colorful clothes. Furthermore, when girls pay a visit to each other during the Qiqiao Festival, they will wear clothes and shoes which reserved only for special occasions. Besides, they would ask their sisters to help them dress up. All they want Is to leave a favorable and decent impression on the public. Just like the song of Today Go down Town to Visit Relatives: " Today I go down town to visit my relatives. In the morning, my mom exhorts me again and again that I should wear neat and tidy, that should look lovely. My sister puts powder on my cheek and my sister-in-law teaches me how to apply lipstick. Every pattern on the embroidered shoes eludes its beauty, and the patterns of flowers are so vivid as if they are fluttering and dancing in the breeze.When I pass the Village of Zhang Family, everyone notice my seen that girls attach great importance to Qiqiao Festival which provides them a rare chance to show their charm and ability. And actually, paying visit to each other during the festival acts more like taking part in a beauty contest.


So once a girl is endowed with these three gifts by "the Queen of Skills". she will be charming and enchanting, which will provide her a larger development room.


iii Nature of Worship



As cuStoms in other places, Qiqiao Custom inherits the fairytale of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. However, in other places, people also speak highly of the love between this separated couple when they pay tribute to their ancestors and express their feelings.Therefore, it is widely-accepted that Qixi Festival is Chinese Valentine"s Day. In Xinhe County of Hebei Province. for example, "in the evening of Qixi Festival, the old woman will tell the love story of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd under the moon. In Yiyuan County of Shandong province, there are the relics of the Weaver Girl Hole and the Cowherd Temple that was constructed in the Tang Dynasty. As early as the Ming Dynasty, there was a place named""Cowherd Village", mose people living here

surnamed"Sun" which was also the family name of the Cowherd. The villagers consider themselves to be the posterity of the Cowherd and pass down this love story through generations. Up to now, the villagers still follow the rituals of breeding silkworms, weaving cotton cloth and get the water from the river on July 7. Although suffered traffic jams. underdeveloped economy and culture, villages of Nantianchi and Niulangyu of Shanxi Province are hailed as"Hometown of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd in China.


While people in Xihe carry forward this legend. they pay more attention to the worship to the Weaver Girl instead of the Cowherd, and the goddess they pay tribute to is "Qiaoniangniang", the Weaver Girl. The process of praying for ingenuity is also a chance to learn how to be ingenuous. At that time. when information flowed very slowly. girls of Xihe learned knowledge about local climate, production and social development in a systematic way by singing songs of Qiqiao Qiqiao Festival was essentially a centralized training of knowledge and skills in life and a good platform for ancient girls to entertain, communicate and improve themselves. So Qiqiao at that time was also a contest and show. Via the songs of the Elder Sister Marries to the Southern Gate and the Elder Sister Grows up and Marries in the Southern Gate, we can learn the

needlework of different places in Xihe, the Song of Twenty-four Solar Terms tells us

all the crops and vegetables to be planted in the whole year, while through the Song of Four Seasons. we can know how the locals plants the crops. etc.. When girls learn and sing songs of Qiqiao, they unintentionally broadcast knowledge about production, life and also improve themselves as well. In addition, some lyrics reflect the harm of opium and record some great historical events of China, such as mandatory conscription, the Red Army passing by Xihe, Korean War, People s Communes, and distributing land to individual households, which proves that intellectuals in Xihe County also participated in producing songs of Qiqiao.


III. Comparison on the Origin and Heritage


I Origin


First. The Origin of the Weaver Girl


There are dozens of versions on the fairy tale of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd. But the most popular statement is that the Weaver Girl is the seventh daughter of Wang Mun Niang Niang(the Queen Mother of the West)(there is also the saying that the

Queen of Skills is the younger sister of Erlang Shen). According to the research from

Zhao Kuifu, professor of Northwest Normal University, Qiqiao Festival in Xihe could

be trace back to Qin Culutre in the upper reaches of the Western Han River."Ancestor from Qin Dynasty (221BC.--206BC) first live in the upstream of Han River, therefore people call the silver light band in the clear night as.Han,. After the integration of the cultures from Qin and Zhou Dynasty, the Chinese characters of Han, Yun Han and

