
精巧而高级的深情短句 字字暖心 深刻又感动


分离,有点难,但不幸福;有点遗憾,但不哲学。因为相遇的希望令人欣慰。Separation, a little difficult, but unhappy; A little regrettable,

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Separation, a little difficult, but unhappy; A little regrettable, but not philosophical. Because the hope of meeting is comforting.


Don"t waste your time on people who don"t want to waste their time on you.


Honesty is a rare quality. Cheating means not being trusted, being fooled and feeling overdrawn. For those who have not been exposed, it means uneasiness, considering the authenticity of each time; For a liar, this will never be the last time.


Losing is like drowning, choking pain and cone pain, and then bitter despair.


I had an epiphany when I came home last night. The problem is, you love her too much. She didn"t expect you to hurt her. She hates it! How hard it feels to be hurt by someone you love the most. When she finally left you, you didn"t think you thought she loved you so much that you would lose her forever. So, you hate it! It took many years to come up with such an inductive answer. She left because she was a selfish person, but she loved you so much and was hurt so deeply by you that she would never give everything to anyone in her life. Don"t hate it. What you get is the truest and stupidest. If you are together, don"t have regrets. Put all the good things in your memory and put the bad things behind you.


When we are in a hurry for fear of losing, we are always in tears.


Draw a silent Taiwanese drama with black pencil.


I was cheated, I was cheated, I had nothing.


One day, when you walk out of the confusion of your life and look back at the sunset, those crooked and stumbling steps behind you will constitute a precious glimpse of your life rings, which will always make you feel infinitely moved and gratified and will be engraved in your heart.


So-called love is like this, no matter what you give, the reward you get is cheating and hurting. I may have been cheated all my life, so be careful from now on.

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