

时间:2023-01-07 07:52:01





1.(1分)Kitty sometimes eats ______ orange or some grapes after lunch.

A.an B.a C.the D./

2.(1分)The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday ______ July 1,2021.

A.in B.on C.for D.at

3.(1分)—Mum,where is David?

—He ______ to see the science fiction film Back to the future.

A.is going B.goes C.has gone D.was going

4.(1分)This year"s Beijing Music Awards will be covered ______ on Sunshine TV this Saturday.

A.lively B.alive C.living D.live

5.(1分)Mary shut the window just now ______ she could keep the insects out.

A.so that B.when C.till D.after

6.(1分)—______ do you go to the school library?

—Twice a week.

A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How much

7.(1分)The policeman told the children ______ in the river.It"s too dangerous!

A.to not swim B.not to swim

C.not swim D.not swimming

8.(1分)—Suzy,your room is really in a mess.

—Sorry,Mum.I"ll _____ right now.

A.tidy up B.put up C.look up D.stay up

9.(1分)Mr.Huang was born in Nanjing,but Suqian has become his second ______.

A.family B.house C.village D.hometown

10.(1分)—Is ______ here?

—Yes.We are all ready.

A.somebody B.neither C.everybody D.none

11.(1分)— _____ nice music lesson Mrs Wu gave us today!

—Yes.We enjoyed it very much.

A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

12.(1分)—Sandy,is Mr Li in the teachers" office now?

—I am not sure.He ______ be there.

A.must B.can"t C.mustn"t D.may

13.(1分)—It"s really kind of you to help me with Maths,Jack.

— ______.

A.It doesn"t matter B.All right

C.You"re welcome D.Never mind

14.(1分)—Sam,can you tell me ______?

—She is a nurse.

A.what Alice"s job is B.what is Alice"s job

C.what Alice"s job was D.what was Alice"s job

15.(1分)Dad never says that he is good at cooking,but in fact he is.He always cooks delicious meals for us,that is ______.

A.every dog has its day

B.put all your eggs in one basket

C.a miss is as good as a mile

D.actions speak louder than words


16.(15分)"What worries you,Tom?" asked Mrs Bell.He had a(1) in his hand and tears(泪水) in his eyes.

"Our teacher asked us to recite(背诵) the poem"Little Jim".The student who can recite it(2) will get a prize.But I don"t think I can do it well." said Tom.

"Why not?" asked Mrs Bell.

"The boys say that I can"t," said Tom in a(3) voice.

"Don"t mind what they(4) .Let them see that you can do it," said Mrs Bell.

"But I don"t think I can," said Tom. "The poem is so long and difficult.I may not try(5) the prize,but I want to try my best to recite it,because the boys laugh at me.They call me ‘Slow Tom"."

"Well,dear," said Mrs Bell,and you may(6) the prize in the end."

Tom thought that though he could not catch up with they boys,he might run a race with the(7) .So he decided to try it.

At last,the day came.The teacher called up the boys to recite the poem.After five or six boys had recited it,it was Tom"s(8) .Most of the boys laughed at him because they thought he could(9) .But to their surprise,Tom did not(10) miss a word.His heart was full of joy when the teacher said, "Well done,Tom!" After the rest of the class had tried(11) .

"And now tell us(12) you could recite the poem so well," said the teacher.

"A snail on the wall taught me how to do it," said Tom.

There was a loud(13) when Tom said this.But the teacher said, "Don"t laugh!We can learn a lot from things such as snails.How did the snail teach you,Tom?"

"I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit.It did not stop,but went on and on.And I thought I could do the same.So I recited it bit by bit,and did not(14) ."said Tom.

"Well done,Tom!" said the teacher. "Now boys,let us give a good cheer for Tom and the snail on the wall." The classroom rang with a great(15) .Everyone was glad that "Slow Tom" won the prize at last.


17.(6分)Apps can teach you things or let you have fun.The following are some apps that you may use in your daily life.

(1)How many apps can help you to read?





(2)The app "Pocket" can"t help you to .

A.read news stories

B.watch videos

C.organize the things you have saved

D.relax and sleep better

(3)Which of the following apps may help you exercise?





