
pay after delivery用英语怎么说?



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英语“货到付款”不会说,我们用学过的英语you don't have to pay until we have delivered your goods试试

英语“货到付款”不会说,我们用学过的英语you don't have to pay until you have collected your goods试试

英语“货到付款”不会说,我们用学过的英语you don't have to pay until you have collected your delivery试试


如果让你自己写英语you don't have to pay until we have delivered your goods,相信很多人在使用“句型”not...until,使用完成时态until after we have delivered等一定会说错,会说成we deliver,这就是“不是学的问题”,是“使用能力”问题

2) 通过把上面的英语用起来,我们在Yahoo上众多的“原版英语”中慢慢“发现,筛选”,得到:

原版英语:In the Netherlands, it is legally required to provide consumers a payment option where they can pay after delivery.

So,can we say:pay after delivery?

3) 英语口语:

Okay.Got you. You don't have to pay until (after) we have delivered your goods means:You pay after delivery.


4) 继续Yahoo what is pay after delivery

What is Pay After Delivery?

1. Pay After Delivery is a payment method that we’re offering to selected customers, where you don’t pay for your item until after you’ve received it.

We pay the seller immediately, so they can send you the item straight away, but we wait for 14 days before we debit the money from your bank account. This gives you time to receive and view your item before you pay.

If the item doesn't arrive or isn't what you expected, you’ve 180 days from the transaction date to report a problem as usual. Our Buyer Protection covers you for eligible items.

2. Guaranteed 'receive first, pay later' service for Dutch consumers.

Our own 'receive first, pay later' product and is integrated in our gateway. Use one of our free plugins, the JSON API, or an existing hosted solution to connect. With our professionally

5) “货到付款”“一手交钱一手交货”的英语口语

Okay.I got you.We have many ways to say 货到付款 and 一手交钱一手交货 in English:

For example,we can say:You can pay after our delivery.We can also say:You receive first, and pay later.

Pay after delivery,or Receive first, pay later means you don’t have to pay for your item until after you’ve received it.


6) 至于有人说的You can mail your package COD

COD, or Collect/Cash on Delivery是什么意思?

它还是需要你记住这段英语:Well,COD is a special option offered by the United States Postal Service for items mailed as Express Mail, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail and most of the regular parcel services. COD is not available for international shipments or for APO/FPO addresses. When you mail a package or letter COD, the postal service will collect payment for the merchandise and the shipping directly from the recipient.

其中的英语When you mail a package or letter COD, the postal service will collect payment for the merchandise and the shipping directly from the recipient就是COD,不是中文“货到付款”“一手交钱一手交货”。

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