Tian Han" become common names of the Silver River. While the figure, Weaver Girl

derives from Nvxiu, the ancestor of people in Qin Dynasty. Nvxiu is quite good at weaving. The earliest recorded evidence, on which"the Weaver Girl" and"the Cowherd"were written as names of figures in a fairy tale. instead of those of stars, was the Qin Bamboo slips unearthed from Shuihudi in Yunmeng County. Hubei Province"Qin people regarded one larger star and two smaller stars in the north of Silver River as"the Weaver Girl" with the aim to memorize their earlier ancestor. The three stars are arranged into a triangle". In the early Qin Culture, people"s worship towards their ancestor, Nvxiu is the prototype of Queen of Skills in Qiqiao Custom. Nvxiu is adeptay weaving and is also a weaver as the Weaving Girl---the seventh daughter of the Queen Mother of the West. People in Xihe call Nvxiu"Qiao Niangniang", the Queen of Skills with respect."Popular Qiqiao Custom in Xihe and Li County as well as in Tianshui City just prove the relations between the Weaver Girl and Qin Culture.


Second Magpies Form the Bridge across the Silver River


Among the various versions of this fairy tale, the magpie bridge is a common element

But Xihe,"s geological and phenological characteristics provide a unique connection

with the magpie bridge.


Firstly, the local climates make Xihe an agricultural region of one cropping a year or

three cropping in two years. In the early of July in Chinese lunar calendar, the summer crops have been harvested, grinded and dried, and the next busy season to prepare

autumn harvest is still yet to come. It is high time for local farmers to hold such a

festival for relax and entertainment. Besides their goddess, the Weaver Girl was a

goddess of fruits, vegetables, silk and jewellery, who also in charge of the production and harvest of crops. Until now. you can still find the ancient custom in some remote villages in Xihe. They are customs of treating visitors or visiting relatives with the local flavor snacks that are made with oat or highland barley, Tianpei and the habits of inviting the elderly to take a fresh delicacy of wheat flour in season as well as the ritual of paying tribute to the deities.


Secondly, the magpie bridge in the fairytale. With high altitude and climate that is cold and damp. Xihe only has a short high temperature period in lunar early July with an average daily temperature of 26 degrees Centigrade. It is also a time when birds and poultry begin to molt, and magpies are no exception. Entering July, wild magpies will stay in their nests without eating and drinking and begin to molt from heads and necks.However, the careful farmers misperceive this natural phenomenon as magpies fly up to Heaven, forming a bridge for the Weaving Girl and the Cowherd, their hairless heads and necks are also the results of this couple"s stepping, and that is why you can hardly see magpies in the early July. While in other places like Shaanxi, Hebei Province,Guangdong and Yunnan Province, magpies have already finished molting early in May.In this case, geological and phenological characteristics Xihe has the most direct relevance with the magpie bridge in the fairy tale.There are many songs in Xihe

presenting this scene: Magpie. magpie. please carry the Queen over the river. ""Pluck

out hairs and form the bridge,we send the Queen off the shore.



Thirdly,from the perspective of time span,Qiqiao Custom in Xihe presents the following regularity: from main branches to tributaries of Yangshui River, the starting time of this festival will move from the eve of the last day of June to the early morning of July 1. and the close time is just the opposite, the closer to the tributary. the earlier of

the close and vice verse. People in Changdao and Hanyuan welcome the Queen in the

eve of the last day of June. with the song"In the evening of June 30, we invite the

Queen from the Heaven. " While in some places like Jiangxi and Suhe. people sing like this"in the morning of July 1, the Queen comes from the Heaven standing on his lotus pedestal. But the shortest duration should last seven days and seven nights, which is in line with the historical records in the ancient books. In the article Oixi Lasts Six Danny’s from Rongzhai Essay.(Notes taken in a Study named Rongzhai),it says “in july of the third year under the control of Emperor Zhaokuangyi, the emperor Issued a

proclamation that the six-day-customs today does not follow the tradition lasting seven days. Since it is called Double Seven Festival. the people should correct and follow suit.The six-day duration could not trace its origin even from Tang Dynasty, it must have changed since the Five Dynasties. "here we can find Qixi Custom in Xihe follows the ancient traditions even before Song Dynasty. In addition, some places including Hanyuan Town and Xiyu Village will perform a ceremony of building up a bridge

through red threads before sending the Queen off in the eve of July and other places

n Xihe will host this ceremony in the afternoon of June 30. In other places, this ceremony is a ritual to welcome the Queen of Skills. but in Hanyuan and Xiyu, people connect this ceremony with the love story between the Weaving Girl and the Cowherd.