18.(6分)When your town has winter,the earth"s axis(轴) is pointing away from the sun.Your town doesn"t get as much light or heat from the sun.The days are shorter and colder.

Winter and summer happen because the earth is tilted(倾斜) as it revolves around the sun.The northern end of the earth"s axis points towards the sun in summer.

You have more hours of light in summer.Your part of the earth is towards the sun for more hours each day.When the part of the earth where you live is towards the sun,you have hotter days.In winter,when your part of the earth points away from the sun

You have learned about winter and summer.There are two more seasons in the year.One comes after winter and before summer.The other season comes after summer and before winter.Can you name them?That"s right.Spring comes between winter and summer and autumn comes after summer but before winter.

The four seasons are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Spring and autumn are opposite seasons.Which season do you like best?

You have thought about the four seasons of the year.Each season is different.The seasons are made by the northern end of the axis pointing towards or away from the sun.

Your part of the world gets more heat from the sun when the northern end of the axis points to the sun.When the axis points away from the sun,you get less heat.Now you know why winter is colder than summer.The axis is pointing away from the sun in winter.It is pointing towards the sun in summer.

(1)What does the underlined word "revolves" in paragraph 2 mean?





(2)What is the passage mainly about?

A.How four seasons happen.

B.How the weather changes.

C.When the earth"s axis points towards the sun.

D.When the earth"s axis points away from the sun.

(3)Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A film guide.

B.A storybook.

C.A science magazine.

D.A book review.

19.(8分) If you walk through a park in the morning or in the evening,you might see a lot of people doing these slow and beautiful movements— Carry the tiger over the mountain and White crane spreads its wings.In fact,they are doing Taichi.

Taichi is an ancient martial art(武术).It is a common kind of exercise in China.More than 100 million people in over 150 countries practice Taichi at present.Recently UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) has added Taichi to its Intangible Cultural Heritage List(非物质文化遗产名录),

more people will become healthier by practicing it." said Chen Bin.He is a Taichi master from the village of Chenjiagou,Henan Province.This village is the birthplace of Chen﹣style Taichi.

It"s true that doing Taichi is good for our health.It can make us walk and move more freely,and it can also make us stronger.During slow movements,we can focus on (专注)

Taichi also focuses on the harmony(和谐) between yin(阴) and yang(阳),soft and hard,female and male.But they don"t oppose(对立)(绝对地).As we see in the picture,a white spot is in the black area and a black spot is in the white area.After a dark night

Taichi carries traditional Chinese philosophy(哲学),such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness.It has become a symbol of Chinese culture.

(1)How many people practice Taichi in the world now?

A.About 10 million.

B.Less than 150 thousand.

C.At most 100 thousand.

D.More than 100 million.

(2)Which of the following words can best describe the movements of Taichi?

A.Slow and beautiful.

B.Slow and exciting.

C.Fast and free.

D.Strong and tiring.

(3)Why has Taichi been added to Intangible Cultural Heritage List recently?

A.Because it is a symbol of China culture.

B.Because it is from the village of Chenjiagou.

C.Because it can make us walk more freely.

D.Because it can use softness to beat hardness.

(4)What is the author"s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To ask people to do Taichi in their free time.

B.To introduce an ancient martial art—taichi.

C.To teach people how to do Taichi correctly.

D.To explain why Taichi is good for our health

20.(10分)Dr.Dolittle lived in a small town called Puddleby.Everyone in the town knew him.The dog and children ran after him.

He lived in a small house,but he had a large garden.He kept many animals in his garden.His favorite animals were Dab﹣Dab,a duck,a dog;Gub﹣Gub,a parrot.He also kept some fish,rabbits,a squirrel,a cow and a baby cow,chickens and so on.

Dr.Dolittle didn"t have many patients.Most people didn"t like all of his animals,so when they were ill,they went to a doctor in another town.

"But you don"t have any money, "his sister told him. "You need patients."

"I have a patient, " Dr.Dolittle answered, "The cat"s﹣meat﹣man.He"s the man who sells me meat for the cat."

