
贵族女性形象 image of aristocratic woman英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 08:06:35


贵族女性形象 image of aristocratic woman英语短句 例句大全

贵族女性形象,image of aristocratic woman

1)image of aristocratic woman贵族女性形象

2)Aristocrat women贵族女性


1.Investigation on Literacy Education for Royal Noblewomen in Ancient China;对古代皇宫贵族女性文化教育的考察

2.Analysis of the Relationship between the Aristocratic Women and Political Life in Zuo Zhuan;试析《左传》中贵族女性与政治生活的关系

3.as forerunners of secular lady paintings, they had a big influence on later paintings of court ladies.他们是贵族女性风俗画的先驱,对后世仕女画创作产生了重大影响。

4.a peeress in her own right有爵位的妇女,女贵族

5.A book listing peers, peeresses, and their families.贵族名册列有男贵族、女贵族及其世系的贵族姓名录

6.A woman of noble rank.女贵族具有高贵地位的女子

7.Japanese female literature in King s Aristocratic Period--An exploration of female literature in Peaceful Time;王朝贵族时代的日本女性文学——日本平安时期女性文学之管窥

8.The Queen conferred the dignity of a peerage on him.女王授他以贵族身份。

9.An English noblewoman or gentlewoman.夫人,太太英国的女贵族或贵妇人

10.A Moslem woman of rank.王后,公主,贵妇指穆斯林贵族妇女

11.A woman of gentle or noble birth or superior social position.贵妇出身名门贵族或上流社会的妇女

12.The rank, title, or jurisdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or barony.贵族贵族或女贵族的爵位、头衔或权限;公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵

13.If a woman receives a life peerage, she becomes a "Baroness" while a female knight is known as a "Dame".如果一位女士获得了终身贵族荣誉,她就成为一名女男爵;获得骑士荣誉的女性就成为女爵士。

14.The p53~(PIN3) gene polymorphism and susceptibility to breast cancer in Guizhou Region Women贵州地区汉族妇女p53~(PIN3)基因遗传多态性与乳腺癌相关性研究

15.a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess.等级低于女公爵高于女伯爵的贵族妇女。

16.A noblewoman of varying status or rank.贵妇人位于各种位置或地位的贵族妇女

17.A woman who holds a title by association, as the wife or widow of a peer.贵族夫人或遗孀贵族的妻子或守寡贵妇等因联姻而获贵族头衔的女人

18.Study of Women"s Gender Consciousness in Ethnic Minority Areas:A Case Study of the Married Women at Child-bearing Age in Daozhen and Leishan Country of Guizhou Province少数民族地区妇女性别意识研究——以贵州道真、雷山两县已婚育龄妇女为例


Aristocrat women贵族女性

3)Noble Image贵族形象

1.TheNoble Image in the Disease State——A perspective of the literature in the pre-Qin and Hans period;疾病状态中的贵族形象——先秦两汉文学的一个透视点

4)Zhuang ethnic female image壮族女性形象

5)the Tibetan Female Images藏族女性形象

1.Analyzingthe Tibetan Female Images of the Tibetan Female Narrative Literature in the Transformational Period;转型期藏族女性叙事文学中的藏族女性形象考察

6)the aristocratic women上层贵族女性

1.From their roles and the function in society,the aristocratic women are mostly divided into three types, the role of undertaking utilitarian marriage, the role of interfering local political life, and the role of making international contradiction.在《左传》记载的社会政治生活中,男性是权力的中心,但作者并未忽略作为配角的上层贵族女性。





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