

时间:2023-02-01 03:50:01



Your vows to her and me, put in two scales, will even weigh, and both as light as tales. 把你对她和对我的誓言放在两个秤盘里,一定称不出轻重来,因为都是像空话那样虚浮。 Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.爱情不是用眼睛看的,而是用心体会的,因此丘比特的眼睛总是蒙着的。

But earthly happier is the rose distilled Than that which, withering on the virgin thorn Grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness. 但是结婚的女子有如被采下炼制过的玫瑰,香气留存不散,比之孤独地自开自谢,奄然朽腐的花儿,在尘俗的眼光看来,总是要幸福得多了。 Ah me! For aught that ever I could read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth. 唉!我在书上读到的,在传说或历史中听到的,真正的爱情,所走的道路永远是崎岖多阻。

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. 爱情是不用眼睛而用心灵看着的,因此生着翅膀的丘比特常被描成盲目。 I"ll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes. 我可以在四十分钟内环绕世界一周。

So we grow together, Like to a double cherry, seeming parted, But yet an union in partition; 我们这样生长在一起,正如并蒂的樱桃,看似两个,其实却连生在一起; The poet"s eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, And as imagination bodies forth, the forms of things unknown, the poet"s pen Turns them to shape, and gives to airy nothing. A local habitation and a name. 诗人的眼睛在神奇的狂放的一转中,便能从天上看到地下,从地下看到天上。想象会把不知名的事物用一种形式呈现出来,诗人的笔在使它们具有如实的形象,空虚的无物也会有了居处和名字。

I won’t give my heart to the person who I never like. 我不愿把我的心交给一个我不曾喜欢的人。 But Demetrious love you. Oh, tech me how to attract his eyes, please? 但是狄米崔斯爱的是你,请教我如何吸引他的目光吧?

There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.

在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。My dear father! Don’t you love me anymore? Don’t give me up, please! 亲爱的父亲,你不再爱我了吗?请不要放弃我。

You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant. 是你吸引我的,你这硬心肠的磁石。

And even for that do I love you the more. Please let me follow you even I am like your dog.





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  2. 开心一点2023-06-14 04:40开心一点[广西网友]
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