ii. Heritage


The style from the ancient time is well preserved in forms of Qiqiao Custom in Xihe

which are mainly embodied as:


A. Qiqiao Festival in Xihe possess characteristic of religion fete.


Firstly. Qiqiao Custom in Xihe integrates nature worship and ancestor worship. When

the ancients looking up sky, they found the stars glittering and the seasons come and go regularly. But their limited knowledge could not help them fully understand this change of nature. so the ancients would pay tribute to their ancestors during the special days like the Spring Festival, Human Day. Shangsi Festival, Qixi Festival. Mid-Autumn Festivals, hoping be blessed with their ancestors and god to give a full development of their tribes and families Making offerings to the stars and moon on Qixi Festival

represents people"s worship to Altair and Vega on the two sides of Silver River.


Secondly rituals of worshiping to the Queen of Skills actually follow the tradition of

ancestor worship. When the Queen is welcomed into their Qiqiao Sites in the evening

of June 30, people would carry out a collective worship every day. There is someone

specially in charge of the sacrifice from the starting to the closing. Such rituals should be conducted three times a day, with burning incenses. lighting candles and firecrackers as a sign of piety. Besides, girls participating in the festival need to conduct individual worship for two times. The first ritual is held in the morning of July 1. When the girls get up early and dress up, they put up sacrifice offerings, raise them up to the Qiqiao site, and kneel down before the statue of the Queen. If you want to make a wish, you can say to the Queen in your head. In some places, girls will compete for an earlier getting-up, and for the first incense to the Queen. The second sacrifice is conducted in the morning of July 6 or July 7. when girls present germinated grains that are neat,white and fully-sprouted, and some will also offer cakes, fruits and fried dough. In the area of Hanyuan such as(Baoji Village), each site of Qiqiao needs to conduct the ritual of"zhuanfan " the whole ceremony is quite grand and devout. Participating girls will carefully dress up and abstain from shallot, garlic, meat of fish to keep them clean.Then they will present two dishes outside the courtyard to the incense table while singing the Song of Zhuanfan and other praises. These complex procedures share the similarities with ancient religion fete recorded in Rites of Zhou!


Thirdly, in the festival of Qiqiao in Xihe, some ancient augury and sorcery have been

preserved and inherited. In many places popular with Qiqiao, there will be a pristine

ceremony in the night of July 6(Areas of Chengou Village in Changdao Town usually

host it in the night of July 6), commonly known as "Looking in Petal". Through the

projection of germinated grains that are neat, white and fully-sprouted, girls conduct divination via these capricious images. These images, with the girls" fancy imagination become a divination to their destiny. Such ritual encourages girls" aspiration to a

happier life. And "Looking in Petal" is a representation of ancient divination. But

according to the definition of James Fraser, such divination could not be regarded as

sorcery, because it is completely in conformity with the theory of cognitive psychology.


In addition, the rituals of"", " Baiqiao", especially "Heying"in Changdao Areas and" in Wanxia Areas are completely a representation of ancient ceremony conducted by clan members, so much detail won"t be repeated here.


