
冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 值得收藏


Holiday shopping crazy snow spell before, buckle from the wallet 100 pieces 舍不得的不是名字,而是人;忘不了的不是曾经,而是感情

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Holiday shopping crazy snow spell before, buckle from the wallet 100 pieces.


Reluctant is not the name, but people;Forget not once, but feelings.


You"re so busy, you can marry me sometime.


I really want to become your mobile phone: always in your hands, often hear your words, but also can take a picture of the beauty you see, always remember me in my heart.


"I couldn"t sleep last night." "Thinking about what?""I"ve been thinking about you all night"


Happiness is to grow old with you.


Indifferent and encounter, casual and line.Deeply shallow thoughts in my heart.Honor and disgrace is not surprised, idle to see the flowers bloom in front of the door, no intention to stay, diffuse with the sky outside the yunjuanyunshu.


You think I"m difficult, maybe because I hate you.


Often giddy do you know what reason is recently do not know because love makes the person giddy.


Your name is only two words, although not a sentence, but has been filled with my heart.


In fact, I have been standing behind you, but you don"t know how to turn back.


And see their own fireworks with their own to go for a ride to the weak said to break up their own travel dream.

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