
瞬间看哭的伤感句子 痛到骨子里 心碎难自愈!

时间:2023-05-07 02:58:01


瞬间看哭的伤感句子 痛到骨子里 心碎难自愈!


Instant to a person"s heart is probably cool: in your head when tying your shoelace, a look up, found that he has gone a long way; When you cry stomach pain during your period, he quietly said drink some hot water, continue to play games.


But you don"t know how many times she"s been sitting there until the wee hours of the morning. You don"t know how sorry she is for walking with you.


You are fit to marry, fit to be a wife, fit to have children, fit to live a life, but not fit to be loved, so fit is the greatest insult to a woman.


I will not ask you why not return the message, do not answer the phone, also will not be naive because of your indifference and angry wronged tears, forget it, I know a lot of things to give the answer will let people give up, so not I think it doesn"t matter, but I don"t care about it.

我曾经以为 一个人的感情和依赖,从有到无 会是一个渐渐消减的过程,但事实是 它会在某一个时刻,甚至某一个瞬间,突然地立减为零。

I used to think that a person"s feelings and dependence, from there to nothing will be a gradual process of diminishing, but the fact is that it will be at a certain moment, or even a certain moment, suddenly reduced to zero.


I used to think that the beginning of boredom was the end. Only recently did I know that true love begins to emerge when you feel it begin to fade. Of course, you can choose to give up and find another new love. But the price is, you can never escape the cycle of freshness.


You secretly read his information at two or three o "clock in the morning, but in real life would not speak a word with him, this is your so-called dignity.

终于有了一种前所未有的轻松感,纠缠了这么久可以放手了,就是有些心疼自己,努力那么久,到头来还是把自己搞得这么狼狈,明明知道不会有好结果,偏偏不死心,偏偏要试试,结果被你一次次 伤的体无完肤,终于劝住了自己,及时放下。

Finally had a kind of unprecedented sense of relief, entangled for so long can let go, is some love yourself, so long,In the end or make yourself so embarrassed, clearly know that there will not be a good result, just don"t give up, just want to try, the result is injured by you again and again of the broken body, finally advised to stop yourself, put down in time.


I had chosen to be with you, because you are very painful I love me, and now a stomach of grievances, and tears, let me keep thinking about all this is really worth it.



  1. 倾、心2023-12-10 11:59倾、心[河北省网友]
  2. 冷却2023-08-23 19:28冷却[山西省网友]
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