"He doesn"t pay you enough to live on, " his sister told him.

"Then I"ll sell everything I have," he said.

And he did.He sold most of his furniture.He also sold most of his clothes.Then he had enough money to buy food for himself and his animals.

One day,the cat"s﹣meat﹣man said to him," Why don"t you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead?I"m sure that you know a lot about animals — more than most vets.You wrote a wonderful book about cats.I"d send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."

When the cat"s﹣meat﹣man left,Polynesia,the parrot,Doctor," Polynesia said. "You should become an animal doctor."

"There are a lot of vets," Dr,Dolittle said.

"Perhaps there are a lot of vets.But you"d be the best vet of all.I"m not the only animal that can talk.All the animals can talk.Each kind of animal has its own language.I"ll teach you mine if you like."

"Yes,please," Dr.Dolittle said.He opened a drawer (抽屉)

Polynesia agreed to teach Dr.Dolittle parrot language.Later that day,Jip came into the room.Polynesia said, "He"s talking to you

"I don"t think he is," Dr.Dolittle said. "He"s just cratching(挠) himself."

"Dogs talk with their ears,their noses,and their tails


"He is telling us that it has stopped raining,and he wants to ask you a question."

Every day,Dr.Dolittle learned the languages of the animals.When people found out he was now an animal doctor,they brought their sick pets to him.

One day,a horse said to him, " You"re a much better animal doctor than the vet.You knew I couldn"t see well

The horse was very pleased.He could see very well.He told all his friends how clever Dr.Dolittle was,and they told all their friends.Soon,many animals came to see him.He had a different door for each animal,COWS,...

Before long,every animal that lived in or near the town became the doctor"s patient.He was very happy,and he liked his life very much.

(Adapted from The Story of Dr.Dolittle)

(1)What were Dr.Dolittle"s favourite animals?

①a duck,cats ②a baby pig,a parrot

③a duck,a dog ④a parrot,rabbits

A. ①④

B. ②④

C. ①③

D. ②③

(2)Why did most people go to a doctor in another town when they were ill?

A.Because Dr Dolittle was impolite to them.

B.Because they didn"t like all of Dr.Dolittle"s animals.

C.Because the doctor in another town was very famous.

D.Because Dr.Dolittle was busy looking after his animals.

(3)Which is the correct order of what happened to Dr.Dolittle in the story?

a.Dr.Dolittle learned the languages of the animals.

b.Dr.Dolittle sold most of his furniture and clothes.

c.Animals in or near the town became Dr.Dolittle"s patients.

d.Polynesia flew onto the table and taught Dr.Dolittle parrot language.





(4)Who told all his friends that Dr.Dolittle was a clever animal doctor?

A.A parrot.

B.A cow.

C.A horse.

D.A duck.

(5)What can we learn from the passage?

A.Dr.Dolittle only talked to his parrot.

B.Dr.Dolittle had much money at first.

C.Dr.Dolittle was very happy in the end.

D.Dr.Dolittle was liked by everyone in the town.


21.(5分)Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.In many places,rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers.(1)

In some cities,the air is filled with pollution.(2) If it is not cleaned up,more people will be hurt.

(3) Land and water pollution kills many animals every year.

If we do not act to improve the environment,more living things will be killed by pollution.


We should separate rubbish into different groups.In this way,it can be recycled and reused.We had better plant more trees.(5) What"s more,we shouldn"t put the waste into lakes or rivers.

If we can do these,we will make the world a better place to live in.


22.(1分)I have made much more (进步) in Physics this term.

23.(1分)Mr Jiang is pleased with the robot.It can (满足) all his needs.

24.(1分)— Amy,can you lend me your (照相机)tomorrow?

— No problem.

25.(1分)Look!The children are enjoying (他们自己) in the playground.How happy they are!

26.(1分)Modern (医学)is developing fast.As a result,many diseases can be prevented or cured.

27.(1分)Neil Armstrong said that one small (一步) for a man,one giant leap for mankind.

28.(1分)Andrew is clever and hard﹣working.He often works out some problems very e .

29.(1分)The task is too difficult.Lucy has no c but to ask others for help.