B. Qiqiao Custom in Xihe keeps large amounts of songs of Qiqiao


As early as 1936. Zhao Zixian, a teacher in the Primary School of Gulounan and you scholar in Xihe, has started to collect these songs scattering in various towns and

villages. Mr Zixian collated the songs collected by students into a book Song of Qiqiao and classified this book into three sections: Feng(Ballads), Ya(Festival Odes) and

Song (Sacrificial Songs). which follows the edition of the Book of Songs. Feng in Song of Qiqiao includes songs reflecting marriage and social custom; songs involving

political news and story-telling are collated into Ya, while those which are used in

Qiqiao rituals and to eulogize the Queen of Skills are classified into the chapter"Song

he transcript of this book was burned in the land reform in the 1950s. In 2009 Professor Zhao Kuifu in Northwest Normal University, the son of Mr Zixian, compiled 59 songs of Qiqiao with the help of memories of Jiang Rui, Zhao Zixian,s student. Zhao Liefu, the eldest brother and Zhao Lanfu. the eldest sister. These songs account for nearly half of the original, basically restored to its first edition.


Compared with Qiqiao songs in other places. songs in Xihe are featured with large

amounts, long length and ancient Chinese characters. Such as the lyrics: "Pray for

ingenuity, pray for good fortune, pray for enlightening, pray for nice look. Pray that my daddy and mommy live a long life", and"The Queen instructs my needlework. In

technique of expression, statement and comparison can be easily found in songs. For

Example, in Song of Twelve Months, it tells us about local women"s life from January

to December, which follows the style in July of Binfeng/s in the Book of Songs.


C. Qiqiao Custom in Xihe has retained ancient usic and dancing, and formed a system of heritage


songs to the Queen of Skills. girls sing in

ee kinds of tunes: Two Sentence Tune, Three Sentence Tune and Shu Ban Tune(tap the rhythm of a song"s melody with the steps they take). Their dances mainly involbe four movements: standing still and holding hands, waving arms together: changing positions while singing refrain: Jumping up and down with weaving hands and Yanko(a popular rural folk dance). Tunes with two or three sentences are more flexible and smooth. No matter how long the lyric is a song will be divided into several verses every two or three sentences. At every end of a verse, girls sing in chorus: " The Queen of Skills is leaving heaven for a trip and I would like to invite her come to earth. " This expresses girls fervent expectancy to the Queen of Skills"s visit When welcoming the Queen of Skills. girls will carry incense, candles, fruits and other sacrifices or do a Namaste in front of the stature of goddess. Then the music theme expresses a kind of desire admiration, and prays from deepest heart of devoted girls. When they sing and dance joyously to express their talents and feelings (Yuqiao), the tempo quickens, even to the point of leaping, quite cheerful. Particularly when girls send the queen off. the tempo slows down. and pitch changed from fairly high to extremely low. Girls carry the candles with tears flooding their eyes. At that time, girls would chorus. " The Queen of Skills will go back to the Heaven. I have to send you off. "The gloomy chorus

expresses their reluctance to say goodbye to the Goddess. Qiqiao Festival ends in such a tragic atmosphere. Thus, the typical music elements in Qiqiao Songs are markedly different from love songs with sincere sentiments or delicate music styles or from songs for lover"s rendezvous. It is not rural folk song but a kind of solemn hymns or paeans .You can experience a atmosphere of religious fete with sacrifice songs, mournful but not distressing Reason comes first and emotions second. Such sublime music could umpire people’s respect and play on their minds back through the veil of time to solemn ancient sacrifice towards ancestors.



Among the living inheritors of Qiqiao, the old lady Cao Xinshan in the areas of Hanyuan Town is a representative. She remembers the most accurate and the largest amounts of songs, could sing various songs, tunes and dance multiple traditional movements, fully knows implied meaning of a/ Qiqiao rituals.Born in 1934,Madam Cao said her grandmother taught her these skills and she passed this down to the girls in the North and South Pass, which fully shows Madam Cao"s important role in carrying forward Qiqiao Custom.




