
2020朋友圈伤感的句子 从无话不谈到无话可说 好像很简单

时间:2023-05-15 04:29:01


2020朋友圈伤感的句子 从无话不谈到无话可说 好像很简单


Maybe you really missed it, missed a person who told a story to coax you to sleep, missed a person whose anger was his fault, missed a person who was allergic to alcohol but cried because of you drinking. I regret it, but I can"t disturb your life anymore, so we really missed it.


There was a person in my life who was very important in this life. We have been together for seven years, and I have never envied anyone with him. He always does more than said, loves me, tolerates me, But I"m sorry, I"m really sorry, I still used my young and worthless self-esteem to try the despicable love and lost that person forever. Now he has his new girlfriend, and I hope this girl will love him forever.

3、没有人关心我,我想哭,想哇哇大哭,不顾任何地点哭,平时我的性格我的人设别人眼前的我,都不允许我哭,我太坚强了,在所有人面前我都不适合去哭,可是我真的有点崩溃了,我太崩溃了 ,我只想哭我好累,我没有和任何人说过,可是我真的好累。

No one cares about me, I want to cry, want to cry loudly, cry regardless of wherever I am. Usually my character is my personality, and I am not allowed to cry in front of others. I am too strong. I am not in front of everyone. Suitable for crying, but I really broke down a bit, I was so broken, I just want to cry and I am so tired, I haven"t told anyone, but I am really tired.


Nothing but nothing to say, it seems really simple, it"s like I"m behind you but you don"t know, you can still live the life you want, but I"m still silently protecting you, knowing In the end, there is nothing but continue.


I"m pretty sure you are the person I was looking forward to, but why the breakup is so easy to say from your mouth, and so hard-hearted. I want to be nice to you, but you push me far away. Others told me to slow down for a while, but I really couldn"t slow down.


After breaking up, I threw away all his things, deleted his chat history, and destroyed everything about him. I thought I had put it down. Until yesterday I changed the phone case and a photo of him fell out. I burst into tears. , I admit that I have not put down now.


After breaking up, I always wanted to let go, and I was still cheering for myself last second, I didn"t feel any difficulty. I collapsed in the next second, and I was at a loss. After calming down, I felt that I was really a useless person. People around you feel that you are too fragile in your heart and think too much, but who knows that you are also in entanglement every day, hitting the south wall again and again, but you can"t get out of the shadow.


A poor kid used to think of fighting against material things with his spirit. Later, he finally realized that some things can’t be achieved by acting hard. You chose your mother to be a good girl for your life. Then I hope you can bear the consequences. Well, I will also keep this motivation in my heart, thank you for being younger than me but for promoting my growth.

9、我感觉我从来没有被一个人真真正正全心全意地爱过,那种真切我相信我自己能体会到,爆炸幸福的爱,也是从来都没有发生过, 我不明白是我生性多疑敏感不知足,还是不值得?可是为什么这么累。

I feel that I have never been loved by a person truly and wholeheartedly. The kind of love that I believe I can experience, exploding happiness, has never happened. I don’t understand that I am suspicious and sensitive. Still not worth it? But why is it so tired.


I hope that the person you see at the beach that day is you, and you are a good match for him. I thought I could like another person to forget you, but I realized that it was all an illusion. I"m so lucky to be able to meet a girl who loved me so much in my spanning life. In fact, I am also very confused about what happened to you during that time. It can make you so strange, maybe I am not good enough. , Maybe it"s meeting someone who treats you in every possible way

  1. 郝连静缘2024-05-02 08:48郝连静缘[云南省网友]
  2. Lareina2024-02-21 17:32Lareina[新疆网友]
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  4. 戈舆@2023-10-03 11:00戈舆@[湖南省网友]
  5. @鹿罖2023-07-24 19:45@鹿罖[山西省网友]
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