30.(1分)You look so smart!Your jacket (go well with) the blue jeans.

31.(1分)The teacher (want to know) how many students would like to go to the zoo.

六、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)

32.(10分)A high﹣tech zebra crossing with flashing lights and audio warning(语音提示)(1) (put) into use for the(2) (one) time in Bishan district,Chongqing a few months ago.It can also take pictures of the people who are against the traffic(3) (rule) in the area.

At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School,the crosswalk is installed(安装)(4) (keep) the students safe when they cross the road after school.

The zebra crossing area has light strips.When people cross the street,they flash to "tell"(5) (drive)to slow down and wait for people to go across the street.At the same time,display screens(显示屏)on either side of the crosswalk tell people to only cross the street when the light(6) (be)green.

Jiang Fei,a traffic(7) (office)in Bishan,said that the lighting system was very useful in the evenings and on(8) (rain)and foggy days.

Rong Sheng from the school"s safety department said,"In the past,our school safety guards(9) (have)to stand in the middle of the road after school to stop the cars."

Now the students feel(10) (safe) than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.


33.(15分)公众健康日(7月7日),旨在倡导"全民健康,快乐为本"的理念。随着生活水平的提高,请你根据下面内容,准备一篇题为How to live a healthy and happy life的演讲稿。




How to live a healthy and happy life

Hi,my dear classmates,

With the improvement of living conditions,we are paying more and more attention to our health,which includes both physical and mental health.Then how can we students live a healthy and happy life?


That"s all.Thank you!




2.解答:in+年、月、季节等;for+时间段。根据其后的时间 1,2021,故用on。










7.解答:句子中tell sb not to do sth表示告诉某人不要做某事。


8.解答:tidy up整理,put up挂,stay up熬夜 room really a mess.可知房间很乱。














15.解答:every dog its ,put your in basket把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,a is good a mile失之毫厘谬以千里 speak than ,结合文意,但是事实上他擅长,判断这就是事实胜于雄辩。


16.解答:(1)A 名词辨析。A书,C包,根据下文Our asked to the ,可知是拿着本书。

(2)B 形容词辨析,B最好的,D最快的 get a ,故答案是B。

(3)C 形容词辨析,B低的,D大声的 boys that I ," 那些男生说我不能背下来,故答案是C。

(4)B 动词辨析,B说,D看见 boys that I ," 那些男生说我不能背下来,故答案是B。

(5)D 介词辨析,B在,D为 I want try best recite ,because boys at ,因为男孩们嘲笑我,为....用for。

(6)B 动词辨析,B得到,D遇见 may(6)the in end."应该是最后会得到奖励。

(7)C 名词辨析,B老鼠,D蛇 at snail ,故答案是C。

(8)B 名词辨析,B轮流,D地方 five six had it在五六个男孩背诵之后,故答案是B。

(9)D 动词辨析,B扩散,D失败 of boys at ,应该是认为他会失败。

(10)A 副词辨析,B曾经,D仍然 did a word.应该是甚至没丢一个字。

(11)B 名词辨析,B奖励,D价钱 teacher Tom done 老师说他完成的最好,故答案是B。

(12)A 副词辨析,B何时,D是否,应该是现在告诉我们你怎么能把这首诗背得这么好。

(13)C 名词辨析,B喊,D音乐 laugh,故答案是C。

(14)A 短语辨析,B捡起,D起床 I recited bit bit did ,应该是没有放弃。

(15)D 名词辨析,B耳语,D欢呼 was that Tom" the at 。可知教室里都是欢呼声。


(1)B.根据表格第一栏,With Kindle,你可以阅读任何东西、小说到杂志和报纸,If don"t enough to news or videos can you all them ,Pocket可以帮助您在线保存所有这些内容,本文提到了2种用来帮助读书的应用软件

(2)D.根据表格第四栏,If don"t enough to news or videos can you all them you read or them you free.You view offline,it also you the you saved.如果您没有足够的时间阅读新闻故事或观看视频,然后您可以在空闲时阅读或观看新闻故事或视频,此外。可知,故选D.