Such conclusions could be drawn as follows:




Firstly, Qixi Culture, based on the fairy tale between the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd

is a treasure of Chinese culture and also a central pillar in China"s national spirit and

identity. Li Ji, a journalist for Nanjing Daily once interviewed Xu Yiyi, professor at

Nanjing University of the Arts and member of the Expert Committee of the National

Intangible Cultural Heritage, Professor Xu recommended listing Qixi Festival into the

Protection of National Intangible Cultural Heritage.He believed that when we applied

for intangible cultural heritage, we should notice that the cultural connotation of Qixi is to pray for ingenuity, despite that the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

carries an important meaning. At the same time, he pointed out that in traditional

Chinese culture, the mission of a woman is to take care of the elderly, her husband and her children. An ingenuous woman even makes a happy family. If a girl is clever and skillful, she will bring happiness to her family, which embodies the philosophy concept of harmony in traditional Chinese culture and the core of Qixi culture. Therefore,

Qiqiao Culture proves to be a core and heritage of Qixi Culture, Qiqiao Festival in Xihe County, which regards family value as its essence, is the most important part of Qixi Culture and the nature of its inheritance. If we lost the utilitarian pursuit of ingenuity

the charm of Qixi Culture will be reduced as well.




Secondly, the time, places and remaining rituals of Qiqiao Custom in Xihe are similar

with those in Han and Tang Dynasty in historical records. This is because after the mid Song Dynasty, Xihe was drawing to a close and separation, becoming an"island of

The tale of Qixi and Qiqiao first appears in the Western Han Dynasty According to Tongzhi("General Treatises”) by Zhengqiao ,it cites the statement from Zhangheng that stars of Altair and Vega meet on July 7 in Chinese lunar calendar. In his work, Record of Jingchu district,Zonglin, a scholar in the Liang Dynasty says, "In the night of July 7, the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd meet in the heaven, and women compete threading seven-hole-needles with colorful threads on earth. "In Miscellany of Xijing(capital of West Han Dynasty, present-day Xi"an), it says, "Court maids in the Han Dynasty

usually compete in threading the seven-hole-needles in the evening of Double-Seventh Festival and folk girls all follow suit. According to Record of Dongjing (Present-day

Kaifeng in Henan Province) District."people in Song Dynasty often establish Qiqiao

sheds with beautiful ribbons". Record of Jingchu District says girls would thread

seven-hole-needles with colorful threads and establish an incense table. put the fruits on the table and pray the goodness for ingenuity. If the spider threads are found on sacrifice, it is a sign of obtaining ingenuity"."Although enjoyed a time-honored history and a wide spreading, ""Qiqiao Custom can only be seen and experienced in limited places". In ancient times. Xihe has been a vital point in the northern branch of " Jinniu Road(Golden Ox Road) of Ancient Tea Route 24, being as a hub for entering Sichuan.But during the period under control of Emperor Shenzong in Northern Song Dynasty,the eastern branch to Sichuan via Baoji was opened. then this northern branch was deserted gradually. For this reason, Xihe changed little in economy. language and living habits against a near-separated environment this situation has not changed for almost one thousand years till the Republican period. Therefore the traditional custom of Qiqiao in Xihe and Li County. southeastern parts of Gansu Province could be

preserved completely and carried forward in a large scale. This festival is the one and

the only one in China in terms of duration. popularity. number of participants and

festival content. hence known as the"living fossil" in Qiqiao.


Qiqiao Festival in Xihe is held for the purpose of people"s overall development and self-improvement. "Qixi Festival "mainly refers to folk activities on July 7 in Chinese lunar calendar, paying more attention to memorize ancestors, while "Qiqiao Festival highlights its nature, "praying for ingenuity", to help people understand what they want to do and what they are doing. This reflects its profound connotation and ultimate pursuit in the view of culture. At an age when the feudal society strictly regulates people"s life, unmarried girls could stay outside could release suppressed feelings in this seven days and eight nights. They stayed with each other to talk anything they want to talk, to exchange experiences and to learn skills, they could even complain their mother-in-law and talk some forbidden topics including sex. Yet, at the same time, they would be more devoted. friendly and positive through learning activities ranging from preparation to sending off the Queen. Therefore the festival improved their skills and made them healthier both physically and mentally. What we have seen from this festival is a harmony between indulgence and self-discipline boldness and devotion. as well as the harmony of life. It can be estimated that there must be no festival like this after the popularity of Neo-Confucianism". which also serves as a certain proof for the statement that Qiqiao Custom appeared no later than the Tang dynasty.


Qiqiao Festival in Xihe is an excellent local culture, it acts for people"s self-improvement. and it promotes harmony of families and further enhances social stability. In present-day time, industrialization and concentrated production has replaced family workshop. But the forms and connotation of"Qiao"still develops with times. The glooming and glamorous face of the Queen who has outstanding skills and harmonious morality still remains a forever pursuit of Chinese people. It is no more a regional but a shared treasure of Chinese nation. Although as the examination of modern society advances, the Qiqiao Festival is loosing its ground, girls developed by Qiqiao Culture still keep their basic living skills. They are not only laborers but also people with integral personality. They have the desire. belief, spirit and soul. being able to stay harmoniously with others in any environment. Therefore, protecting and inheriting Qiqiao Custom in Xihe is also an endeavor in building self-confidence of our national culture.


1.the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd is a love story between the Weaving Girl, the Cowherd. Their love was forbidden, thus they were banished to opposite sides of the Silver River. Once a year, on the 7th day of 7th lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one day;

2.Four Chinese legends with greatest influence , they are the weaver girl and the cowherd,the butterfly lovers, lady Meng Jiang and Madame White Snake;

3.it is said dews on Qixi Festival are the tears of this separated couple,once put it on your hands or eyes,you will be clever and deft;

4. Zhuzhi-Ci is poem style, it derives from ballads in Sichuan, mainly describes local conditions;

and custom. Lianchuan is a county name near present-day Shanghai

5.A historian and sinologist in Qing Dynasty;

6.Maid of the Weaver Girl;

7.A female in the script for story-telling in Yuan Dynasty who has clever mind, skillful hands and glib tongue;

8.A beautiful female entertainer in Shaoxing Opera;

9. It is said that the Weaver Girl would take bath on this morning, and the water she used could help for disease and drive out evil spirits. So people would beat a path to get water;

10.A solar term is any of 24 points in traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. The points are spaced 15 apart along the ecliptic and are used by lunisolar calendars to stay synchronized with the seasons,which is crucial for agrarian societies. The solar terms are also used to calculate intercalary months in East Asian calendars; which month is repeated depends on the position of the sun at the time;

11. Erlang Shen(E5 a), or Erlang is a Chinese God with a third truth-seeing eye in the middle of his forehead;

12. A famous notes written by Hong Mai in Southern Dynasty, it covers massive fields with unique opinions;

13. The seventh day of January in Chinese lunar calendar. It is said that Nvwa, a goddess in ancient Chinese mythology best known for creating mankind and repairing the wall of heaven. She created the human on the seventh day of July, hence named the Human Day;

14.Shangsi Festival is an ancient Chinese festival. During the festival people would go for an outing by the water, picnic, and pluck orchids. It is also a day for invoking cleansing rituals to prevent disease and get rid of bad luck;

15.The Mid-Autumn Festival is an official harvest festival celebrated by Chinese. The festival is held on the 1 5th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, during a full moon, which is in September or early October in the Gregorian calendar, within 15 days to the autumnal equinox;

16. A kind of ritual in Qiqiao. Girls will carry a cotton made of cotton in a plate with water, and walk around the room and sing song;

17. is-along with the Book of Rites and the Etiquette and Ceremonial -one of three ancient ritual texts(the"Three Rites")listed among the classics of Confucianism;

18. Poems portraying lifestyle of present-day Bin County of Shaanxi Province

19. a famous institutional history of China from its beginnings through the Tang dynasty (618-907)

20. A historian in Song Dynasty

21. Zhang Heng is a Chinese polymath during the Han dynasty. he achieved success as an

astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer, cartographer, artist, poet, statesman, and litera


22. An ancient country of Chu, present-day Hubei Province centred with Jianghan Plain

23.a work of custom in the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589)

24. Ancient Tea Route was a network of mule caravan paths winding through the mountains of Yunnan Province in Southwest China

25. Neo-Confucianism was an attempt to create a more rationalist and secular form of Confucianism by rejecting superstitious and mystical elements of Daoism and Buddhism that had influenced Confucianism during and after the Han Dynasty

  1. ☞不想说什么☜2023-12-12 01:43☞不想说什么☜[福建省网友]
  2. 仲雪2023-08-31 02:40仲雪[天津市网友]