(3)C.根据表格第四栏,If want get ,you"d try is a app can you ,你最好试试RunKeeper,可以帮助你锻炼,RunKeeper可以帮助你锻炼

18.解答:(1)A.词义猜测题。根据第二段The end the axis towards sun summer.In ,when part the points from sun have days.在夏天,在冬天的,当你所在的地球部分远离太阳时。据此判断地球是绕着太阳旋转的,故选A。

(2)A.主旨大意题。根据第三段You learned winter summer.There two seasons the ,一年中还有两个季节,故选A。

(3)C.文章来源题。根据第一段When town winter earth"s is away the ,地轴远离太阳,据此判断本文可能来自科学杂志。

19.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据More than 100 million people in over 150 countries practice Taichi at present.可知。所以现在世界上有超过一亿人练太极

(2)A.细节理解题。根据If you walk through a park in the morning or in the evening,如果你在早上或晚上穿过公园,白鹤展开翅膀。故选A。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据 ,such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness.It has become a symbol of Chinese culture.可知太极承载着与自然和谐相处,已成为中国文化的象征,因为它是中国文化的象征。

(4)B.作者意图题。根据Taichi is an ancient martial art.It is a common kind of exercise in China.可知,在中国是一种常见的体育运动。故选B。

20.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据第二段His animals Dab﹣Dab,a ;Jip,a ;Gub﹣Gub,a pig Polynesia,a ,一只狗Jip,故选D。

(2)B.细节理解题。根据第三段Most didn"t all his ,so they ill went a doctor another ,所以当他们生病的时候,可知人们去另一个镇上看医生的原因是他们不喜欢杜立德先生的所有动物。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据第八段He most his also most his ,他也卖了他的衣服 agreed teach parrot ,根据倒数第四段Every ,Dr.Dolittle the of animals.可知每天杜立德医生学习动物的语言 people out was an doctor brought sick to ,他们把生病的宠物带去他那儿,故选B。

(4)C.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The was pleased.He all friends clever was they all friends.那匹马非常高兴,而且他们也告诉了他们的朋友,故选C。

(5)C.细节理解题。根据最后一段He very ,and liked life much.他非常开心,故选C。


(1)E.根据前句"In many ,rubbish thrown lakes rivers.在许多地方。"可知说的是水被污染,应说正因为如此。故选E。

(2)A.根据后句"If it not up people be ,更多的人将受到伤害,结合选项。故选A。

(3)B.根据后句" Land and pollution many every 。"可知说的是危害动物,应说和人类一样。故选B。

(4)D.根据后句"We should rubbish different ,这样可以回收再利用,结合选项。故选D。

(5)F.根据前句"We had plant trees.我们最好种更多的树,结合选项,帮助保持空气清洁。







25.解答:enjoy oneself"玩得开心"固定搭配,根据提示"他们自己"可知。










30.解答:go well with"和......相配"可以表达为match"相配"。主语jacket单数,一般现在时态。


31.解答:want to know"想知道"可以表达为wonder"想知道"。主语teacher单数,谓语动词用wonder的第三人称单数wonders。


32.解答:(1)was put.考查被动语态。句意"几个月前。"根据a few months ago"几个月之前"可知,主语high﹣tech zebra crossing"高科技斑马线"是动词短语put into use"投入使用"动作的承受者,结构是was/were+动词的过去分词,用was。故答案为:was put。

(2)first.考查序数词。句意"几个月前。"one一。the first time"首次"。


(4)to keep.考查不定式。句意"设置这种人行横道是___学生放学后过马路时的安全,to后跟动词原形keep"保持"。故答案为:to keep。





(9)had.考查动词。句意"过去。"根据In the past"在过去"可知,用have的过去式had。故答案为:had。



How to live a healthy and happy life

Hi,my dear and classmates,

With the improvement of living conditions,which includes both physical and mental health.Then how can we students live a healthy and happy life?

Firstly,but we also need to exercise in a proper way every day.【高分句型一】For example,we still need enough sleep every day.(身体健康)

Secondly,we can communicate with our parents

In a word,and then we can have a healthy and happy life every day.【高分句型二】(希望)

That"s all.Thank you!

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